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Posts posted by Dutchie

  1. Youre the one who suggest he compare with garageguy, who had great results after 1 month just like all other doctor fronters, how realistic is that? Read it, he has INVISIBLE hair that will not even show up in a photo, after 5 months, possibly the same now after SEVEN months how much more proof of failure do you need? Do i really need to post the 1 month photo of doctor fronter garageman to show how ridiculous your claim was? Dont make a mockery of the poor mans situation, he is screwed and need to do something drastic instead of sit there and wait for nothing.


    The probability that he can have a good result is now the same as growing wings

    Some people have really late growth spurts around the 9th month, which means he's still got 2 whole months left. If nothing happens around month 9 or 10 then he should start accepting its perhaps a failed HT

  2. Edit: Just read Dutchies link YIKES!! using mini grafts on an 18 year old and doing a scalp reduction, you'd have to be insane to consider this doctor

    I think that was in the 1990's when many doctors were still doing scalp reductions and hair flaps.


    I dont think he does them anymore. If he does do them he should be in jail for malpractice

  3. Dutchie that is a legitimate concern. Why are you even considering it? Have you seen any good result from PRP only? If so can you please show me?

    I was thinking about trying it on my crown, that way if it works I dont have to waste any hair grafts there and can use more grafts on my front- and midscalp.


    If you enter HAIR and PRP in the youtube search function you can see some decent results, but those are probably the best outcomes and the poor results they dont show you.


    There's also this: https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=883&q=prp+hair&oq=prp+hair&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1687.3348.0.3459.


    I'm just wondering if I only try it on my crown it shouldnt cause shock loss on midscalp because thats not where the PRP injection goes. Then again, who knows

  4. I would strongly advice people against PRP.


    It is a temporary measure with the risk of very bad shedding, some on another hairsite saying they never regrew back the shed.


    Towards the end of May I was five and a half months into my hair transplant, everything going really well and my doctor gave me PRP.

    I start shedding within a week, and shed up to 12 weeks and shed a considerable amount of hair.

    I'm now at an anxious wait hoping the hair grows back. As of now I feel my transplant is ruined. I think I may have suffered either shockloss from trauma or perhaps it was just regular shedding from a new treatment.


    In my opinion it is not worth it. You may get a temporary improvement risking shockloss or shedding, and an anxious wait hoping the shed grows back. Even if my hair grows back, I will never do PRP again. Not worth the anxiety

    Couple of questions please:


    1. How long after your transplant did you get the PRP??

    2. Where on your scalp did you receive PRP (crown, midscalp, front scalp or everywhere)??

    3. How many months/years did you get your HT?

    4. Has any shock loss hair grown back yet??

  5. Thanks Dutchie,


    I have couple of questions here:


    Does this look like all 3800 grafts sprouted? if not what could be the possible reason for this as I thought if good quality donor hair are transplanted it should grow

    I'm not an expert or anything, but that doesnt even look like its close 3,800 grafts.

    If I were you I would see if you can get some type of partial refund or discount on your 2nd surgery. But be polite, dont get mad at the clinic, because that will get you nowhere



    Also,What you think is a good time to make a decision about second transplant, I am guessing 12-13 months? your thoughts? I have send photographs to the doctor and waiting for his reply

    12 months should be sufficient

  6. Here's direct link for his 9-months: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/vik757/albums/4840





    You still have 3 to 9 months of growing left, but I admit it doesnt look very good right now.

    Whats even weirder you seem to not have good growth on your frontal scalp, and thats usually where most people get their initial growth spurt (and the crown usually comes last). Its like you've gone in reverse.


    I'm not ready to call yours a failed HT just yet, but one thing I learned about this site there seems to be at least one failed transplant for every 3 or 4 successful ones

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