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Posts posted by Steeeve

  1. Hello all!

    Well, the time has come. I’m home and resting after a long day that actually felt like it flew by.

    Today I had my 2nd hair transplant with Dr. Arocha and, true to form, it was an excellent experience.

    I thought about just adding this to my previous thread about my experience here: 

    So if you would like to check out where I started from be sure to check it out.

    I was initially going in for crown work but the doc was able to work though my scalp almost completely with the grafts he was able to pull via FUT and FUE so I decided to start a completey new thread.

    My day flew by. The team was awesome and caring and helpful. I was constantly being asked if I was okay or if I needed anything at all. I was quick to speak up if my anesthesia started to wear off and when I did more was given. 

    Here was my situation prior to this 2nd sitting:IMG_1286.thumb.jpeg.ef56ccde69b2619bcb77c183fac827b6.jpegIMG_1287.thumb.jpeg.20f5b850029f007b6245300690e49ada.jpegIMG_1288.thumb.jpeg.54e553f3aaf6bdd775050f6dda967e4e.jpegIMG_1289.thumb.jpeg.709dcfb834570f2dcedb8c0f8b9ae2d0.jpegIMG_1290.thumb.jpeg.e490a2c64ed3f6e07ce94009b3376669.jpegIMG_1294.thumb.jpeg.5b805e531f7ead84019fbcf3b91625af.jpegIMG_1304.thumb.jpeg.1d52f7f5d4ea9d9eb33b3d6ced053bc1.jpegIMG_1291.thumb.jpeg.ab2cdb4e0ae9713af2d2a14cf1217c4f.jpeg

    I want to add some pictures here of how I style it on a day to day basis. Back in February I was involved in an accident that really put me behind with my meds and I lost some ground with the amount of coverage in both my previously transplanted area and the part of my head within my vertex which was previously untouched. I reached out to Doctor Arocha and asked to get on oral minoxidil which combined with the fin I’m already taking was a lifesaver. I’ve been on the oral minox for about 5-6 months, I believe, and Fin since April of 2012. I’ve been adding some dermatch into my hairline since February when I lost that coverage and then pull it back into a small bun to conceal my crown. Literally everyone I work with believes that I have a full head of hair. You can see some pictures in my previous thread that are similar, however, I do feel that I’ve been able to get it down something really natural looking:IMG_1256.thumb.jpeg.4fe148ffe332a4282ebe56c6240da63e.jpegIMG_1257.thumb.jpeg.dcdde60ee2c3fb6d2a27c9efcb2e9093.jpegIMG_1258.thumb.jpeg.6597d5c782bd0eeefde388dd74aa470b.jpegIMG_1259.thumb.jpeg.a44714ccf068ed7bf0bbd504101ebb4e.jpegIMG_1262.thumb.jpeg.1448d1cd303cf935f4e7aa826fa6263c.jpegIMG_1260.thumb.jpeg.9b842571e937b7a25071341355958094.jpegIMG_1261.thumb.jpeg.4907abb7943195bcde80738e00097b4f.jpeg

    And here’s that little bun I as referring to:IMG_1309.thumb.jpeg.f8e564bc1c9144a450a9d49e1984a680.jpegIMG_1310.thumb.jpeg.da41429e92ee2fd64b91597624f733c6.jpeg

    Here’s my main area of concern:

    With that being said I was very specific about wanting to rework though my hairline and strengthen it, especially that weaker spot in the middle. IMG_1295.thumb.jpeg.e7c39076908a5fd22c7cfda71e93a7af.jpegThe thing is, there are hairs in the spot in the middle of my hairline, they’re just very fine and hard to see. IMG_1296.thumb.jpeg.c78c8f628c07eb000b7329d7566c0b57.jpegIMG_1297.thumb.jpeg.7baba025addbc1a78071ee3f77572d42.jpegEven still, I wanted to rework though it to make it stronger and the doc agreed and also felt it was necessary. 

    He was able to pull 2000 grafts via FUT and 357 via FUE. I slept a lot during the procedure. I even snored while they were taking the strip out. 😂 I’ve got twins that will be 5 years old in 9 days (who keep me up at night most every night) so this was a welcome break from the craziness within our household. It was kind like a spa day for me. Ha!

    There were some hiccups throughout the day, however, the team handled it incredibly. I was bleeding a lot during this procedure and it kept pushing the grafts out so the graft placement part of the day took a bit longer than I think was anticipated. No one ever got frustrated with it, though. They just kept plugging away until the day was done.

    here’s a picture of my previous scar that my wife helped me take.IMG_1323.thumb.jpeg.478a2e4075de04a5e76b2d73d92f258c.jpegwhich wasn’t nearly as bad as I had made it out to be once shaved down.IMG_1352.thumb.jpeg.82b5ea84a51a9e482c032b6d97f71bbe.jpegIMG_1353.thumb.jpeg.a97c143ea10bcbd6eb6d5d92f19b08a7.jpeg

    Here was the doctor’s design:


