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Posts posted by Dutchie

  1. It's looking good Dutchie...big difference


    H&W have said they could get 4000+ grafts for me but the fut scar is a concern

    Rashid, I would jump on that plane first thing you get the chance and get that HT at Hasson & Wong's.

    Maybe even ask Christine to put you on a standby list??


    You only have 1 life and only so much time. I wouldnt worry about that FUT scar, mine is very minimal.


    Also when H&W says they can only get 4,000 they are being very conservative and dont ewanna disappoint you. With me they estimated 3,500 grafts or so, but wound up getting 4,200.


    My guess is they can probably get close to 5,000 with you, but they're not gonna tell you this so not to raise false hope

  2. The Vancouver streets are littered with bodies from patients who died from hair transplants. It just so happens that most those corpses were found near Hasson & Wong's offices.


    Coincidence, I think not.


    I cant prove anything right now, but the evidence is clearly pointing towards H&W.


    This post might be deleted soon because I fear the mods on this site are in on the whole thing.


    You've been warned

  3. Okay, so here is month-3 update. I already have quite a few hairs coming through.


    I also tried to take a pic of my FUT scar, except I can barely find it






    I think I got at least another 3,000 FUE grafts in the bank.

    I got good lateral humps, good nape hair and virtually no retrograde alopecia





    Compare last month vs this month.


    Month 2:






    Month 3:



  4. Didn't have anyone at my office to take the pic so I used a selfie stick. Not an easy task lol.





    You are one of the worst candidates I have ever seen.

    You have almost no donor hair.......


































    ....nah, I'm just messing with ya. You have an incredible amount of donor hair based on those pics alone. I would say you're gonna have a phenomenal result if you pick the right doctor

  5. If I ever make a thread inquiring about armpit hair or pubic hair or butt hair, I would like for you to refer to this comment so I can pay someone to slap me in the face. I've often said some hair is better than no hair, I change my mind no hair is better than any armpit hair, pube hair or butthole hair. What woul you use for conditioner preparation H?

    I was just thinking about this thread in my car on way home.


    Imagine being a technician and having to remove the butthole hair from some patient. And then having to clean those butthole grafts and insert them on the patients head??! lmao.gif


    When I thought about I broke into hysterical laughter. Car next to me thought I had gone crazy :D :D

  6. You'll need to post a better pic of your rearhead, but my hunch is you're an excellent candidate for a transplant.


    You should be happy too because Dr. Hasson said he has to turn away approximately 10% of all people who walk into his office, and there's very little those people can do other then perhaps get a hair system or wig.


    Also if you're not on finasteride and/or minoxidil go on it right away, it will let you keep what you got for a very long time

  7. Dutchie, if I recall, almost went to a no-name then quickly pivoted. There's countless others

    I wouldnt go as far to say that Dr. Jones is a no-name, but he's definitely not top of the line either.

    For me the difference was Hasson & Wong's before/after pics. Compare the two:









    Dr. Jones before/after pics: https://www.drrobertjones.com/before-after-2/


    And you tell me, who has consistently the better results??

    I didnt like cancelling dr. Jones though, he's a heck of a nice guy plus I think he does do decent work, just not topnotch work


    But remember, you are changing your appearance permanently for the rest of your life.

    Do you want an okay job, or do you want a great job??


    I personally want THE BEST hair transplant in the world, and I'm willing to pay for it plus I'm willing to travel the 4 corners of the world for it

  8. OK what I have learned so far.


    1) The overall consensus is avoid Bosly

    2) Dr Epstein is their highest ranked Bosley Dr so I may get a decent result

    3) Don't pick a Dr based on location.

    4) Dr Cooley in Charlotte has a good reputation.

    5) I'm getting a good feeling I picked the right forum

    6) Listen to your gut feeling.



    How did I do?

    You're doing excellent.


    With Bosley you are playing Russian roulette. You might get a decent result but you most likely wont be shouting off the rooftops how happy you are with your HT by this time next year.


    Go to reputable doctor and the likelihood of getting a really good HT is well over 80% I'd say. Perhaps even higher with the top docs.



    EDIT: a result similar to this is what I envision you will get at Bosley. This poor guy got 6,000 hairs and it looks like total crap









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