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Everything posted by Speegs

  1. Rassman did a good job with Jon Gosselin of TLC's "Jon & Kate + 8", he restored his face framing which makes all other thinning a heck of a lot easier to deal with. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif[/img]fficial%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=eUY7SvOIMqW8tAPvxbj3Cg"]http://images.google.com/imgre...Y7SvOIMqW8tAPvxbj3Cg
  2. With the exchange rate that really isn't any different depending on the dollar. Edit: Oh wait, sorry only looked at price and not grafts.
  3. If they want to be competitive they either need to keep it at a flat rate of four bucks a graft or offer discounts for procedures over 2000 grafts. Its my opinion that a surgery that is at least 2,500 shouldn't exceed the price tag of 10K and even then I wish it were more affordable.
  4. Are you younger than 25? Then no transplants for you, keep an eye on your hereditary, take pictures every sixth months and consider finasteride. Other than that its wait and see.
  5. I don't gel but I have extremely oily skin and thus have to wash daily and since i frequently wear a hat it probably does keep alot of my shedding clinging to my hair until shower time. Still i just hate seeing that much hair in the shower, most of it looks healthy which either means its normal cyclical shedding or my hairloss is about to start miniaturizing beyond my frontal forelock.
  6. Bueller? Anybody? Anybody?
  7. You don't need to wait until 30 but i would personally hold off until 25 to really gauge your response to propecia and get a more accurate assessment of your pattern, if its severe already you can proceed but if it is gradual and moderate I'd wait until 25 to pull the trigger. Its my opinion that FUE is overrated, over priced and ultimately over sold on its capabilities. In the year 2009 strip surgery remains the most aesthetically consistent and financially viable solution for someone to consider, but in 2011 when you are 25 that may be different.
  8. How much hair shedding do you guys experience in the shower on average? Do you experience seasons of the year where you shed a more noticable number when you lather up your head? I've been pretty anal as of late and have actually counted my hair loss in the shower, most of the hairs are not miniaturized so I'm hoping they represent natural shed cycles and not male pattern baldness. It has been as low as 60 and as high as 100 on given days, hard to guage what is natural shedding and what is going to be effected by MPB. Today i got back from a camping trip that hadn't allowed me to wash my hair in three days and i shed 180 hairs in the shower, hopefully that's just accumulated shedding from not having been washed in 72 hours but it is a disconcerting sight just the same.
  9. How much hair shedding do you guys experience in the shower on average? Do you experience seasons of the year where you shed a more noticable number when you lather up your head? I've been pretty anal as of late and have actually counted my hair loss in the shower, most of the hairs are not miniaturized so I'm hoping they represent natural shed cycles and not male pattern baldness. It has been as low as 60 and as high as 100 on given days, hard to guage what is natural shedding and what is going to be effected by MPB. Today i got back from a camping trip that hadn't allowed me to wash my hair in three days and i shed 180 hairs in the shower, hopefully that's just accumulated shedding from not having been washed in 72 hours but it is a disconcerting sight just the same.
  10. 4 dollars so he's definitely the best priced of the American based surgeons that do good hairlines and megasessions. I'm unclear if he compensates with a travel stipend however, getting 2500 grafts from him would be 10,000. The same amount would be 11,000 with Hasson and Wong altohugh they do pay for air travel and two nights hotel stay. Rahal is slightly cheaper (maybe 10,000 for 3,000 grafts) than Alexander but so dang far and I don;t know about travel discounts,i personally prefer Alexander's moderate aggressiveness as opposed to full fledged aggressiveness. I think Alexander's hairlines look the most age appropriate but still are aggressive enough to make a dramatic cosmetic difference without over doing it. If I go with an American doctor it will in all likelihood be Alexander.
  11. the patient was kind of goofy, probably had done no research and may have even had the procedure payed for by MTV, so he probably just blindly trusted the physician and circumstances and waltzed in and out of the doctor consult without asking any hard questions, all he wanted to hear was that he'd have a hairline. Either that or editing made it appear he was freaking out when he was actually just lamenting the shedding.
  12. So does that mean you have a hairline? Like it? Can i see it?
  13. Yes I've seen those pics, I just want some more feedback and if any additional pictures exist, those not showcased would be helpful.
  14. Hair cloning is inevitable but its going to be so expensive only the rich and famous will be able to have it done.
  15. Keep in mind that alot of younger men are shy about showing so in public, particularly intimate settings such as gyms where their non follicularly challenged peers will unintentionally taunt them with their flowing mains.
  16. Personally, as man in the same age bracket and hair loss boat you are, FUE is an inappropriate consideration for the likes of you and me. Its overrated, over priced, higher graft survival risk and damage to donor area is more likely. Some top doctors do it, they are good doctors by reputation, but it doesn't mean FUE is the best choice for a surgery. What you must do without exception is find a doctor who custom cuts his or her blades, blades and not needles, it makes for better hairline which is the biggest aesthetic battle and achievement you want and will allow for you to achieve in one surgery what might have taken two otherwise. It can be done the other way but it is an older technique, not terrible to the eye but not the best that can be done, and the custom blades permit a density packing that can't be achieved otherwise. 40cm2 is what literature says but unless your natural hair is that density then it will look thin and require a second round, the custom needles allow for a 60 hair cm2 to be considered and a much more fulfilling density in a single round. It took me lots of research to determine it, talk to ten doctor and chew on their advice be fore you even consider committing to one.
  17. I'd like to see any additional patient photos other than those he has provided, seems to be impressive hairline work done by the guy and probably the most reasonable graft price for his practice in all of the USA. I would like to hear from those here that have been patients of his and see what he did for them.
  18. I did some research and those bumbs are known as "cobblestoning" and they are scars caused by not placing hte grafts deep enough, it will require repair work if you decide you can't live with it. I'm sorry to inform you of that.
  19. Looks good when you keep it short, has the believabilty of near total density, when you grew it out medium the density illusion suffered slightly but the short hair looked tremendous.
  20. His customer service certainly needs an upgrade, i applied for an on-line consultation over a week ago and didn't get one after being told to email questions and pictures. I called the clinic and left a message and haven't been called back or emailed so I've pretty much lost interest.
  21. Lasers to regrow hair? Typically the device is peddled hard by Bosley and Hairclub, so take that for what its worth, even if it does something REMOTE, what aesthetic difference is gained by remoteness? Inorder to be worthy investment it must have dramatic and tangible benefit in my opinion. Thus finasteride I use, rogaine I do not, a good hair transplant with a top doctor I am considering and a hair mill with laser therapy i am not.
  22. It just needs to be understood that hair restoration mitigates the effects of Male Pattern Baldness and does not banish them, it masks some of the damage, but for crying out loud even someone who manages to create the illusion of a full unblemished head of hair it wasn't without a cost. Monetary and scar wise. Hair transplantation is a medical marvel, but not a medical cure.
  23. Depends I guess, the Apostle Paul, Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare, John Adams, Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Darwin, Dwight Eisenhower and Robert Oppenheimer might all want to have a word with you however.
  24. There a ton of crappy doctors who have ISHRS certificates, check their list, freakin' Dr. Bosley and about half a dozen MHR breakaways are "certified" by them.
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