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Everything posted by Speegs

  1. Its a personal decision ultimately but be advised that most doctors won't work on a patient under the age of 25. I you are a 3a or 4a norwood pattern I would have no qualms with you reframing your face but you must be advised that thinning may still occur even after the surgery but at least you'll get to enjoy the aesthetics of a framed face in your youth and not have to hide beneath a hat or wait until 25 to 30 to enjoy the cosmetic benefit. Your call, gauge your thinning, stick with finasteride, research laboriously, if you haven't spent six months to a year looking at surgeons then you are playing roulette with your scalp and money.
  2. Our dear asinine congress is now taking their tired adage of "Tax the rich" and further hurting the non rich, go ahead and add a 10% government tax on any future procedures you plan on having in order to subsidize the already doomed "universal" health care fiasco; this will ultimately hurt American medical practitioners, utter brilliance from Capitol Hill and to think its been proposed by people with some of the WORST cosmetic touch ups in public view (Pelosi, Schumer, Biden), Article below: http://www.nationaljournal.com...cp_20090727_8213.php
  3. Friend, i know you don't want to hear this but i think there will be more heartache, expense and frustration with a hair transplant then simply adopting a buzz cut or shaved head, you look like you have a round melon so with a little coloring from the sun you will look just fine. I know it hurts, its a real psyche blow but you are better off being confident in your present appearance than forcing an issue in desperation and making it look a lot worse.
  4. Can the claims of eastcoast be substantiated? Anyone here experience severe shedding a few years after taking propecia?
  5. You look good friend but aren't you a little alarmed that you have a juvenille hairline and will potentially lose everything behind it? Would not a mature hairline have been a safer bet? Personally 2100 grafts in the temples alone I think is a bit risky, i hope you have a great donor because that's one third of available graft hair for most joes; one third of the donor placed in the temples makes me a little bit nervous. You look good, but I hope you don't have long term regrets.
  6. The scar looks good, you have to look for it to notice it and the untrained eye would credit a scar to a variety of things before an HT. Your density is a little bit disappointing to me however, just shy of seven months I would think you'd have a little more to show for it especially with the hair so short. I've seen Alexander patients that are 6 to 8 months along with far more progressed density.
  7. The last picture is a little iffy, but overall you are simply experiencing maturation of the hairline,, if you are concerned see a dermatologist and get on finasteride, the sooner the better, IF you are thinning you can impede and slow its progress by years with finasteride. Worst case scenario is that you have minor recession in the temples, a little beyond mature hairline status but scarcely noticeable.
  8. Sounds suspicious, the title alone sounds like a sales pitch and not a medical practitioner.
  9. You don't look bad, even the thinning looks natural to me, don't be selfconscious; my only concern is the scar tissue that will be at the back of your head after thee surgeries.
  10. If someone has been deemed to have excellent laxity is it necessary to massage presurgery?
  11. Could you offer pictures of what was done for you please.
  12. I can't speak with absolution but based on the sheer number of offices they maintain they look like a Southern California chain, plus have you looked at the pictures on their site? Were you particularly impressed? Personally i was not.
  13. To me that looks perfectly intact, but you know your hair better than I, get on finasteride and call it even with your genes.
  14. I sent both Keller and Konoir consults through this site last Friday and neither have gotten in touch with me.
  15. I can't think of any underrated but I can think of some overrated, but I shall hold my tongue.
  16. Wouldn't work unfortunately as i have receding hailine and thinning forelock, I can brush my hair forward and disguise it but that's about it. I look like jude law. http://images.broadwayworld.co...d/40727/jude-law.jpg
  17. Brother, considering your advanced hair loss i think you got about all you could expect from 2100 grafts, your front looks much improved. Frankly load up 2500 to 3000 in the frontal third and let nature take its course with the rest.
  18. He's not the best you can go to or the worst, definitely sets patients up to have two surgeries and would be underwhelmed b his work with just one. I have not gone to him but I have investigated him thoroughly, I do not consider him a hack but i do think you can do better, much better. if this were 1995 he'd be cutting edge but since its not he's a step behind.
  19. Haven't gotten any work done, had to buy a new vehicle recently and it has delayed my decision. I was leaning toward Dr. Alexander but can't afford the 10,000 dollar for 2500 price tag at the moment after buying and insuring a new vehicle in this economy. i was ultimately turned off by all Texas doctors, I thought McGrath was honest but ultimately underwhelming because 1500 or in the asian gentleman's case 1000 is not significant enough to tackle noticeable hairloss that is in the norwood 3 range. What would take McGrath 2 surgeries could be done in one so I lost interest. I'm under the impression that the hair transplant industry is in a little bit of desperation because of the economy at present, I've gotten some aggressive follow ups from Dr.Puig and Hair Club and even from McGrath's consultant. I'd rather wait until I can afford Alexander and do it right, but boy is my hair loss in the frontal zone getting frustrating to look at.
  20. My personal opinion is that you set aside 3000 for the frontal third, use it, get on finsteride and wait and see if you can live with a bald spot at the back of your head. its certainly mitigates the appearance to at least have a framed face from a frpntal third of what appears like full hair.
  21. Leave that sucker alone, you must be a norwood 3 or diffuse thinner to consider HT in my opinion. 2500? That's for a norwood 3A not a norwood 2, turst me that you must live with your current hairline and if it progresses to a 3 then you can start getting HT consults but hold off.
  22. Well it appears to be growing, but i guess your case will take more time to see a dramatic cosmetic difference.
  23. Your doctor should've evaluated your laxity before surgery, i assume he did, your exercise are more of a precaution than a necessity, the peace of mind that you made all efforts to be ready is the main benefit of your stretches.
  24. When Armani did strictly strip surgery and did patients himself he was respectable, probably on par with Hasson & Wong or Dr. Alexander, when he switched over to the highly overrated FUE he turned into a money pit, he falsely uses results achieved via strip surgery as examples of FUE. He is overpriced and is known to over do dense packing, likely an effort to charge more and to compensate for a less than desirable result from FUE. FUE can really tear up a donor area if done incorrectly and it never achieves the density of strip in one procedure. Armani is a rich man's Bosley, sexy sales pitch, groomed pitchmen whom he did STRIP on, trumped up prices from an average doctor that depletes your donor area. He preys off young men with minor hair loss. Notice none of his photos of clients show long term results, only youthful ones, meaning he mainly fills in maturing hairlines in norwood 2 and 3.
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