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Everything posted by Christine

  1. In these set of result photos, we have a young man with NWIII who underwent a small session of 1274 FUT with Dr. Arocha to improve the framing of his face. Result photos are taken 8 months post-TP. You can also view this gallery with photo explanation here.
  2. Sparky, It is a Norwood 5 because there is erosion of the bridge. In NW 4 and less there's a preservation of the bridge. If you look at the picture of the top view (photo 5), you can see that the bridge is crumbling. There is really a diffuse thinning pattern but he's resulting in a NW5. He has no bridge.
  3. Hahaha that's funny! I'm sorry things didn't work out for you, Jay.. although there are plenty of fish in the sea!
  4. Future_HT_Doc, Thanks for your great feedback and kudos. Mick, Yes. This patient is on Propecia. Thank you for your comment.
  5. 31 year old with significant diffuse thinning resulting in a NW 5 pattern, desiring to do a small session to start his hair restoration. He had a 2000 FU sesssion with Dr. Arocha. The after photos are taken at 8 months post-transplant.
  6. Mercury, Dense packing means that Dr. Arocha creates tiny incisions (the sites) as close together as possible so that this produces a thicker result. Also because these incisions are as small as possible, the healing is expedited. Thank you for your kudos.
  7. Our latest results video features a patient who came to Arocha Hair Restoration for help with his receding hairline and thinning in the frontal area. Dr. Arocha performed a 2000 FU dense packing procedure to restore the framing of his face, and increase the density in the frontal scalp area. Here are his video results, over one year after his procedure. Video Results - Dr. Arocha - 2000 FUT dense packing procedure Here's a link to the patient's before and after photos.
  8. Fingers Crossed, You're also looking great at only 4 months out. Seems like you are definitely on the right path and well on your way to meeting your hair restoration goals. Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated
  9. Future_HT_Doc, OrangeHair, Mick from Farjo - Thank you all for your comments. We will definitely be updating his progress and photos after his next follow up visit with Dr. Arocha.
  10. Our latest patient result photos feature a middle aged gentleman with male pattern baldness NW 4v who came to Arocha Hair Restoration wanting to restore his hairline to crown area. This patient has fine/medium hair with great density and elasticity. Dr. Arocha performed an FUT procedure of over 3600 FUs. These result photos were taken at his six month follow up visit.
  11. These are some examples of donor scars at Arocha Hair Restoration from strip procedures. Dr. Arocha employs two layer closures on all cases to minimize tension. When appropriate he employs trichophytic closure technique to allow hair to grow through the scar, making an already hard to see scar, even less visible. Employing these refined techniques ensures the best possible scars for our patients. Immediately after surgery, two layer closure. Rapid healing of wound, sutures still in place, with one week hair growth enough to make wound not visible. Completely invisible scar a few months after the procedure. Well healed scar which is nearly invisible, note the slightly increased scar at the site of greatest tension the junction between the horizontal (coronal) and the vertical (sagital). One year after surgery, fine well heal scar is nearly invisible. The scar is covered by the existing hair which "shingles" over the donor site. Exposing healed donor area a few months after the procedure. Well healed scar which is nearly invisible, note the slightly increased scar at the site of greatest tension the junction between the horizontal (coronal) and the vertical (sagital). Completely invisible scar a few months after the procedure. Completely invisible scar a few months after the procedure. Completely invisible scar a few months after the procedure. Completely invisible scar a few months after the procedure. Completely invisible scar a few months after the procedure. Well healed minimally visible scar a few months after the procedure. 7-10 days after surgery most patients are well healed and ready for sutures to be removed. Well healed minimally visible scar a few months after the procedure. Well healed minimally visible scar a few months after the procedure.
  12. Dr. P, you're looking awesome! Great results for only 1800 grafts. Thanks for posting.
  13. I have to say congrats to you, TakingThePlunge! Sounds like your hard work is paying off tremendously. I'm also interested in trying the Insanity work out.. I've heard good things and it's great to hear of your results. Good luck with those ab works! You're right, "The Situation" won't have anything on you! Ha! I lost 30 lbs by counting calories and working out. Cardio is key! Personally, I'm a big fan of the Arc Trainers at the gym. Elliptical and treadmills get the job done, as well.
  14. Orangehair, I can already tell she will see a tremendous improvement. Impressive for such a small case. Nice work from Dr. Dorin. Looking forward to seeing this patient's future follow up photos. Christy
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