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Posts posted by Dutchie

  1. Hi Dutchie,


    Just saw your PM. Sorry for the delay!


    Waves! I like that. Basically saying the same thing as "spurts."


    The exact number is a good question. I don't think it would be standardized for each patient, but I agree with the idea that it comes in waves or spurts like this. If I had to break it down, I would say there is probably 2 big "popping" spurts between months 3-5 and then another around 7-9. And then a maturation spurt around month 6-7 and then one around month 9-12. But this is going to be very patient dependent. I think the important thing to remember is that it does come in spurts. So don't be worried if you aren't seeing linear popping, growth, and maturation like you mentioned above.


    Hope this is what you were looking for!

    Yes, thanks for answering. Thats exactly the way it seems to be going with me.


    One major spurt around month 3 to 4. But I'm now at month 6 almost and it seems to have completely stopped popping, but the maturing is still happening. So hopefully I still have 2 more major spurts to come.


    So to summarize: 3 major popping spurts. And 2 major maturation spurts

  2. The overall growth does seem to come in spurts

    Dr. Bernstein also says the growth comes in waves, and not linear.


    Watch video at 1:20:


    My question to you dr. Bloxham, do you know approximately how many waves the average person has before the transplant is finished growing after 18 months??


    I'm not asking for an exact number, and it probably differs for every person, I just wanted to know if you could give us a ballpark figure or a numerical range of waves.


    Thanks in advance

  3. So I decided to take this picture in my hotel washroom in Jamaica. The lightening is quite strong, but looking at my 8 months restults has really freaked me out . Not to happy .

    Iam really my nxt surgery with potential dr hasson is able to turn things around . Really upset :(

    Don, are you the same guy in Toronto who called me on the phone a few weeks ago??


    If so, call me again. Same number. Lets talk.

    I dont want you to freak out. It appears something may have gone wrong.


    Trust me. Its probably fixable.

    Call me when you have the chance

  4. Not sure why my last post was not approved because of trigger words, so here is a revised version.


    I'm at 5-month now. As you can see I've grown quite a bit more hair.

    I'm also not getting any of the anxiety others have reported, if anything I'm getting happier and happier with the result. I can almost see and feel my hair getting a bit thicker each day.


    Click on link for larger pic: http://i.share.pho.to/c9309452_o.jpeg











    I have also changed my status from NW6 to Norwood 5v because I think I'm closer to a 5v than a 6





  5. Rooney definitely where concealer there no questioning it. Other famous people that wear concealer are.

    John McCarthy MMA and UFC ref.

    Steven Segal Actor

    John Taffer from Bar Rescue.

    Jon Cryer actor.

    John Travolta (along with wig) actor.

    Jason Gardiner singer

    Your ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi wears concealer as well. Gotta look good for those bunga-bunga parties :D


    I dont understand why he doesnt get a good HT though, I would think he has enough donor hair






  6. I have seen lots of celebrities with some work done but they tend to deny the fact. People get caps for their teeth, nose jobs or some kind of augmentation to improve their looks but if it's hair...oh no! There's something wrong with that guy..."he's vain and he should just embrace it like a real man and be secure with his baldness" is the usual response

    Whenever I hear some guys say that I quietly wish they too would go bald so they can experience what its like. My guess is they'll suddenly change their tune when the hair starts falling out and run to the nearest HT clinic

  7. At 4 months, you still have worlds of time to continue "popping." And yes, the overall growth does seem to come in spurts. So you're good!


    Happy growing



    Just for reference, first 2 pics below were pre-op









    And this pic was taken yesterday (exactly 4 months and 3 weeks after surgery)




    I'm already happy with my result up to now. Of course I want more hair though, but so far so good

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