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Everything posted by mustang

  1. Trichoxidil with Saw Palmetto and dermarolling once a week PD: I’m allergic to minoxidil
  2. Topical Finasteride is also a topical product for prostate. It would need to go systemic and it does, the dermapen surely helps. I am dosing it at 500mg per application thus 500 times higher than Finasteride.
  3. Starting point Now Hair is longer and got darker so it’s hard to compare. Overall it’s a good improvement but nothing dramatic as suspected. The added coverage might be an illusion due to the hair being longer although if definitely feels thicker If you don’t want medication and have had multiple hair transplants it’s a nice way to preserve and maybe thicken a bit your existing grafts. No sides so far Topically daily and with a dermapen once a week
  4. Under this logic I get paid by Parati as well as I have always vouched for their product. You can think whatever you want. I honestly don't care. Anagenica's dutasteride is no different nor better than any other Dutasteride, is just dutasteride. Dutasteride either works or it doesn't for you. It doesn't matter who makes it. Yes you might get less side effects with certain vehicles or concentrations but that's up to you and your research. Xyon, Parati, Anagenica, they all use pharma grade and have liposomes available. They are all good to me. (Never tried Xyon but their tech seems impressive))
  5. I have tried Parati by the way. I had good results and it was a well made product!!
  6. It’s very hard to put the wrong concentration on a bottle at home if you know what you are doing much less an established pharmacy. I can’t understand why a bottle would have a different concentration, ever. A pharmacy prepares 1/2 liters at a time, not a single bottle. 1 gram of pharma grade Dutasteride with a three step digital scale in 1 liter solvent equals 0.1% Being Dutasteride so expensive I highly doubt they would purposely put a higher concentration. Once they separate 1 gram it is passed to a second and third scale before being used. It can’t magically multiply.
  7. Temples and Nape 10 out of 10 (being 10 the most painful anesthesia, not unbearable pain) Donor area 8 Recipient area 6 Beard Area 3/4 Chest or other body parts 2 BHT anesthesia is not the same formula as scalp lidocaine and it doesn't hurt at all
  8. https://anagenica.com/product/oral-minox-5mg/ Bit price difference
  9. Provided it's a reputable established pharmacy no, it's the same.
  10. I don't agree with you. He didn't get a subpar result and good growth. The density is not good because of very low density implanted, you can see from the day 2 post op pics that this needed at at least 500-600 grafts more for that entire area. There is nothing wrong with the extraction pattern either. Poor planning? if a patient has a limited budget and wants to do it in 2 stages then there is nothing wrong either. Taking lower grafts are much more natural looking than top ones, been there and done that. He can now get a 400-500 graft "toch up" and the area will look perfect. You could see gaps everywhere 2 days post op
  11. congrats man, very natural looking result you still have 4 months of improvement ahead!
  12. Any good doctor is also good a repairs. Some will take harder cases and some won't. Feriduni and Mwamba stand out Mwamba's stitches is so you don't have depressions on your skin when removing hairline or temple grafts, nothing wild about it.
  13. Did you take antibiotics or how did you manage? I have opened them up with some numbing twice which helped but still not fully gone
  14. 2 months Pimples (ingrown hairs) have been a little nightmare to deal with. Not painful but they look horrible at times. Donor area is looking thin. Everything shed and perhaps some shock loss I’ll update again in a month , hopefully it will look better by then
  15. In my experience from best to worse coverage Beard Chest Legs Armpit This said, my armpit is very fine, thus if your upper thick is quite thick they will provide a better coverage for sure
  16. Probably, they are all singles, low coverage value but you don't need coverage value for the donor. As long as a hair is growing where a white dot was then it can be entirely repopulated. I did mine with Mwamba, not sure who else does this.
  17. I don't think it will affect your BHT grafts in the scalp. Your beard doesn't fall out when taking oral dutasteride, much less will it fall out with topical saw palmetto.
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