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Posts posted by Steeeve

  1. On 5/9/2024 at 3:23 AM, Ads said:

    @Steeeve, having followed your threads over the years I know that you have really put yourself through it with the surgeries, but wow, what a huge difference now and as your colleague indicated, you really wouldn’t know you’ve had anything done. Thanks for sharing your journey, it’s a great help to see your progress and what can be achieved with the right approach and a quality clinic/surgeon. 🙏

    Thank you @Ads. I really appreciate the compliments.

    I agree, too. Choice of clinic/doctor is key to success and your best shot at not having to go back for a repair. I’ll definitely have to go back for further work down the line but it will be because of continued loss and not a botched job-which seems to be more and more common on most forums these days. 

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  2. 6 month update here.

    These photos were taken on the 1st of May which was 6 months or 26 weeks post-op.

    I would also like to point out that on April 16th I crossed over the 5 year mark since my first hair transplant with Dr. Arocha.

    I cut my hair about 3 weeks ago because it was very weighted down by all the length. I tried to leave it long enough to cover the crown which is still in the growing phase, however, it’s somewhat exposed so my solution is to put a little dermmatch in there to help disguise what’s going on. It helps enough because no one that I work with seems to have an idea.

    In fact, I was talking to a a couple of coworkers about George Clooney and how he often shaves his hairline for a role to give the look of a man with a receding hairline. At the end I tried to crack a joke about how it’s insulting to those of us who do actually suffer from male pattern baldness.

    My joke was met with silence.

    One of the guys in the group squinted their eyes at me and asked, in all seriousness, “do you suffer from male pattern baldness?” To which I replied, “bro, 70 to 80 percent of all men deal with MPB at some point in their lives. I am a 44 year old man who indeed does suffer with it”. His reply to that was completely indignant and it made me feel so good about my decision to move forward with hair transplants. He said, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. Your hair is perfect.” The irony of what he said and how he said it made me so happy. They have no idea.

    Per usual, I tried to get photos in various lighting to showcase exactly what is going on with my hair. Unless I indicate there is no product or concealer in my hair.

    The first images are by a window where I work.


    The next set of photos are in one of my bathrooms with harsher light. The body of my hair really seems to hold up under it.


    The next set are in my bathroom where the lighting is friendlier. I would also like to point out that I have a window shade open and when it’s closed there is a big difference in the appearance of my hairline. I don’t have all the usual angles because I was taking some photos to share with a friend but I thought I would share here.


    These next are in the same bathroom but with the shade closed. I was playing with styling and I wanted to share. When the shade is closed the light is much harsher which exposes some gaps but I don’t think it looks unnatural at all. IMG_6368.thumb.jpeg.fc02376a96dd2e841922a6a0be3fd72f.jpegIMG_6367.thumb.jpeg.fef202b408d66be390db6823e63dadb5.jpegIMG_6366.thumb.jpeg.4bcc4cdec16160ace9d5372cb0c36f47.jpegIMG_6369.thumb.jpeg.2c6652c4f22e3877fb2fa3fda0c7be1f.jpeg

    Take notice of the part. To me, it’s quite diffuse BUT…I can part it. That’s not really something I’ve been able to do before. Really, all I’ve been able to do is just brush/pull it back with the previous transplant which has, mostly, always been my style unless I was letting it grow out. And, if I’m being honest, me being critical of my part is really my being overly critical because it is not that bad. Like, at all.

    Next up is my crown.

    The first couple are at work next to the big window. I do have dermmatch in my crown in these pics.


    The next pics are in my bathroom without any concealer.


    Finally, I’ve got some pictures of my scar. These are from last month. I meant to post them then. Honestly, I haven’t paid much attention to my scar but this is what it looked like at 5 months.


    As usual they are upside down. Lol

    Thats about it for now.

    I’ve been pretty absent from the forum since about mid-February. I had gotten a promotion at work and I’ve been working to acclimate myself to the extra duties. Hopefully I can get on more often moving forward.

    If there any questions or comments I will be around. ✌🏻






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  3. 5 hours ago, Cospine said:

     Nader is worth the cost....even if his pricing has substantially increased.

    First of all, Congrats!! This looks so natural and it’s only going to become fuller! 👌🏻👌🏻

    Second. Even with his price increase he’s still less expensive than/or as expensive as most U.S. clinics performing FUT

    Third. Kinda going back to the first but for only 7 months your smile says it all. Congratulations again!

    Truly looking forward to 12 months for you.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 months!

    Last Monday, the 1st of April was 22 weeks and 5 months post-op. A little late but the pics were from the beginning of the month.

    Everything is still shaping up but, of course, not quite where I want it to be.

    It's still too early.

    The pics of my crown show progress but they're very close up and when I see my crown in a mirror my scalp is still very visible.

    I'm confident all of this will resolve. Just gotta trust the process.

    One thing that made me extremely happy was that my scar has closed significantly. It makes sense. I hadn't really considered that I was dealing with shockloss around it because last time the right side of my scar remained so wide from the very beginning.

    I don’t know how well it will be picked up by the camera especially considering everytime I try to post scar pictures the website flips the images. I don't have any pictures of my scar yet but I will get some and post later. 

    Here are some pictures in regular bathroom lighting.


    I went to another bathroom to get some pics in slightly harsher lighting. The difference is really only in the hairline and if I'm being honest I don't think its the correct representation of how my hairline comes across to others looking at me straight on.IMG_5684.thumb.jpeg.c988a905317411411d6d20212571aab5.jpegIMG_5685.thumb.jpeg.ed2e72ea5473112376c8ee7baa5e3427.jpegIMG_5636.thumb.jpeg.4ce392f2f3b7285c2bc80db0d2b9079a.jpegIMG_5637.thumb.jpeg.8df99bd9b2deb3141bded453c43733d8.jpegIMG_5638.thumb.jpeg.c205f7bd999621d2e512095963926ae7.jpegIMG_5639.thumb.jpeg.9991892da7dde332989775576e355a39.jpegIMG_5640.thumb.jpeg.de15e700dad3d9814bdb2416d71e718b.jpegIMG_5688.thumb.jpeg.274cc930695d1b08ce8b2733c7ace58a.jpeg

    Here is my crown.


    My crown offers enough coverage so that when my hair is back you cannot see through the scalp.


    I can go without tying my hair back but if the wind blows the jig is up. If it blows one way it looks fine but if it blows in the opposite direction my crown is exposed.


    Crown is covered👆🏻


    Almost totally exposed👆🏻


    👆🏻I walked in from doing yard work and wanted to know what I was working with and honestly…it doesn't seem so bad…

    I’ll do my best to get some pictures of the scar but that’s all for now.

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  5. @Gatsby @Melvin- Admin @Al - Moderatorthank you guys for your comments and feedback. I really appreciate it!

    @JoeD I had requested FUT for this second procedure, however, the doc didn't think it was going to get me as far as I wanted to go so he asked if I would be okay to move forward with a few hundred FUE in order to provide more coverage. He felt that he could put the grafts everywhere that I wanted but that the density wouldn’t quite be there unless we pulled a few more. I said yes, let's do it! I have no regrets! Thanks for asking. 🙂

    • Thanks 1
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