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Everything posted by Christine

  1. I agree with Future_HT_Doc. Excellent way to present result photos with organized patient/procedure data. Nice improvement so far.
  2. Here's a male patient with advance male pattern baldness who had two transplants done at a chain clinic. He came to Arocha Hair Restoration for help in increasing the fullness and naturalness of his hair transplant. Result photos and video are 1 year + after most recent transplant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoSUilg_pR4
  3. This young gentleman came to see us for help with his receding hairline and thinning in the frontal area. Dr. Arocha performed a 2000 FU procedure to restore the framing of his face, and increase the density in the frontal scalp area. His goals were more than met within 4.75 months after his dense packing procedure. He returned after more than one year post-transplant for a follow-up visit. He is more than ecstatic with his results, stating that even when he was a teenager, before he ever had hair loss, his hair just never laid down as well as after his hair restoration. This is testament to not only obtaining natural, undetectable results, but also what a difference the art component makes. These result photos are at over one year post-procedure.
  4. Thank you, Bill. I will post it there, too. Just learning about the new HT video library section of the website. Looks good!
  5. New video featuring a 49 year old male patient who under went a 2079 FU crown restoration procedure with Dr. Arocha. Results are 9 months post-op. http://www.arochahairrestoration.com/videoresults/
  6. This patient is a 31 year old man with NW 4v/5 pattern hair loss, desiring to restore his hair to improve the framing of his face. Doctor Arocha performed a 3003 FU procedure to restore the hairline, frontal and mid-scalp areas. The after photos were taken at only 5 months post-procedure.
  7. Hi Jupiter_Jessica, welcome to the forum! You're not the only female on here but I'll agree, we are out numbered. LOL I work for Dr. Arocha in Texas.
  8. Unfortunately, I've never been to Vancouver so I can't recommend any spots to visit but enjoy yourself! I hear it is awesome up there. I have always wanted to visit. Let us know how your trip goes.
  9. Future_HT_Doc, thank you for your positive feedback. Bill, No problems with posting to the new forum. The new lay out is easy enough. I am also happy with the photo upload speed. Thank you for your feedback.
  10. What an interesting case! The patient looks fantastic with his new full head of hair. Thank you for sharing with the forum.
  11. This patient is a 49 year old male complaining of thinning crown, wanted to start restoration in that area. He had a 2079 FUT procedure performed by Doctor Arocha. The after photos are taken 9 months post procedure, hence further improvement should be forthcoming.
  12. Janna, This is a nice improvement. Good work from Dr. Ron Shapiro. Bill, Thank you for the info on photo posting. I am eager to start posting with the new forum layout but I'm sure there are differences to account for.
  13. Empty Area, thank you! We're looking forward to setting your appointment and seeing your own awesome results
  14. orangehair, Right you are. Dr. Arocha has been removing them by using a very small .7 mm punch to FUE them out. Alternatively, I assume electrolysis could be used but the .7 mm will leave very minimal if any scarring. Robin-at-USHR, The patient is certainly thrilled with his new corrective results. We will definitely get those top down angles when he comes in for his next follow up. Thank you so much for your feedback. Have a lovely weekend.
  15. ultimate, Forrest Gump, Mick from Farjo - thank you for your great feedback. much appreciated! have a fantastic weekend.
  16. Future_HT_Doc: Thanks for your feedback. To answer your question, this patient is on Finasteride 1 mg daily and Rogaine twice a day. The patient did have patterned diffuse thinning becoming a NW 6. Dr. Arocha worked in the crown area and it is growing in nicely. I'm looking forward to seeing his results in a few months.
  17. Thanks orangehair. You're right. I expect to see even more improvement in the crown area with more time.
  18. Drink plenty of water and count calories.
  19. I've been watching him on Celebrity Apprentice and I, too, was impressed by his very full and thick head of hair. As far as men coloring their hair, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't. Although, sometimes that salt and pepper look can be very attractive!
  20. Higher quality photos: Also we've got video of this patient's results located here at this post: http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/343104146
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