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Everything posted by Yaz89

  1. Here is one anyway http://asmedfue.forumcommunity.net/m/?t=50277213 Clearly you can see how bad this guy was. He has an excellent hair line and full density. Post op shaved look shows how the grafts have taken root
  2. KO I have been reading your posts for a very long time. Knowing you, your going to refute them anyway
  3. Bobman had 8475 grafts. Some of these docs have given their patients full heads of hair with less grafts than Bobmans. I cant seem to find any pre op images of Bobman. I will post some links tomorrow as I am at work right now. I don't be on this forum 24/7 like you.
  4. Two can play this game. The results I see from FUT doctors simply do not beat the doctors I mentioned. Even FUT does not does give 90% yield
  5. I totally agree with that. It depends on the punch size used. But still doesn't stopping the scarring. Both methods have their cons. At the end of the day both leave scars
  6. Nice reply. Of course they are. These guys have have honed their skills on fue just like the way H&W honed their skills regarding fut
  7. I saw a guy at the gym last week. It was obvious from looking at the back of his head he had scar. How could I tell? He had a short hair style such a grade 4. He looked good but the way the hair was sticking out the scar...something like the angles of the donor hair seemed odd. I cannot really explain it. Fin doesn't stop hair loss it slows it down. Donor hair is no expection to fin either. It may thin
  8. So the likes of Dr Lorenzo, Dr Vories, Dr Reddy, Dr Erdogan, Dr Diep to name a few are not getting results similar to FUT? Of course they are.
  9. Because I don't trust generics. Too much risk
  10. You guys are complaining about the price of fin in USA! You guys pay peanuts compared to us UK guys! I currently pay 215 UK sterling for six months supply of brand name propecia ($314). That is on a private prescription from my GP. Its suppose to cost 320 UK sterling ($507) but I know the pharmacy owner, so get a cheaper deal. I was paying 220 UK sterling for 12 months brand name proscar, again on private prescription and switched to 1mg brand name fin a few months ago. The problem in the UK and NHS is proscar is available on an NHS prescription for men suffering from prostate problems. But not for hair loss. For hair loss you need to get a private prescription. Most GP's usually charge for this (mine doesn't as I been with his surgery for many years). Then the pharmacy sets their own prices for the fin.
  11. Cant really tell from these pics mate. I aint a doctor. Why don't you start a thread with pics and maybe more experienced members can share their thoughts. With your hair grown out, it be easier to judge how bad you are. But to me the donor looks weak
  12. From them 2 pics, I would say you headig to a nw7. Fin will defo really help you. If your on minxo, then use fin. They work well reallt together. Dump the other crap and stick to the two proven meds
  13. Delancey is spot on! You read my mind! I seen many people in my city, young guys, borderline nw5's walking around with strip scars. They have not researched and simply jumped on the wagon. When I got mine done, I went to a new barber. I was around 3 weeks post op. He said my hair transplant is the most cleanest and excellent job he had seen. He noted, being a barber for 20 years, my hair transplant stood out from the rest. And he is a nw7 himself!
  14. Without fin, it is dangerous. If your saying you are quite bald, fin will have a good effect on the donor hair. Besides it helps other hair too, not just the crown. I have had no side-effects at all and I am nearly 27. For younger guys it wise to be on fin as you never know where you will end up on the norwood scale. Fin is a good weapon for diffuse loss, as I figured. It doesn't stop hair loss but will reduce it.
  15. Thanks for the compliments! Thats a good plan. I would suggest sticking to fin for a year before heading out for surgery
  16. Hey! I caught wiff of this another forum a few weeks ago and when keyser-soze started to post. I figured his way of writing and expressions matches 1966. Checked the another forum and the style of writing matched. Didn't have time on my hands to login here to alter the mods. Good thing Bill checked the ip address.
  17. Hi Shaz, sorry for the late reply. Yes I had 2400 grafts in my first sitting. I haven't had my second pass, hopefully in November which will be for 3000 grafts. I have been on fin since 2013. Haven't had no side effects at all. Regaine and fin work differently. Fin lowers DHT which is the main cause for MPB. It should be the main arsenal in your hair loss fight. Regaine works by increasing blood flow to the hair which increase the shaft and diameter of the hair root. It merely thickens existing hair but does not grow any new hair. I am only on fin. Regaine in some people can age the skin plus it has alcohol in it so I don't use for that reason and I wish to stay looking young lol. I didn't research for south-Asian doctors but I have heard of Dr Humayun Mohmand who primarily does strip which I did not want.
  18. Well done David! Did you say KPH1966!?. Weren't they one of Dr M (the tech run clinic) cronies? These parasites have created their own forum! I don't want to write the link here but KPH1966 is the forum editor and moderator there and so are all of patients of Dr M who pervious had threads here, are there now! That SJ14, britboy, grave digger, even BUSA has a account there!
  19. I think Dr Vories uses manual punches KO. His website states it so.
  20. Why are the grafts taken so low from the donor area? Seems like the area where the grafts where taken from looks sparse and thin now
  21. First off all, it seems you have not researched into hair transplants. You are a nw5 and you needed more than 2800 grafts. I suggest you ask for advice in more timely fashion. Secondly, have you been in touch with surgeon? That is the most inportant aspect. Dr Chaudhry as I can see has given you some good advice.
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