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Everything posted by akdjrd

  1. Hi mjht I think you are at 8 month mark. How does your progress look like? Are you happy with HT? Could you share your updates and pictures?
  2. Hi Vega, How is your progress coming along? I think you are on the 10 month mark. Do you see significant progress? Could you update with progress and pictures?
  3. Hi Red24, How is your progress coming along? Could you share your progress and pictures?
  4. Hi alex2015, I think you are on 10 month mark now? How is your progress coming along? Could you share your updates and pictures?
  5. Hi starscream, How does your 4 month update looking? Are you seeing any growth? Could you update your pictures ?
  6. Hi Param, How is your growth coming along? I think you are on the 6 month mark. Can you please share your picture?
  7. Any update? Would like to see if the redness is still there or gone? How about the progress?
  8. Could you post updated picture? Would like to see your progress.
  9. I know Dr Bhatti get's you good results but I have questions on the density too? Any specific reason why grafts are not as densely packed as some of the other coalition member doctor does? Also, I have seen at the hairline is generally not that soft? But overall, his transaction rate is good. Any senior memners would like to comment on this? Thank you!
  10. I have seen his results on his website.......I feel they are absolutely brilliant, which of course come with premium. I believe that's the premium you pay for the finesse!
  11. Looks good. I still see the redness though. I thought redness feds away in a month. Can you put pictures pre-op and post-op and more pictures on one month mark.
  12. Hi dragonfly2014, Looked at your old thread and new pictures. In old thread growth was looking normal but I agree with you in the current pictures, you have been loosing grafts. Sorry about that. I am sure Dr Bhatti will be able to help you on this and may be reason out about the outcome. I know that results differ from person to person, but I have seen consistent quality results from Dr Bhatti on this forum. Let us see, what Dr Bhatti has to say in this.
  13. I agree, more density would have been good. But compared to original pictures there is definitely a progress. I know that there are 4 more months, where you can see some development. But my question is, in your case, if lack of high density is because of low yield rate or because of low number of grafts on large surface?
  14. Yes, we would like see how the progress is going. I have my appointment scheduled in December. Please share few pictures.
  15. Yes, I wanted to see progress week over week after 1 month. As i have scheduled my appointment with Dr. Bhatti in December with 1 month leave. I am concerned about returning back to work. As in lot of cases I have seen red marks at the recipient area. I know results vary case by case but just want to envision how my hairline will possibly look week by week? Also, how was your experience post 1 month mark? Did anyone notice about your change or specifically were you able go in public without covering hairline?
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