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Posts posted by Steeeve

  1. 1 hour ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    @MaximusEastwood All my HTs have been FUE, so I am not an expert - but the scar looks somewhat dramatic.....are you confident it will heal fine?

    That scar looks pretty on point for one month. The shock loss will start to resolve itself around 3-6 months. I’ve never seen anybody on the forum have it beyond that and most usually resolve around the 3 month mark.

    @MaximusEastwoodYou really hadn’t shed all that much at your one month. Have you seen more shed since? It still looks👌🏻👌🏻!

  2. Please pardon my crude drawings but I think if you were to extend the temple points by a bit it would help to close off the forehead and frame your face a little better.

    Something along the lines of this:3253A58E-8B0A-4A49-B0A3-53BB9A207412.jpeg.749d241e8c51d1fd00b41c54b25b8cff.jpeg3DA80155-4B0C-495E-8221-619B671C678B.jpeg.a77bffc8bb99400a8693af71416277d8.jpegB76DF24D-C527-4439-A187-CBBD312D85AE.jpeg.53eb3d3fb66107a065d740ecb70a8e81.jpegagain, it’s very crude, however, I think it would really close off your forehead giving you a better frame.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Tbh, your hairline looks great. Congrats.

  3. 28 minutes ago, DrMunibAhmad said:

    Sure. I'll post some of the donor after surgery and the grafts on 1 day after. I think you want to see the graft placement right? 


    If you examine the placement of the grafts, many individuals might believe that the density will not be adequate. However, by ensuring that each graft is carefully placed with a very low transection rate and high survival rate, even a lower density placement can yield significant results.





    Donor area immediately after surgery: 




    1 day post surgery: 





    9 days post surgery: 




    Hope these are sufficient. 


    Thank you, doctor. This is what I wanted to see. I would say the results are very significant! Lol Especially with the amount of grafts used!

    Great job!!

    • Thanks 1
  4. First of all, what a really interesting hair loss pattern. Not totally unique but I don’t think I’ve seen a case quite like this on the forum.

    Second, holy moly, how did you cover so much real estate with so few grafts? Simply incredible.

    And that hairline looks like it was created by nature itself.

    This guy must feel like all of that hair loss weight has been lifted off of his shoulders!

    Last, I would love to see the work immediately post-op. Do you have any immediate post-op pictures available to share?

    Thank you for posting this case, doctor. Everybody is probably going to say the same thing but congratulations! This is truly awesome!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. On 2/17/2023 at 7:02 PM, Dillpickle123 said:

    that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to share my opinion on it which I’ve made obvious 

    I know you were speaking to the clinic. I just didn’t want you to think that I or the clinic were trying to say that you were not allowed to share your opinion in your first critique of these results. I was saying that while you didn’t agree that there was much difference in the before and afters you were, at least respectful about what you were saying.

    also, thank you for your compliment. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/17/2023 at 7:02 PM, Dillpickle123 said:

    Well I disagree with you and I will repeat it again if the patient is happy which by the sound of it he is then that’s all that matters that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to share my opinion on it which I’ve made obvious 

    I would just like to clarify that in no way is anyone trying to tell you that you are not allowed to share your opinion. By all means, share it. Your post was respectful, you just didn’t get the results. Understandable. My first post in this thread was not directed at you.

  7. 4 hours ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

    apparently the after pics are 2 years after? i see many miniaturized hairs in the before. it could be that the patients didnt take any meds or the meds didnt work for him so it could be possible quite a lot of untransplanted hairs in that region went south in that timespane. that wouldnt be the fault of the surgeon though


    looks like the patient has rather fine hair too. would be interesting to know the exact number

    It’s a very good point. We haven’t been informed of any particulars about the case. If the clinic didn’t happen to share then it is up to us as forum members to ask questions about the case if one cares to ask. That’s goes for every clinic on this forum.


    5 hours ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

    incredible result

    Thank you very much. I really appreciate your kind words.

  8. On 2/14/2023 at 2:26 AM, Spring15 said:

    @Steeeveyour photos show an obvious cosmetic improvement - the photos used by Dr Arocha are underwhelming 

    Glad it turned out well

    Thank you.

    I don’t argue your opinion about what is being presented. I don’t agree with it. I can see an improvement in the photos shared by the clinic even if it is minimal.

    But that’s not my point. I shared my photos to show that the clinic produces excellent results and if you go back and look at other results you’ll probably find other results that you’re underwhelmed with-you’ll find that with pretty much every clinic posting their results-but you’ll also find some amazing results. You just have to put in the effort to find it.

    What I’m really commenting on here, though, is the language being used when criticizing the results posted above. It’s perfectly fine to not care for what you’re being presented with. It’s also good to constructively critique those results…but please, when speaking about it, understand that these pictures are of real people and those people could absolutely be here on this forum lurking. Maybe wanting to share their stories. When they see hurtful words like this it can be very off-putting and could potentially turn them off from posting and sharing.

    Thats my main point. It’s not about the results shared but about the way people are talking about it. That kind of talk is not constructive. It’s just mean and, I repeat, the process of getting a hair transplant can be extremely emotionally difficult. Please be aware of what you are saying when talking about the results and the people in the pictures.

