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Posts posted by Dutchie

  1. There's a bunch of threads on this:






    I too would rather not shave, but you have to do a cost/benefit analysis and ask yourself, is it worth it to spend rest of your life looking ugly because you thought it was worth it NOT to shave?? Or would you rather spend 3 months growing your hair back after you shaved??


    There's a reason why most (reputable doctors) shave, and thats because they get the best results!!

  2. If I ever make a thread inquiring about armpit hair or pubic hair or butt hair, I would like for you to refer to this comment so I can pay someone to slap me in the face. I've often said some hair is better than no hair, I change my mind no hair is better than any armpit hair, pube hair or butthole hair. What woul you use for conditioner preparation H?

    I hear ya, bro. This post in that thread had me in stitches :D


    Respectfully, it's not an improvement. Before he looked bald. Now he looks strange. And that's because he's got armpit hair on his head. Pause a moment and consider that in isolation: he has armpit hair on his head.


    Of course, my aim is not to insult anyone, but I think honest assessments have to take precedence

    I too dont mean to mock someones MPB misery, but come on....armpit hair??!


    I wonder if he now has to put deodorant on his head every day :D

  3. I'm in contact with the Colorado Medical Board with another victim, the BBB has offered me arbitration. The medical board seems to be taking this very serious

    Did you contact any TV stations or newspapers??


    Why not go for a shotgun approach, use every weapon you have at your disposal and try to inform the public who these butchers are. Who knows, you might even save a few lives

  4. Wow, that almost looks like a full head of hair again.


    I read somewhere too that redheads have the lowest density of all the hair colours, so thats even more amazing. Although you could argue he's not a full redhead, more chestnut or whatever


    Hair - New World Encyclopedia


    Average number of head hairs (Caucasian) (Stevens 2007)


    Blonde 146,000


    Black 110,000


    Brown 100,000


    Red 86,000

  5. I figured out a cheap, easy way to do this at home. You will need:


    1. Microscope calibrator which 1,000 microns in length: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/400511514005?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

    2. Microscope app downloaded on your smartphone. I got the Cozy magnifier from Samsung Android.

    3. A standard ruler


    You then pluck a few hairs from your scalp that are away from the miniaturization area.

    You place one hair on the microscope calibration slide. You take a pic, and you save it on your computer.


    You then blow up the pic a bit until it looks like this:






    You then place a ruler over the image. measure how long the calibration area is in millimeters.

    Then you measure how wide the hair diameter is in mm.


    My calibration slide was 14.5 mm long. My hair diameter was 1mm wide.


    If 14.5mm = 1,000 microns, then 1 mm = 68.9 microns. Or pretty close to it.

    This tells me my hair is approximately 69 microns in diameter


    And viola, I did it all myself :)

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