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Posts posted by Steeeve

  1. 5 minutes ago, GhF said:

    This forum is convoluted with eugenix cases with a lot of them not being up to standard. The clinic ls overrated and people are getting lulled into going there because of this forum which is not holding it accountable. I’ve seen numerous subpar cases from them . It’s now like. A hair mill full of techs . They even botched melvins hairline but he refuses to admit it despite vast amount of members pointing it out . Guys a lot of people travel far to India when in Europe there are far better options to go to 

    You created your profile 4 minutes prior to making this comment…pretty suss..

    • Like 2
  2. 16 minutes ago, Michael D said:

    Currently, not at all. I'll be going back to Virginia Surgical in McLean Virginia.

    I only got 2000 grafts, I will need another 2k. Maybe more, or maybe not.

    The crown, in back has been getting better, maybe. The Hims spray seems to be working back there? Topical finasteride and Minoxidill.

    The 2k grafts that were done, doesn't go very far back. I still got the middle too.

    I would like this Hair Transplant to finish out well, with the work that was done, and see some familiar faces!


    Here is a question I have in the back of my head, maybe someone could answer?

    Does Laser treatment do the same as topical finasteride and minoxidil?

    I would really like to stop spraying that s*** in my hair.

    Actually, all those things, the minox, fin, laser, they all work really well in conjunction with one another. If you have the option to get your own laser cap and add it to your regimen then I would do so. I apply the minox only at night and take oral fin. I don’t really suffer with sides from oral fin, though. I’m about to purchase a laser cap. If you want to maintain what you’ve got then it’s worth it to stay on those medical treatments.

    I guess, my concerns are that with reading your last post, at the end of the post you say that you feel that you received top-notch service but the very first sentence of the post you’re asking if we believe you received all 2000 grafts. You added three question marks as if to emphasize the question.

    There should be no question in your mind as to whether or not you received all 2000 grafts-especially if that’s all you could afford. This is only my opinion, take it with a grain of salt but that’s not the mark of a top-notch clinic. I’ve been looking at and researching hair transplants for over a decade now and just that alone, that you came to this forum to ask these questions, tells me that you should use this forum as a tool to look at other clinics as possible candidates for further work.

    From the pictures you’ve shared there’s nothing to say that what’s been transplanted won’t grow in just fine and, in that, your transplant will be successful but…you came here for help. Do your due diligence and at least talk to other clinics for possible further restoration, even if you don’t consider them affordable there’s still extremely valuable information you could gain.

    Again, take this with a grain of salt, but I would really urge you to give this hair transplant 12 months, at the very least, to decide what you want to do. And I strongly encourage you to read other clinic reviews posted by patients. Look at Dr Nader in Mexico if you’re concerned about costs. His prices are excellent and his patient reviewed work is consistently strong.

    All the best. I hope this turns out well for you.

    • Like 1
  3. On 2/2/2023 at 8:16 PM, Michael D said:

    Did I get all 2000 grafts???

    Toward the end of the surgery, 12 hrs. I was becoming uncomfortable. laying there for so long, I was getting "itchy", wanting to move around. I think I remember my leg falling asleep, just kidding. LOL!! I am not used to being still for so long! There was a 1 hr break in the middle.

    They prob could have given me something to calm me down. I wanted to drive home. So no dice.

    I was wanting to call it done. They could have easily agreed with me. They kept telling me it was almost completed. Told this many times. They offered to let me get up and walk around a little, and I did.  I think I was becoming a "bad" patient toward the end? LOL!

    About the number of grafts, I received. They insisted on doing all 2000. To complete the job. I gave them an easy out and not do all 2k. They kept telling me it was almost done. Until finally it was done.

    So I probably did get all 2k? 2000 is really not a lot of grafts? Some have shed? This waiting sucks. I'm about 1.5 months after surgery. So, 3 or 4 months from now I'm hoping to see some real changes? That's around the beginning or middle of summer.

    This waiting sucks.


    Swelling: There was some that gradually came down my forehead a few days later. It wasn't much, compared to others I've seen. I easily massaged it to the sides of my face, easy peasy. It really wasn't an issue at all.

    Quality of Service Received: I think I received top-notch service at Virginia Surgical. That is going by the donor area, after surgery, and how it has grown back. The swelling wasn't much really.

    From what I can see so far. Things are looking pretty good.

    Are you considering other clinics for further work down the line?


  4. 1 hour ago, Dr.Keser_s Translator said:

    However, this is not our concern of people having the wrong idea about the doctor but his wish of seeing his work in its finest state.

    Maybe there’s a bit of a language barrier but I would like to ask for clarification on what you mean by this. I mean no offense. I just want to understand.

  5. 16 hours ago, Doron Harati said:

    The patient is wearing a KIPA since he's an orthodox Jewish and felt comfortable to show the transplanted area only.

    I was just looking at this and thinking about how clever it is! 🙂

    Congrats to the patient and clinic. Excellent work, as usual. You guys always post inspiring results!

    Has the patient mentioned wanting any further work for the crown or is he happy as is?

