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Everything posted by Yaz89

  1. And the op patient (the wife) stated she measured his head with an professional magnifier. No disrespect but most clinics have state of the art equipment. I don't believe it is possible to measure how many grafts have been implanted your self
  2. Mickey, do you actually believe this? I, for one, do not. I am heading back this April for my second surgery with Dr Erdogan. I know they have the tools to measure how many grafts grow. I have seen it in other Asmed patient's threads. Not for one minute I believe a world renowned surgeon like Dr Erdogan who has been practising hair transplants will con people.
  3. TMNK, I am glad to hear my thread and experience is helping others. I received a ton of help from others in terms of research and answers to my questions. I am happy to know I have inspired others to do the same. Happy growing mate
  4. Wow, amazing scooter! Thanks for coming to update.
  5. Thanks Mick! Hey Scott, nice to hear from you buddy. And thanks for the warm words
  6. Thanks Mick! Hey Scott, nice to hear from you buddy. And thanks for the warm words
  7. Congrats. Already looking good at the 4.5 month mark. Your donor area really looks good after 9000 grafts. Looking forward to your updates.
  8. It all went good for me. Check out my result by clicking on my signature. My thread should surely help you. I am due in April for my second surgery with asmed
  9. Usually Dr Feller is very vocal. All seems a bit quite from his side....scary
  10. I had no problems carrying cash from the UK to Turkey. I brought my Euro's in the UK using one of the best online traders who give the exchange rate very close to the market rate. I flew with 8000 euro in a mini wallet. Not once I was questioned either in the UK airport or in the Turkish airport. I think it is 20% on using credit/debit cards in Dr Erodgrans clinic. Then take in account the exchange rate plus your bank charges. Paying in cash solves this headache.
  11. Thanks Mick! Trust me Mick, if you see me in person you will definitely know the high hair line doesn't suit my features. Plus I have a long face and a long forehead making it worse.
  12. Many thanks Chris. I recieved a lot of help from this forum. Just my way in giving something back. Will surely open a new thread for my second surgery.
  13. Thank you Petchski. Good luck with your recent surgery! I sure will do. I was not told my donor capacity. I will surely find out how much I have left in the bank.
  14. Update: Well I am 27 months post-op and I turned 27 on Monday! In April, I am heading for my second surgery at Asmed for 3000 grafts. Hopefully to lower my hair line, fill in the temples and to address some slightly weak areas. From my first surgery, I have experienced that it takes a very long time for the transplanted hair to mature and "act" like your native hair. The images show my hair line and temples exposed, the remaining show my usual hair style. I have not cut my hair since November. I am planning to see Dr Erdogan with my hair grown out.
  15. I would stick to brand name (merck). I have always used brand name proscar. Just cut the pill into four's. I am a bit wary of generic and also tend to use to the brand name. Also better to be safe than sorry. Your result will be awesome. Trust me, I had 2400 grafts spread in a large area which has had such a massive change to my appearance. Imagine your end result with your number of grafts in a small area and taking into account your graft counts! And thanks bud for the wishes for my second op. Pics be right now
  16. Oh by the way, before fin I was shedding like 50-100 hairs a day. This would occur whilst brushing my hair or showering. Thanks to fin, I only lose like 20 or more odd hairs.
  17. Thanks bud! Basically, my hair line is far too high. So I am planning to drop my hair line. Make it a bit rounder and straightener. And slightly close my temples. The thing is, I look exactly like I did when I was 18 with the same hair style you see in my thread. It is the only style I can pull off, due to the high line being far too high. Yes my second op is in early April. I have been on meds (fin) since Oct 2013. I actually began fin on the day of my surgery. What I noticed, I have very little hair loss right now, my crown and mid scalp has thickened up where no grafts where placed (I think I have a few pics in my thread showing this). But most importantly my donor feels much more thicker, darker and more full prior starting fin, despite removing 2400 grafts. And I have had no side-effects at all. I would say when I was started fin, on the 6th month mark, I had an massive shed and I panicked! I realised this was normal and the hair came back much thicker and more full. Check my thread in five minutes time. I am going to post new pics showing my hair in its current state and you will understand my problem. If you need any support, don't hesitate to contact me fellow Asmed patient
  18. No worries bro! If you still have scabs, gently tap them under the shower head. Most likely they should fall off in the next few days. The white scabs you see is the skin healing. That is normal. I think once all the new transplanted hairs have shed, you can progress to normal washing.
  19. Nothing to worry about. The grafts are secure. You're just shedding the newly grown transplanted hair which sheds anyway. Thats a good sign really. Once they shed, in a few months time the growth cycle should begin. That how the program works! Take it easy buddy.
  20. Thanks for the great summary and for the set of questions to ask! I will be definitely be asking him these. From their website, they mention: "All the pigments used at Brandwood Clinic are organic, formulated from organic powder, distilled water, witch hazel & alcohol. They have been fully tested and comply with COE ResAP (2008) 1 standards. As our inks are non-acrylic and organic they allow the body to heal faster and hold the colour better". What do you think of this?
  21. Congrat David! Cannot believe how young you look! I daresay the salt and pepper look suits ya!
  22. Robert, I use Dr Kashif Sawar. He is a GP based in West Yorkshire. Private message me if you are interested in contacting him
  23. Exactly what i was referring to. Couldn't put it in better words than you Mick.
  24. Have I spoken about density, have I spoken about characteristics? I was referring to the area transplanted. Dr Bhatti was correct to use 1800 grafts. Yes graft counts, the number of 2's, 3's play a big factor. This is a good result. No need to be aggressive with me.
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