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Everything posted by ZeoRanger

  1. The concept that only recommended doctors are good is flawed. They built this forum with the best intentions but I think certain docs have figured out how to game the system e.g. say they're heavily involved in the extractions/implanting BEFORE approval and then t only let techs do it as soon as they passed the approval process. *cough* Turkey *cough* I am very lucky that I did not go ahead with that clinic myself but recent threads really tainted my view on the recommendation concept. I'd take it into account when choosing a doctor but only to a small extent. Seeing that there are no repercussions (yet) for culprits despite a flood of bad patient reviews, I kinda lost my faith in this system. What's the point of a "recommendation" when the doc/clinic consistently rush through procedures and deliver bad results. I recently visited a local HT doc. He's not internet/forum famous but he showed me plenty of his results, specifically touch ups which is what is be after if I don't grow well. While expensive, he's not leaving anything to techs and guarantees free touch ups or refund for any grafts that don't grow. That cannot be said about the majority of docs on this forum... He even offers small 50 graft "trials" for patients that are skeptical of success. I asked this doc why he's not on HRN and he said he simply doesn't need to advertise himself. He gets enough patients locally and would not be able to service an influx of patients from overseas. So I'd be very inclined to go with him rather than travelling the world for a doc with a "recommendation" that is wishy-washy by nature...
  2. I'd like to believe that the doc in question knows nothing about this. Just the work of his "clever" marketing folks...
  3. Thanks. I didn't post any pics for ages because people tend to trash any results unless they're rock star results with early growth. I was a bit extreme with my headline "poor growth" but I guess it was the PR man in me wanting to grab attention. All I wanted to know is if I have options with what has grown so far or if I'd have to start from scratch again. Just wanted to know what can be done in case there's no further growth. And I posted the worst area magnified... Another independent surgeon checked it out at 8.5 months and said the doc did a good job. What puzzled me is that by looking at my post op pic which was more scabs than anything that it looked like 40 grafts per sq cm. not 55 as promised (and charged) by my the clinic That's quite some allegation. I hope that's not true. I find it a bit odd he was able to conclude this by looking at scabs.... Time will tell. At this stage I won't listen to those who say you're done growing after 8 months. I can now see the little curled colourless wiry hairs popping up. I never saw this type of hair growing in previous months.
  4. Google "news cycle". The topic is no longer new therefore of less interest. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of interesting talk going on behind closed doors. Your favorite doctor's credibility has been questioned and decision makers of this forum/site are well aware that his recommendation undermines the entire system. Just wait. Something is bound to happen.
  5. Mainly yes. That 3 sq cm area is annoying because it lets light into the surrounding areas. And if needed it'd like maybe another 300 grafts sprinkled into the hairline to make it thicker. Then again I just have to be patient. I didn't start growing till 4.5 months so I think I'm 2 months behind anyways. Had a close look between some of the grafts and saw tiny wiry hairs coming up meaning my growth hasn't finished yet.
  6. Works wonders. Been doing it for 6 years but I put it on hold in my post op year just to be sure it doesn't affect growth adversely. Just get someone who doesn't give you that frozen look. It doesn't make your forehead look bigger. You just can't scrunch it as much.
  7. Just wondering is it safe to get Botox into the forehead after a transplant (just hairline). If not, for how long do you have to wait it out? Whole year? It paralyzes the local muscle but should not effect blood flow.
  8. It's an annoying period. Some people say you stop growing after 8 months that's when I started getting concerned. Others say you still grow new hair between month 12 and 18. I just hope I'm a late grower cause I didn't start growing after 4.5 months. All I had till then was hair that did not shed.
  9. Why? I'm not asking for an evaluation. I asking whether it is possible to add density between transplanted grafts without damaging those existing grafts in the process.
  10. I don't think I'd go back to my first clinic simply because I don't want to shave my head again. If i need another go I'll pick a clinic that allows me to keep my fringe so I can cover the recipient site with hair post op. Redness was a real b..ch. No need to expose it to everyone at work.
  11. Not saying it till I get the full result. I attached a pic of the whole hairline to put it into perspective.
  12. Its 8 months when I shaved down the corner to see if any new growth is happening. what you see there is only an area of 3 sq cm. zoomed in as much as possible
  13. I'm 10 months post op. Got 2000 grafts FUE into the hairline. At this stage I think I got at 75% yield I think it's too sparse. There's an area of 3 sq cm with really poor growth near the left temple. I don't think 2 months wait will magically fix this. How can this be fixed? Is it possible to work around the grafts that have grown to thicken it up? Or do I have to start all over again and place another 2000 grafts into the same area? The clinic told my I got 55 grafts per sq cm. at 8 months I had another doc do an evaluation. He said all in all it's a good job but he saw the immediate post op pics and said they only did 40 per sq cm
  14. Have to agree. The recommendation is a huge deal because ultimately it serves as an endorsement in the consumer's mind. But when a doctor/clinic with so many unhappy patients has this "endorsement", it has little meaning...
  15. Great result. I have a few questions though: 1. The patient received about more 400 grafts than with his first procedure. Was it not possible to work around the grafts that did grow after the first procedure? 2. Is successful growth on the same recipient site less likely after a 2nd procedure due to scarring?
  16. Sorry for your disappointing result. Did your doctor ever rule out a skin/blood condition that prevented growth? Or a hidden infection? I recall there was another patient with a renowned doctor who had poor growth. After year 1 turned out he had a nasty condition called lichen planopilaris. I wonder why doctors do not test patients for this BEFORE the procedure... I find it difficult to believe that the techs were so lousy that they transected every single graft. They're no doctors but I still think they'd be trained well enough to get the extraction right.
  17. Remember to protect your head from UV rays though. Did Lorenzo ever comment on that "yellow stuff"? Curious as I had the same issue. No one ever said it was bad but then again no one ever told me straight up what it really was.
  18. " I feel like this clinic literally messed with the wrong patient, but I think we need to raise questions as patients and consumers, this industry..." A clinic should not mess with ANY client. Period. They had it coming. Paleo's case still might turn out well but the COUNTLESS poor reviews from other AHD patients that came before him warrant the scrutiny the clinic is under now. I have not seem any other clinic on this forum with so many poor growth cases - particular on one side only. It's clearly a transection issue done by techs. When this clinic first got recommended the mods were misled and under the impression that the the doc did all the work himself. If you're going with this clinic you're taking a gamble, depending on who your tech de jour is. Luck should have nothing to do with your surgery. This clinic being recommended would undermine the credibility of this site. Based on other good results I think doganay is talented but there is a weakest link in their process chain that's causing the problems
  19. You can pad yourself on the back lol that's the second prospective patient I counted that cancelled his appointment after reading this thread. By now the clinic will surely regret messing with you! Nice to see when a consumer fights back successfully. Also reinforces the purpose of this forum.
  20. Shouldn't be a problem after day 7 but do not scratch. You might have bacteria under your nails. To remove the scabs gently pad the area in growth direction with your fingertips while showering. Hair you're losing now is part of shedding. Unless there's a trickle of blood you did not lose a graft.
  21. Yes oozing is when there is discharge coming from the wound and it doesn't dry or heal
  22. Because it's yellow. Most people associate this with pus and ultimately an infection. And people are used to seeing a super clean scalp immediately post op rather than a 3 day post op. I read somewhere it's fibrin or fibrogen or something and formed when a wound heals. If you develop fever and it starts oozing you should be getting concerned For a peace of mind you can go see a GP. He should be able to spot an infection and prescribe antibiotics if necessary.
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