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Everything posted by JimmyNeutron

  1. Oh by the way, $1.40/graft is for the premium package, he actually charges $1.20 standard price. So if you would get 2500 grafts at premium package, that is $3,500, if you get it at standard pack, that is $3,000. 20 cent difference doesn't seem like much, but it does make a $500 dollar difference in this example. Those extra $500 could be used for your flight or hotel stay ($55 a night) and driver.
  2. There's cheaper doctors than Dr Bhatti but they don't have his credentials. Dr. Maral, who's patients results you can see on this site by the patients themselves, about 10 of them maybe, charges 1700 euros($2340) for 1500-2500 grafts, 1750 euro($2410) for 2600-3500 grafts, and 1800 euro($2480) for 3600-4500 grafts FUE. The prices are all inclusive, 3 free nights at hotel, post op meds, shampoos and lotions, driver pick-up from and to airport and from and to hotel, and of course from and to the clinic. There are apparently no hidden fees. Pretty good deal, the patients seem to get decent results, except for 1. Only downside is Dr Maral does not have the credentials of Dr Bhatti, who's ISHRS, IAHRS, AHA recommended. I would not let that scare me away, I would look at the patient results and judge from there.
  3. Like I suggested in your other thread, FUT+FUE is a good combination. In fact I think 2 FUE's by a top FUE doctor is better than 2 FUT's by a top FUT doctor, but that's just me. I am sure you can get two real low profile FUT scars if you go to some top 5 FUT doctor like Dr. Feller, H&W, True and Dorin etc. but also with top doctors like those, you pay top dollar. Have you ever thought even doing FUE into the scar? or SMP into the scar to make it blend a little bit? It would give you the option of getting your haircuts a bit lower I think.
  4. Sorry to hear that, it was very frustrating to me reading through the thread, with not one person actually helping you out, but I understood your question from the OP. "Cheap", "Least expensive" it doesn't matter, they know what you were talking about. Anyway, you don't have to settle for another FUT, FUT+FUE is good. Just go get a FUE now with Dr. Bhatti or a similarly priced doctor with reputable credentials. Be open minded, don't just look at recommended doctors on this site only because that is what you are being told.
  5. I know this thread is kinda old but I can't believe no one even bothered to mention Dr Bhatti from India, who is an IAHRS, ISHRS, and American Hairloss Association recommended doctor, who charges $1.40 per graft on FUE. It's pretty disturbing to me that a guy was asking a simple question and no one had an answer for him because apparently this very affordable and very good doctor is not recommended by this site so he should not be mentioned?
  6. You had significant improvement in the front and back. The frontal hairs look very weak and thin in the before pictures and now they are obviously thicker and fuller. The crown also refilled. You are a candidate for an HT, you should get it, just get the HT and get hair loss out of your way and move on with your life. All you will do in the next few years is look in the mirror everyday to see if finasteride and minoxidil is still working. If you get an HT, you most likely won't obsessively be looking in the mirror, only to style your hair. Do it and move is my advice.
  7. His doctor prescribed them for him 1 year ago, maybe he caught it when he was supposed to and when it was supposed to be done. The biggest mistake I and many others did/do is wait until we see a significant sign of MPB, which is not how it works. Once you see a minor sign of hair loss, you should get on preventive drugs. Once you have full blown MPB, almost always there's no going back to your normal density, just slowing down or stopping the hair loss.
  8. How long after your HT did you start using dermmatch?
  9. What did you look like before starting propecia and rogaine? These are preventive drugs, so if you feel you're losing hair, that is the right time to take it, not when you are already a NW3+, that is a mistake millions of men do. It's preventive drugs with no guarantee of regrowth. So stay on it, if propecia and rogaine are helping you maintain, once you stop using them, your hair loss will continue probably more aggressive than before because it'll want to catch up to where it was going to be at your current age if you hadn't taken drugs. If that makes any sense. Regardless, if you were losing hair, but are not losing hair anymore, then stay on them. My opinion of your hair by the way, it looks great and it doesn't even look like you have lost any hair.