    Please be better on the forum.

  9. @thetdog666I’m not defending the surgeon as much as I’m saying to stop with the garbage language that’s being used to trash someone’s result when they’re not here to defend themselves.

    if you think that’s funny then go back to r/tressless where that kind of behavior is cool. On this forum we’re here to help each other.

    I do defend the clinic, though. I don’t care about anybody’s opinion. I’ll never be able to change that if someone isn’t willing to do their homework and go back to see this clinic’s history of excellence on this forum throughout the years.  There is a wealth of information on this forum. It’s literally at your fingertips.

    Your words tell me that you’re only looking at what’s right on front of you and not going back to look at the whole picture. That’s lazy. From over a decade of experience on this forum I will tell you that you will end up unhappy.

    moreoff, though, I’m just saying, watch what you say on here because you don’t know who sees your words. I’m just saying…be kind.

    editing for context: I feel like my original post was pretty clear. I’m not calling out everybody in this thread. Those who are just sharing their opinions, I don’t take offense to. I also added my pics to show that this clinic puts out excellent results. That seems clear to me but since it wasn’t to @thetdog666I figured I should add this.

  10. I would like to share my result from this clinic but before I do i’d like to talk about forum etiquette. Etiquette that has been around longer than any poster in this thread.

    Everyone who is here and has had the opportunity to get their hair fixed knows how emotionally impactful it can be on their psyche. It’s perfectly fine to voice your criticisms on the forum; that is quite literally a part of what the forum was created for, however, you have no idea if the patients in these posted results are lurking on this forum and for them to read these words that you are posting could seriously be damaging. 

    Your opinions are your own and I won’t argue that. They’re just how you feel but to laugh about the results and say that they are awful is truly disrespectful to both the patients and the clinic.

    This is me pre-op in 20198A08AB5A-88FD-429B-990C-B0518D13C53D.thumb.jpeg.5e04c7dbe7bac9f337e8e26213a761c0.jpegImmediately post-op 2500 grafts4B369EED-0FDA-4668-A562-3016668A183D.thumb.jpeg.9756bab4983f8874a8eed307f3ac731b.jpeg12 months 47D6A818-DD3F-431C-8BDB-37D1F8767400.thumb.jpeg.6b5bf41ff6477f6c4902773beeb76baf.jpeg15 months8422AC79-BD01-4876-BF81-03B7FCAB8AE6.thumb.jpeg.21a33c0417a69919a4976cedf7fd42e5.jpegand then I took this just nowB0853907-DFE3-4BDB-A4E0-3C08BEADB39C.thumb.png.68205a3aba8cd6e84ed0c490dc49872f.pngMy result is excellent and I cannot wait to go back to Dr. Arocha’s clinic to get my crown worked on.

    I am but one of thousands and thousands of patients that this clinic has worked on. Some results similar to mine. Some not. There are so many patient posted results and clinic posted results on the forum that are amazing. Take a look at my thread. I shared my entire journey. All you have to do is use the search tool to look at posted results.

    Again, your opinions are your own but I encourage you to use better language when criticizing what you see. You have no idea if the patient is lurking and your words can be crushing.

    Be good people.

    • Like 3
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    • Well Done 1
  11. You have made incredible progress from where you started. Where your grafts were not implanted there is considerable thinning compared to what was, however, with the exception of that middle spot in your hairline everything has grown out really well. You’ve still got time to see noticeable difference with potential further growth and maturation.

    my apologies if you’ve already answered this but what are your reasons for not starting Fin? Are you nervous about the sides or is it just hard to get your hands on?

    • Thanks 1
  12. 13 minutes ago, Archan said:

    U shud nt be nervous at all...they produced so many good results and are amongst the best...they r well experienced as well...there may be an off day for anyone as at the end it is a surgery and no1 in ths world cn guarantee the outcome ...bt they r best in business ...and u will be under better hands ..so dnt worry and go on with ur decision ...and do make ur own thread and keep updating ...😊

    Community. This is why this is the best hair transplant forum.

    • Like 2
  13. 24 minutes ago, ThinningIndian said:

    I've got my surgery booked with Eugenix in 2 days so this thread is making me nervous af

    You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Ending results are completely subjective to the eye viewing them. While I agree that there was a miscommunication for OP, the clinic has a history of excellence on this forum, as I’m sure you’re well aware-otherwise you wouldn’t have chosen them. You’re going to be in excellent hands.

    • Like 1
  14. @ahmed9500 I’ve been following your case for quite awhile. I’ve been following Literally every single @Eugenix Hair Sciences patient created thread on the forum. In my opinion, you are in excellent hands. I think the reason we don’t see a lot of people speaking ill of the clinic is because they, very actively, participate with patients on the forum and have a history of doing their best to right their wrongs when those wrongs are brought to the attention of the clinic. 

    My apologies for speaking with the troll anymore than was necessary. I will not continue to derail your thread. I’m sorry that you aren’t where you would like to be but Eugenix will make it right. I’m personally looking forward to continue following your journey.

    • Like 4
  15. Just now, GhF said:

    Why would you go back somewhere that offered poor service the first time and costs a-lot of money. Given there has been numerous occurrences  of this recently you can tell them scaling up has affected the quality 


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