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Posts posted by Gasthoerer

  1. Besides that everyone's head is different (and therefore not everyone looks good with the same hairline design) the main thinking is:

    The model you are showing has almost a juvenile hairline. Bringing the temples this much forward and also have the this straight up, requires a very low hairline to not look odd. This comes with severe risks:

    1. You need much more grafts - which you might not have long term.

    2. You need very high density, cause such a juvenile hairline looks odd with low density. Which requires even more grafts and most likely several surgeries to achieve the density. 

    What you gain on the other side is not that much. With a more conservative approach you can still have great hair, many will compliment (I know that personally). Therefore the risks outweigh the benefits for 99 % of patients. 


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  2. On 12/23/2022 at 3:27 AM, stephcurry30 said:

    wow. What a great answer. 

    While it is an intersting answer, I do not think it is a great answer, as it is a simplification. And with all due respect it is also partly advertising - similiar to the "manual FUE is the best" comments from some clinics.

    The truth is: Even in heart surgery, large part of the surgery are done by the team inlcuding opening and closing of the "chest" etc. Now, is it debatable, which part of the surgery can or should be outsourced? Yes, of course. Does the experience of the techs play a mojor role, and should we know their experience better? Yes, of course. But especially for larger surgeries a doc only approach IMO also has limitations. 

  3. There is unfortunately nth to add then all the experienced users mentioned before.

    Literally ALL (!) is wrong here:

    - Patient to young

    - Strip for 550 grafts

    - Hairline design poor

    - angulation wrong

    - depth wrong

    - Poor selection of grafts

    This is not a "poor result" which any clinic has, this is fraud and a botch job. I almost never give an advice to sue a clinic: this case is one of the few which deserves more than a refund. 

    The only light at the end of the tunnel I see is, with the right clinic this can be rectified as the hairloss seems not too extrem. But it will take 2-3 procedures and cost a fortune. I advice to look of some of the latest Feriduni repairs in here. 

    • Like 1
  4. Leaving all the politics of the HT industry aside my opinion is and has been for a long time (please check my posting history):

    - I would not recommend Diep to anyone and therefore would remove him from the list


    - I do not even take into account the "rumors" of too many poor results, cause this "statistics" are heaviliy flawed/subjective and cannot be trusted unfortunately

    - I also do not take into account " accusation" of poor strip scars as I did not research enough results to have an opinon

    - I also do not take "putting patient to sleep" or other discussions into acount as I have not formed an opinion yet

    - My opinion is purely based on the technique used not being state of the art in the industry: (missing) hairline micro-irregularities (which I stated several times), poor donor management (size of punch, extraction pattern). Plus I also think hairline marko design is often poor, granting this is partly subjective. 



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  5. Congratulation on your latest surgery. I think the design has been done very wisely considering your status. Punching out some grafts in the corners shows how focused on the detail the clinics is/was. 

    Now, all you can do is being patient. The hardest part for everyone.

    Of course, there are poor results from H&W, like form any (!) clinic in the world, but you have done your research and need to trust the process. Does not make sense to go through poor results of H&W

  6. 1 hour ago, Der3k7 said:

    Saw this guys result from hasson. This would be a great result I feel like is in within possibility for me if you look at where my hairline is and if it just gets reinforced well 

    Honestly, I agree with @shiba1985. Comparing yourself with literally the best result in the entire internet (aka the GOAT) is a path to disappointment at best. 

    Achieving this density alone is very challenging (@Aftermath, required 3-4 transplants on the hairline if I remember correctly). Such an aggressive hairline, especially this dense, needs great density all over to look natural. You probably do not have the grafts left to achieve this even when the next surgeries are a success. Sorry, for being this open. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. Remember you case with ASMED. Pretty long thread.

    Are you going for shaved (which I would recommend as you do not have many options left) or unshaven recipient? Very good decision just to reinforce and not lower the hairline further.

    I would even recommend to only do the hairline now and the crown later. You do not have many bullets left. better to be safe than sorry. Even though I know that everyone wants it all over with. 

  8. Like I said, you have to trust the process now, educate yourself and evaluate the next steps.

    Looking at your status, the number of grafts is not sufficient for your loss, and you will require further treatment in the future anyway (if you are not a great over-achiever on FIN).

    Honestly, if the used less grafts than told, this would be a good thing: You would have saved more for the future. 

    • Like 2
  9. No most difficult time has stared now: After the procedure.

    My opinion is:

    - We cannot give advice regarding the procedure as the pics are not good enough and important pics are missing (before/after, donor, different angles).

    - There is nth you can do know but trust the process

    In the meantime educate yourself and learn from others who shared their experience in here. 

    - Clinic does not deserve a 5-star rating (especially not at this time) and you should never rely on such ratings

    - Give FIN a try and see what happens, there is no other way to find out. Bottom line: If you overthink, it will increase the risk

    - All the other stuff including stemcell etc. is snake oil



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  10. I am sorry, that you have to go through this. Even though I see your case I little more ambiguous than you (which is of course normal). 

    1. You are a poor HT candidate from begin with (high NW, mediocre hair to skin characteristic, mediocre hair diameter, skin disease)

    2. You had poor growth from several transplants from different clinics and different methods. 

    Without medication the HLC maybe should not have made a transplant performed to on you or should have stopped after their 1st. 

    Maybe the thought the same as I did:

    - The damage was already done (by the earlier transplants), therefore: why not be more aggressive?

    To give a perspective: 

    1. I think you will look better and more natural than before your HLC journey when this is said done and you optimize your hair style.

    2. The extraction looks clean and nicely patterned after both procedures. 

    3. Also the recipient looks clean.

    4. Even though the growth is not a homerun, and the recipient looks affected it is not a botch job for me. 

    I cannot comment to the poor communication of the clinic as this is highly subjective, therefore I see the following points: 

    1. HLC might have stopped after 1st procedure (see possible explanation above why they thought to go ahead). 

    2. They might have spread the second extractions more across the donor. More pics are required to evaluate if your status (NW, skin disease) limited the extraction zones.

    3. In one of the pics the donor (on the right side) looks infected or inflamed. This could trigger shock loss. Please visit a specialist and have this checked. 

    4. Think about medication. 

    5. Optimize your hairstyle/length. 

    6. From pure mathematical point of view, the donor has to get better over time not worse (even though shock loss can make it worse temporarily) as some of the hairs in resting phase come back. If after 8 month it is still worse, than there is some underlying thing going on. 

    All the best and I hope you will find a good solution/peace. 



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  11. 23 hours ago, JoselitoElGallo said:

    Obviously the hands is the most important but you can not deny the differences on the differents procedures

    Yes, hands are more important. And of course there are differences in the procedures, but do the lead to a different result? I am not sure and I see no evidence. 

    If I have to give a recommendation the mine is: implanter pen (without additional slits) for temples and in between existing hairs. Slits for the other procedures.  

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