  10. I don't think so. Depending on your hair characteristics, you could be an NW3 and need 5000 to 6000 for a thick dense NW1, I would think. I am not too sure. Maybe with 4500 you can get NW1 but a bit thin. I think surgeons aim more for a thick and dense NW2. If you have the donor to do it, I don't see why you can't achieve NW1 if you want it. But one session of 3k on an NW4, I am not sure that could be done.
  11. I don't have a HT yet but will get one in a week and some days. For what ever it is worth, I have Toppik here and ever since deciding on an HT I also realized that I would most likely have to use Toppik to get the desired density that I want, until I get a 2nd HT. I imagine it is a good idea because when I was still a solid NW3 Toppik worked wonders, I imagine on a thick NW2 or NW1.5 HT it would look great. Have you also considered SMP on the scalp to further give the illusion of thickness? I am considering that.
  12. FUT gives you that scar in the back of your head though, that would eliminate buzzing your hair too close, unless you're okay with exposing your scar. Also I think it's harder to hide the FUT scar in those first 4-5 months, while from what I have seen in 4-5 months FUE patients look pretty normal and undetectable.
  13. I would like to add, I started working out after I had full blown MPB, yet that did not accelerate the hair loss. Starting MPB at 16 and now i'm 25, if weight training accelerates MPB, I should be NW12. Instead I am at NW3/4.
  14. When I stared losing hair at 16, I had not lifted a single dumbbell or done any kind of weight training.
  15. This is not even a debate, per graft is better. 2000 hairs would be nothing. Charging per hair is ridiculous.
  16. I see you do not want to travel very far, but if you can not afford the best doctors like me and some others but still want a good HT surgeon, you should really consider Dr Bhatti from India, he charges $1.40 per graft. If you have a bit more money, there's also Dr Erdogan From Turkey who charges 2.50 Euro per graft which is $3.45 US dollars, he is an excellent doctor and one of my favorites. There's Dr Doganay, who charges 2 euro per graft($2.77 USD), another great doctor. If your pockets are really hurting(nothing wrong with that), and you can not afford neither of these doctors, there's Dr Maral from Turkey who charges by the session, he will charge you about $2500-2600 USD tops, hotel and pick up included, for up to 4500-5000 grafts. However, this doctor is not recommended by this site(yet), and he is not an IAHRS doctor or American Hairloss Association recommended. Despite this, from what I have seen, his staff does decent work.
  17. Wasn't roimirka the poster who was caught using different IP addresses to mask/hide who he is? Or am I confusing him with another person? If he is, then why is he allowed to continue to post? Masking your IP on forums is only done by one type of person and that is a troll with multiple accounts. I am a member in 7 different forums dating back to 2005 join date, from hair loss, to sports, to video game forums, and those who hide their IP address usually do it to troll with a certain account while preserving their original account. If he is not the poster, my bad.
  18. Biotin is not for MPB. It will aid in faster growth of HT/native hairs. But it does nothing to thicken thinning hair, or regrow lost hair due to Male Pattern Baldness. However, it does not hurt to add Biotin in with the proven hair loss meds like finasteride, dutasteride and minoxidil.
  19. Johnboy I am aware that you are a Dr Maral patient, how are your results so far?
  20. 6 months is not early IMO, it's a good enough amount of time to see some comfortable results, but not yet 100%, certainly not "hardly any". Pics may help more knowledgeable posters here tell you how you are doing.
  21. BalloonKnot, Dr Reddy's work is very unique. What he can do for you with 1400 grafts, probably can't be replicated by other doctors. Especially not an unknown doctor. Something bad can happen with 1.4k grafts, like a very sparse hair transplant. I don't know how Dr Reddy does it, but over the years it's something that I notice it's unique to him. Those are not your average results. It's the same as looking at any top doctors work and thinking maybe another doctor can do the same. Some doctors have unique skills that only they have mastered.
  22. I have always been impressed with Dr Reddy. I have been seeing his results for years now and he is consistent in using very few grafts and getting a lot more done with the amount that one might have thought could be done. I don't know how he does it or how his results are possible with the amount of grafts he uses, but he's legit.
  23. 1,400 grafts will not be enough to satisfy you IMO. It will strengthen your hairline, but I don't think it can lower it and have good density.
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