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Everything posted by Speegs

  1. I know it's normal to shed them friend, just wonder if some came out too early.
  2. Dr. Alexander's instructions say that in days 3-10 to put neosporin on grafts and shower normally, gently rub out neosporin with soap and water, grafts can be exposed in shower. So obviously moderate rubbing and touching is permissible by day 3 according to the doctor. Just after reading shedding times on here I got nervous about dropping a handful with the scabs, i discerned no bleeding.
  3. It's been three days since my transplant and I rubbed neosporin on the grafts and showered as told, i shed lots of scabs and 10 or so hairs. Doc's instructions said that is normal but it feels weird, give me a boost of confidence fellas, it is normal, right? Hairs came out with scabs after rubbing with neosporin and showering, i just pray I didn't dislodge anything that wasn't supposed to be, forgive my second guessing, par for the course. I'm assuming 72 hours after transplant that the hair can be shed without problem as the grafts are in.
  4. The most affordable and GOOD for what they do are Alexander and Konior. Feller and Hasson and Wong are more expensive, good too but in my opinion not any better than Alexander and Konior. Alexander is 4 bucks a graft, konior charges on a scale of volume. 10k for 2500 grafts with Alexander, 11k for 2500 grafts with Konior 13k for 2500 grafts with Hasson or Wong, Feller would cost about 12k.
  5. I hope you're not a betting man because you'd be in the poor house, lol. Out of all the people on your list only Jude Law and Clooney are above suspicion.
  6. Damon yes, i've seen the scar a tthe back of his head when I was on the set of True Grit recently. Clooney I think is just blessed with good hair.
  7. If you stay in Chicago it will be Konior or bust, if you go out of state Alexander, Feller and Hasson & Wong should top your list, a very short list at that.
  8. Alexander is the most accomplished on your list.
  9. Recipient area is minorly sore in forehead below grafts, feel a slight tenderness when you make eye brow expressions, nothing more.
  10. Do not pick, the body will shed them in due course, gently dab them with a wash cloth in the shower, be gentle.
  11. Hou, I looked in Houston too and am thoroughly uncomfortable with Puig. He's a former MHR guy, employs MHR type sales people, is way too conservative in his estimates, disparages the modern densities and still practices the butcherous flaps on certain repair cases. If you consult with the guy you'll actually see his happy go lucky but too used car salesman like consultant who has a mediocre transplant himself. IF Puig is even in the office you'll see him and he possesses statue of liberty style hair plugs. Please reconsider this recommendation and to be frank you may want to reconsider anyone who has recommended him to you as they have pointed you to a man that is in the middle of the pack at best in terms of his skill and results and one that in the past has practiced invasive and unnatural procedures. Going to Puig is like out sourcing a Bosley/ MHR visit, they are one in the same in terms of methodology, price and result. And frighteningly enough their sales guy will blitz you with blue light specials via email and text messages.
  12. Well I had mine 48 hours ago but definitely the initial anesthesia was not too pleasant and now the hiding the wound and recipient area is an interesting game until the sutures come out. I am going to be a bit reclusive as I've told no family of my decision, I just want to quietly heal and grow and see if anyone notices. So far the baseball cap and bandannas have not summoned suspicion, must be a sign I wore them to much.
  13. yeah, i think nutrition only comes to play in those people already genetically susceptible to be betrayed by their follicles. people immune to DHT have a tolerant system in regards to harming what grows from their scalp....bastards.
  14. nerve endings were traumatized and destroyed, most will regenerate but some may not. it is the price of cutting flesh.
  15. Many of the best doctors such Hasson & Wong and Alexander don't even offer it because they view it's upside one of diminishing returns and expense. If your doctor is a skilled surgeon he can make a strip scar all but disappear. Some of the doctors that practice only FUE do so out of greed and lack of confidence or result in their scar healing ability. A good surgeon will make it look like either a simple run of the mill childhood imperfection that is faintly on the back of your head or even make it disappear from sight altogether.
  16. This is something that requires a minimal of six months of research, perhaps years, it is an expensive and permanent procedure that must be done right the first time. Unfortunately there are few top tier doctors in the field, less than 10, this site itself although better than the open field of unchecked people on-line and beyond is NOT infallible and not all surgeons are created equal. Make sure the doctor you do pick is in a western country, preferably North America, able to show you dozens of cases of successful procedures with air loss that is similar to your own, does good scar closure and is not over 5 bucks per graft but likely no less than three. Do half a dozen consults, minimal, get to know the lingo and what questions to ask of a doctor. You need at the very least six options to consider, narrow it down from there based on your criteria. Never let travel or expense be the number one priority or else you'll end up traveling and spending more long term if you don't choose wisely the first time.
  17. Well I'm 26 inching ever closer to 27, six weeks away in fact, and finally after much angsy and debate pulled the trigger on a hair restoration procedure for my ailing frontal scalp. I was a norwood 3a that with a good cut could make the forelock look intact and pass for a Jude Law do. But I got sick of increasingly fewer good hair days, finasteride stabilized the back, knock on wood, so I decided I wanted my front back. We shot for 2500 grafts, but my yield was excellent, Dr. Alexander was quite complimentary of my hair quality and I believe the final yield was 2736 which means I should indeed have a face framing hairline with believable density once more, haven't had that since I was 18. No pictures exist, just the boring surgical ops in the good Dr's possession that would be of little note without an after photo, so I await six months from now when I can be 27 with the hair of a 27 year old, how refreshing.
  18. the redness will look like sunburn or rosatia (sp)?). You can either say you had a procedure to remove wart or childhood scar out even some suspicious sun spots...or you can be quiet about it and let it blow over.
  19. Well friend this si the hard part, umless you have bangs to comb over it in the interim you are likely to have the appearance of a bad sunburn on your scalp for weeks if not months to come and your scar will be quite evident for the same period of time. Sorry, but hopefully in six months ou get a preview of your investment and at 10 to 12 months a glorious illusion of a full head of hair.
  20. New taxes afoot since it will be deemed a vanity procedure? Will it be covered? What will it do to the cost of the procedure, all indications are it will make it more costly. Discuss.
  21. Well that would be nice, i meant if FUE and fallen down to 5 dollars a graft with a reputable doctor or FUT to 3 dollars a graft. Things that would make the procedure more accessible for both patient and doctor in this economic downturn.
  22. Generic finasteride, cut the pill in two and take a half daily. A good volumizer shampoo, layered hair cuts that fit your face type. If it becomes intolerable to you then investigate hair restoration VERY THOROUGHLY, take no less than six months of thought before pulling the trigger.
  23. Just was curious if anyone noticed the recession crunching the industry to be a little more economical for business sake.
  24. Um, Senator Baucus is a Democrat from Montana so no its not something that can be dismissed as partisan squabbling, the Senate Finance Committee are the one's throwing around the proposal so that simplistic dismissal holds absolutely no merit. The discussion went so far as to include Obama Administration officials such as Director of the Office of Management and Budget Peter R. Orszag. The Senate Finance Committee is comprised of the following individuals, the majority being Democrats: http://finance.senate.gov/sitepages/committee.htm
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