    • Like 1
  6. Tbh, this all looks really decent thus far. Your concerns about everything you’ve mentioned so far are valid; it’s impossible to tell how the density is going to turn out since, as you mentioned, some hair came out as the scabs off. It’s pretty common to see better density once you’ve reached full maturation.

    It happens pretty often, also, that one tech implants grafts in a different way than the other. Try not to get too caught up in that, though, as more often than not the grafts grow in fine and even if they are a little off no one is going to notice that except the person looking in the mirror. Unless they’re really sticking out in wild directions but you would have a pretty good idea of that now while they’re still getting ready to shed.

    I think if all hair grows in as it should then the density should be quite nice as what was transplanted into the mid scalp what spaced out enough since that area was somewhat diffuse. It looks as if the doctor implanted a little more tightly in the hairline to keep everything uniform once it all grows in.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I’ll be following along. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Happy Growing!

    • Thanks 1
  7. I love the design!

    Take this with a grain of salt but I’ve seen the asymmetrical design worries before and I would say to try to not get too caught up in it. Take a look at people on the internet whose hair you might admire. You just don’t find symmetrical hairlines in nature.

    There have been cases posted in the past where people got redesigned hairlines that were symmetrical and it was just…off. To me it’s the tell that says you’ve had a hair transplant.

    I hope you post to 12 months! You chose a great doc! Dr Nader has, rightfully so, been getting a lot of good attention lately.

    Happy growing.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Steeeve said:

    It is 100% not the doctor’s fault 100% of the time.

    Allowing your head to get sunburned post-op.

    Issues with blood clotting can cause the necrosis.

    If a bacteria is introduced to the surgical site post surgery, say in the car ride/plane ride home, and is not cleaned properly that could cause an infection, which, in turn, can absolutely lead to necrosis if not taken care of in time with antibiotics-there are posts on this forum where the posters dealt with this particular issue.

    Necrosis can happen if a person has issues where their bodies can’t produce new cells or tissues.

    These are all issues that all have 0% to do with what the doctor does during their surgical procedure and all have to do with either the patient’s genetics or failure to clean properly/follow post-op instructions.

    Those are just a few reasons. There are many more.

    I’m not saying that a surgeon is never at fault because it can absolutely happen. A surgeon’s failure during their surgical procedure, say the excessive use of anesthesia with vasorestrictions, can absolutely lead to necrosis. It’s probably the most common cause.

    There are so many reasons but to say that it is 100% a surgeon’s fault is not only misleading but it’s a completely uniformed opinion and not based on fact. 


  9. It is 100% not the doctor’s fault 100% of the time.

    Allowing your head to get sunburned post-op.

    Issues with blood clotting can cause the necrosis.

    If a bacteria is introduced to the surgical site post surgery, say in the car ride/plane ride home, and is not cleaned properly that could cause an infection, which, in turn, can absolutely lead to necrosis if not taken care of in time with antibiotics-there are posts on this forum where the posters dealt with this particular issue.

    Necrosis can happen if a person has issues where their bodies can’t produce new cells or tissues.

    These are all issues that all have 0% to do with what the doctor does during their surgical procedure and all have to do with either the patient’s genetics or failure to clean properly/follow post-op instructions.

    Those are just a few reasons. There are many more.

    I’m not saying that a surgeon is never at fault because it can absolutely happen. A surgeon’s failure during their surgical procedure, say the excessive use of anesthesia with vasorestrictions, can absolutely lead to necrosis. It’s probably the most common cause.

    There are so many reasons but to say that it is 100% a surgeon’s fault is not only misleading but it’s a completely uniformed opinion. 

    • Like 1
  10. Nader’s work is always so damn clean. Has he been added to the forum’s recommended surgeons list yet? He should be.

    His patients have been posting for years and years but it’s nice to see so much positivity about him recently.

    Talk about an underrated doc!

    Congratulations! I’m looking forward to watching this come to the end.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, GoliGoliGoli said:


    I think he's asking more about Reynosa than McAllen, but either way you have absolutely nothing to be concerned about. I went to Nader in November. At no single point in either Reynosa or McAllen did I feel anything other than 100% safe

    🤣 I know that. You’re staying in McAllen, though. That’s where the hotel that the clinic offers accommodations is located. You wouldn’t be staying in Reynosa, I mean,  unless you just wanted to. And the concern is that people will be crossing over from Reynosa into McAllen.

    All the best ✌🏻

  12. 59 minutes ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

    why does the transplanted region looks so „clean“ in the directly after? i think i noticed this in zarev results too. is this normal?

    It was cleaned just before the picture was taken. If you look at the top immediate post-op pic you can see water trickling down the center of the patient’s forehead after the cleaning. It makes for a better picture.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Obendo13 said:

    Can you please comment on the whether you felt safe being in a high risk border town ?

    I can say, being a native to Texas, having been through McAllen on several occasions (and having stayed overnight more than once) I’ve never felt unsafe. There are lots of documented Nader cases where the poster also said that they felt safe being picked up by his driver and driven over across to his clinic.

    That’s my 2¢. If you’re considering Nader don’t let it being a border town deter you. I would love to hear what OP has to say, though.

    • Thanks 1
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