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Everything posted by azakdan2682

  1. Yeah it's a tough decision, I haven't planned to get out, military has been good for me, it's very steady and great experiences. I would like to be able to just do it while in, going in between assignments wld be my best bet and the first 6 months wld be that kind of strange period where my head wld looks kind of weird I wld magne. I can't tell that you had a transplant at this point, I can see the outline of where your hairline will be, but as a bystander wld not think you wld have had with work done, which is a good thing. I will see how it pans out and quite interested in your progress as the skin/complexion and hair loss is quite similar. Currently have my hair grown out, so it isn't noticeable how receded I am, but get some wind on it it start sweating and it looks quite bad. I've tried the shave head look for a bit and it did not work for me really at all, I hated it, had lot of negative responses.
  2. Is this pretty normal? Once you start going down the path, likely have to get a few more to catch up to new balding or fix everything ? I read about it here n there, but wondering if it is a coomon thing.
  3. Hate to break it to you, but appearance matters as you get older as well. I'm just about to turn 35 and it certainly still matters. Now I'm not way older than you but I thought once I was in my early 30s, women would care more about the complete package, but looks are still very high on the list. Sucks that balding detoriates looks soo much.
  4. Seems best to do it between jobs, that way when you first come in they see you as bald, buzz weird looking head guy and then after 8 months or so you turn into a dashing prince and everyone forgot a the old look.
  5. Seeing all the testimonies on here I'm sure you will have an outstanding result, always seem to start noticing around 6 months. How was the first month? Do you think it is possible to go back to work without much notice after 3 weeks (besides buzz cut)? I ask because I am in the military, wondering if it is a bad idea to do while still in ?
  6. Does seem like a fishy report. 1 post, no replies back. Dr. Diep has a good track record on here, seems like it could be a troll post.
  7. I'm guessing because of the redness and scarring and ppl likely want to monitor growth. I wondering if shaving it during the first year would effect how it turned out if you never let your hair grown and breathe.
  8. I get you but when your appearance litterally affects the way people treat you than how you feel has nothing to do with your self-image. If people didnt degrade and insult you on a consistant basis and you still felt bad about your self-image than you may have an unhealthy self image. If people do actually insult you and degrade you because of your looks, than your image is lined up with reality and therefore healthy. I don't see why fixing your appearance to be treaty better is considered a bad thing.
  9. Looks stupid good, hair is better than most natural guys hair.
  10. Hair loss has been the bane of my existence. I remember when I was 17 and first started receding, started getting comments in HS about it. I got on propecia at 19 and held it for a good for a decade, but it's still been slowly going. It has always been on my mind, made me less attractive, less desirable, get treated worse as if I am less of a person. I was already cursed with being a short man, this was just an insult to injury. I was considered to be decent looking despite the hair loss until about 30, then it just had gotten too bad, forehead is too big, I get treated like dirt in all aspects of life. Finally at a point where I can afford a transplant and likely will do it. Don't feel like just laying down and rotting yet. With already being short, hair loss had impeaded my ability to get in a long term relationship. I'm very fit, have a good career, have a masters degree, am a pilot, have good hobbies, but my looks stop any chance of getting a woman. Not only that, but people tend to not want to be seen with me in public, avoid me, treat me like a leper. I've had countless insults about my hair and height that I just don't care anymore.
  11. I'm assuming your hair in the back was always bald? Any changes to the any other areas since surgery ?
  12. I'm following this, very interested. I am the same age, same hair color - complexion, similar loss and been very much considering Dr. Diep. All the cars I've seen I'm sure you will have amazing results. Update often please.
  13. Looking great and I'll be following, I'm very much considering getting an HT done with him. How far in adavance did you have to book the surgery ?
  14. Maybe I am just seeing this in delusion, but is there still redness right at the hairline?
  15. I just read through your first procedure(s), I never realized your started from a NW6 and did not take meds ever. Interesting case that you have had that great of a result with such advance loss. I am about a NW3 maybe 3.5 with some slight thinning in the crown as well, so it gives me some hope that you were able to basically FUE your whole head with transplanted hair. I have been on propecia since 19 (currently 34), so it has kept most of my hair, yet it slowly, very slowly goes. I figure if I get around 3,000-3,500 grafts in the front my hair will be looking great, but may have to do something do the crown in the future. I plan on going with DIEP as well. Do you believe that getting FUE makes it impossible to shave your head if you have to in the future? To many scars..etc. I tried shaving my head down for nearly 6 months and I hated it! I decided to grow it back, despite the terrible hairline and started to consider HT within the last 2 years, I guess I always wanted the option if need be to shave it.
  16. Can you give me insight to the cost of the deposit, if can't discuss can you PM me or give me a ballpark answer like under 200$.. Thanks.
  17. Why could you not shave it? Do you work in sales or something? There are not many career fields that require a certain haircut, but understand how it can draw a lot of unwanted attention. Are you using Topik to cover up the back? I am positive in a few months you will have amazing results.
  18. For the Diep patients is there a required deposit to get a procedure scheduled? I am looking to do one between an assignment (about a month between) but it could change. Is there any penalities financially for canceling a surgery?
  19. How long of a waiting list do these surgeons typically have. I would consider Europe if it substantially better, how are the cost comparisons?
  20. Well my thoughts are if a HT can give me hair for another 15 ish years, it will be worth it. At that time I will be nearly 50 and having a buzz down #1 hair won't be as much of an issue. Of course I say that now, I though at 20 by 30 hairloss would not bother me. But I also am still not married and not ready to look a decade or more than my current age.
  21. I cant figure out exactly what you are upset about. The pics that you have provided look great, its seems as if you are hiding that you had a good result. I am not sure if you are mad at yourself for going through a cosmetic surgery vrs accepting fate? All in all it seems like you are blowing things way out of propotion and maybe addicted to attention and feeling sorry for yourself. Your hair looks great from what I can see.
  22. Yeah it's a little scary about that part of it, always a fear that it won't grow back. Planning to only go with top surgeons. My biggest worry is redness aside from shock less. I want to make sure I still look professional as I am in the military. I suppose I could say I had scalp inflammation or something if it still red in early stages.
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