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Everything posted by mattj

  1. It must feel great to be doing something about it. How long have you been suffering from this? As I understand it, "end stage" and "burnt out" mean that it has, essentially, stopped progressing. Is that what your doctor thinks? I'm not very familiar with this type of hairloss, so I'm asking this out of curiosity, plus, as you say, this thread will serve as valuable information for other sufferers.
  2. I actually think your original doctor did a good job for the area covered, which was large. I don't see why you shouldn't go back to him.
  3. You can contact me or go through Dr Rahal's website if you wish to have a consultation. Not a problem at all.
  4. It took me a moment to pick out the area treated. We don't normally see work like this so it's interesting. It looks good but requires that the hair is kept short, or else it would look odd.
  5. I wouldn't want to question the advice of the doctors, especially if one has met you face to face. You could certainly benefit from the full 5000 grafts and 3000 is probably too few if covering the midscalp too. Basically, if you think about this as a procedure working from the front and going back, the higher the number of grafts, the further back you can go, or the greater the density can be.
  6. A more conservative approach might be in your best long-term interests, but I would say that if you're concentrating on the front and midscalp (and aren't desperate to pack grafts into the crown) then that is a very reasonable approach. 5000 grafts for FUE in one sitting is a very high number.
  7. I'm not sure that you're actually a NW7 as your sides are still high and look solid. You're thinning downwards from the crown at the back but that fits within balding patterns lower than a 7 on the Norwood scale. Which is not to say that a NW7 pattern isn't emerging. Is your crown your main concern and the area you're looking to address with a second surgery? If you are destined to be a Norwood 7, it might not be a good idea to use grafts on the crown. True Norwood 7s don't tend to have enough grafts available in total to cover the entire balding area to a satisfying density.
  8. 5000 seems like a lot, but as you're quite thin throughout the top of your head, that number isn't excessive. I would expect a very solid result with that number. Is this going to be FUT or FUE?
  9. It's nearly two weeks later now. Have you seen a noticeable improvement in how the scar is covered yet?
  10. This patient is aged 34. He underwent a larger FUE procedure to reconstruct his hairline and frontal zone. He is thrilled with his result at 10 months and sent us these photos to show you. Surgery Type: FUE Recipient Area Treated - 61cm Total Grafts - 2756 Total Hairs - 5799 Recipient Graft Density - 45 grafts/cm Recipient Hair Density - 95 hairs/cm Graft Breakdown: Single Hairs - 439 grafts Two Hairs - 1633 grafts Three Hairs - 642 grafts Four Hairs - 42 grafts Average Hairs Per Graft - 2.2
  11. It's possible to increase the laxity with exercises. The type of exercises that doctors' recommend that their FUT patients do before surgery.
  12. Either of those types of products add volume to hair. They literally coat hairs and increase the diameter of the hair shaft. I was reading recently about sea salt spray. I haven't tried it yet, but I think I will.
  13. The increase in density of the transplanted hair is obvious since your last photo update. I'm sad to see that the redness is still obvious, too. I noticed the dark appearance of the hairs that you describe as being nothing to do with the hairs at all. I suppose it must be due to the light colour of your hairs and the redness showing through them. That is actually as unusual to see as the redness itself.
  14. Like Spex says, Finasteride would be your best bet. It can work very well on your diffuse type of hairloss. It might be worth trying Minoxidil too.
  15. If you get the MSM and start taking it today, it might not make a difference right away and it could be the case that your hair grows to a satisfying length without it. I'm guessing you won't be going back to that barber again!
  16. How much shorter is it than you planned? The difference between a cut that shows scar and doesn't show scar can be very small and given a week or so you'll hopefully find the scar isn't visible. Especially if your hair grows fast. MSM is a supplement that can be bought cheaply in health stores. I used to take it for non hair-related reasons and noticed that my already fast-growing hair grew quicker, along with my nails. I take that as very good anecdotal evidence that it works as I had no idea at the time that it would do that.
  17. Very nice result and a valuable cautionary tale. This is why so many people seeking crown work have to be turned away. The way the crown loss progresses could lead to a very unnatural appearance if the area is treated prematurely.
  18. I'm guessing that the strip would be removed one side per day. So on the first day, they would remove a strip on, say, the right side from the centre towards the right ear, with the other side being removed the following day. I think this approach would be too traumatic. There's no reason why the result wouldn't turn out fine, but it wouldn't be comfortable for you, the patient. Considering that 2200 grafts is actually quite a small procedure, I wouldn't recommend going through this. It points to the doctor having a lack of staff to handle the bigger procedures.
  19. To get meaningful advice from the forum, you'd need to post photos which show your situation. You've obviously been suffering from hairloss for many years, so as well as posting photos, it would be helpful to know how fast it has advanced and whether it has slowed down in recent years.
  20. Procedures of 5000 grafts plus are not uncommon. In fact they are very common. As we're talking about FUT, the procedure would normally be done in one day. I actually don't know how an FUT procedure would be split over two days. Would your surgeon be removing the strip and storing some of the grafts until day two?
  21. 2.5 months really is very early days in terms of post-op growth. Normally, growth begins at around 3 months, so you aren't even 'officially' at the beginning.
  22. Here we have an FUT patient, aged 32, who came to Dr Rahal to restore his hairline and a very thin frontal zone. He opted for FUT. Surgery Type: FUT Recipient Area Treated - 54cm Total Grafts - 2749 Total Hairs - 6057 Recipient Graft Density - 50.9 grafts/cm Recipient Hair Density - 112.2 hairs/cm Graft Breakdown: Single Hairs - 411 grafts Two Hairs - 1453 grafts Three Hairs - 800 grafts Four Hairs - 85 grafts Average Hairs Per Graft - 2.2
  23. Regarding Finasteride: you could have experienced a shed that will cease with the lost hairs re-growing, but it isn't uncommon for long-term Finasteride users to see reduced efficacy over time.
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