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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. 7 euros per graft is not high for a surgeon of Dr. Bisanga’s caliber. In America, patients wouldn’t think twice to pay $7 per graft for his skill. I paid $7 per graft for my second procedure back in 2015, I was not rich in anyway. I understand hair mills have affected the prices in Europe, but you can’t expect to get a Mercedez Benz for the price of a volkswagen. Some people are okay with buying a suit off the rack that doesn’t quite fit good. Some people rather go to a bespoke tailor and get it fitted perfectly. The people who think “a suits a suit” are more likely to buy something cheap off the rack. The people who think “hair is hair” are more likely to choose based on cost. Nothing wrong with that, as I said theres a market for everyone. There are Michelin star restaurants and there’s McDonalds, they both give you food which provides sustenance, but the experience and quality differ immensely. I like to believe this forum seeks Michelin style quality. Reddit seeks McDonalds. Now, there are some quality surgeons that are cheaper. But they’re not a solution, just a compromise. You save a few thousand dollars, but you end up in a waitlist of 2-3 years. Sometimes the consultation alone takes a full year. To keep with the restaurant analogy, it’s like getting a reservation to a restaurant for 2025. This means you could essentially go from a Norwood 3 to a Norwood 6 by the time you get surgery, the cost would be higher anyway, and in all that you went bald, which is what you we’re trying to avoid with surgery in the first place. It’s nonsensical to me. The market has to dictate prices. If the demand goes too high, the cost must go up. Otherwise, no one benefits. I don’t see any benefit in waiting for a surgeon for years, when there’s in many times equally or even more talented surgeons available for a higher price. Hell, in all those years you wait for one surgeon you could’ve paid off your surgery and been living with more hair. Anyway that’s my 0.2 cents.
  2. All topicals go systemic to a certain extent. The question isn't whether it goes systemic, it's how much reduction does it have. So far, the topical dutasteride with Siloxysystem gel lowers DHT by only 10% that's significantly lower than any finasteride formulation.
  3. That’s what he sees in his practice, do you want him to lie. I really don’t get why people are so against oral minoxidil. I don’t think anyone said it’s a long term replacement for finasteride, or that finasteride doesn’t have its place. But oral minoxidil is a good option for those unwilling to take finasteride, and we know at least in the short term it give’s similar gains.
  4. First of all, he said he switched from oral finasteride to oral minoxidil and saw no difference. What’s wrong with giving his own personal experience. I have been taking oral minoxidil for 6 months, and it’s a game changer. This is getting absurd. Oral minoxidil has been around WAY before finasteride. As a matter of fact, it started off as a blood pressure medication that had a secondary effect of hair growth. How on earth can anyone say there aren’t any long term studies. It’s the EXACT same drug as the topical, except oral. You guys need to stay off reddit. Here’s a study from 1987, is 30+ years long term enough. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0190962287700929
  5. Wow this is insane. I'll be following closely, Dr. Pittella is definitely doing amazing things.
  6. I'm glad you responded. I think that many are in a similar situation, shedding doesn't equal balding.
  7. I suggest using our list as a starting point for research, send some consultations to many names there, ask for examples of cases similar to yours, then go from there. https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons
  8. Didn’t you create a thread a while back saying you were unhappy?
  9. The question isn’t “do you want more hair” if that were the case no one would ever be satisfied. That’s why I’ve had 4 HTs. Seldomly do you ever see any HT patient get one HT unless they had minimal amount of hair loss.
  10. ^This, at 10 days you’re experiencing the grafts shed. Here’s a video that might help.
  11. Here’s a thread of someone who’s using Topical Finasteride and minoxidil. I don’t know good keeps is, but you can give it a shot.
  12. Looks really good from these pictures. Who did he go to?
  13. Based on xyon studies, daily use of topical dutasteride changed serum DHT levels by only 10%. Of course, this with Xyon’s siloxysystem gel. I believe Farmacia Parati is the closest thing for those in Europe. There were no side effects reported in the study.
  14. Your experiencing shedding? I haven’t experienced any, I’m also thinking of bumping it to 2x per week next week. What do you need edited? I’ll do it for you. Our problem area is almost identical.
  15. They’re probably not going to dense-pack. It’s possible to lower it that much, but with 1,100 grafts the density will be low. You’ll probably want another procedure to add density. IMO better to get it dense-packed from the start and be done.
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