    And here was the outcome immediate post-op:IMG_1357.thumb.jpeg.d4e855a494ad5f4bf42d36166392ba3d.jpegIMG_1358.thumb.jpeg.4688b5e9d2281a94fa16600f5556e7b8.jpegIMG_1361.thumb.jpeg.4e98007e5eb99d86970f275c45aa6350.jpegIMG_1362.thumb.jpeg.948e5397458b184750d33dd82f8eec9e.jpegIMG_1366.thumb.jpeg.2942fd0b703c4c2baf73d856cfff4160.jpegIMG_1368.thumb.jpeg.fb63beffe5b4dc84533be4fe00fcaa42.jpegIMG_1363.thumb.jpeg.71620670ccc5f34fb5eaceb61745af2b.jpeg

    Dr. Arocha and his team were absolutely amazing just as they were my first time around. I had some pre transplant jitters just as I did last time but everyone was so quick to put me at ease. I’m so happy that I found him and his amazing team. 

    i’ll probably be hanging around the forum more often these days. If you have any questions feel free to speak up and I’ll try to answer to my best ability.

    i’m going to try to add a pic or 2 of my current sutures and where the FUE was taken in the next day or so. That area is still a little tender so when it eases up it try and grab it.

    Hope all is well with everyone! As always, be good to one another. See you next time. ✌🏻


    • Like 4
  2. On 10/18/2023 at 1:19 AM, general-etwan said:

    I am thinking about if there's anything else I'll want to do in the future for appearance of added density. An option as mentioned months back is SMP on the recipient area to create that illusion. If I were to do that, I'd have to buzz my hair all the way down to a short buzz-cut and then have it done. And I would just have it done on the entire top to help even the appearance out with the back and sides as much as possible. If I decide to do this, I'd want to do it this winter. But still undecided as I haven't seen enough cases of it yet to evaluate its success on others.

    First of all, you have made the most impressive progress from where you started. Congrats because it’s only going to get better and better.

    You don’t necessarily have to shave your entire head to get smp performed unless you just want to. Most places will fill in those weak areas without shaving. There are a lot of examples on the forum but you really have to do some digging. Check out Ahead Ink on Instagram. They have a ton of examples of guys who didn’t shave their heads.

    Also, maybe I missed it and you said it but I would wait until your hair fully matures before pursuing smp. I would want to know what my coverage looks like at fruition before filling in any gaps-again, you may have mentioned it and I’m talking out of my a$$. My apologies, if so.

    On the opposite side of not having to necessarily shave your head, I also agree as others do that you would look great if you shaved your head at this point. You might look like a guy with some diffuse loss but your current coverage should really make a difference from where you started. You were a pretty bald guy Pre-HT so you’ve already seen the worst that it could ever be. It’s all uphill from here.

    Congrats! I look forward to following this to the end.

    • Like 1
  3. With all due respect to Dr. Dorin, he’s been in the business longer than anyone has been on this forum, but make sure with yourself that you really do want to have a strip. I don’t think it’s a mistake, necessarily, but you won’t have the option to cut your hair short if that’s your desired hairstyle. You will have to keep it longer. Unless you’re totally set on going with him it may be beneficial to consult with multiple doctors to get as wide an array of opinions as possible. Other doctors may feel that you don’t need a strip to move forward with your goals.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Congrats on your repair! Dr. Bicer is extremely esteemed here and the work looks incredible!! You chose an excellent doctor for your repair. I’ll definitely be following along with you.

    Did you talk to the doctor about the amount of grafts removed previously from the strip. Looking at the picture of your recipient design with your head shaved it definitely doesn’t look like 2500 were taken-not that that matters now.

    In the photo of your donor just below your strip there are some dots that look like some FUE had been taken previously. IMG_8511.thumb.jpeg.dd33cf7bdd37b555a5b116b6bc4867a5.jpegUnless I missed where you said that in your previous post..

    Again, it really doesn’t matter at this point. I was just wondering about it. Onwards and upwards. Looking forward to your updates. Happy growing!


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  5. On 2/4/2023 at 10:32 AM, Michael D said:

    Sounds good. Dr. Nader too. His reviews are superior!

    I am going to wait the whole year, and hope for the best.

    I was thinking about getting a laser cap. Can you recommend one? There are many on Amazon that I have been looking at.

    Hey, my apologies but I missed this question.

    Hop on Google and just type in something like, “best reviewed laser caps for hair regrowth”. Or something along those lines.

    Move on down past all the sponsored links. There are a lot of great options to choose from. All of the reviews go over pros and cons and they’ll link you to the best place to get them at the best cost. Good luck!


    • Like 1
  6. Bro, this is awesome for 2 months!!

    I would reach out to the clinic to get their thoughts on whether or not they recommend trimming it. Each clinic is different and has their own instructions. Some clinics don’t have a problem with it at all and some don’t recommend trimming it until 6 months. Always follow your clinic’s post-op instructions, though.

    17 hours ago, abrorkhasanov said:

    but one thing for sure, stopping worrying about it falling and what not , and just let time take its course has been the most helpful.

    👆🏻This is the way.

    Trust the process and just let your body do it’s thing.

    You’re off to a really great start!

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