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Everything posted by Yaz89

  1. 2 weeks minimum or 3 weeks max. As the donor site heals very quickly. Depending on how skilled your doctor is then the healing rate should be faster. My donor site healed within 2-3 weeks
  2. Nice one Matt. Just don't know which shampoo to use. Been looking for a sls free brand but its damn difficult here in the UK. (Bet you know how things run! Lol)
  3. Matt, what would you say to someone like me who doesn't have any scalp problems, dandruff etc. Even though i used niz and found it wasnt doing any good to my hair like the dried scalp, flaking etc. Say I still what the benefit from ketocozanole? Despite the negatives from niz, are there any other options?
  4. Its great to hear your following Dr Fellers words. Most of the time the docs are always right! I do hope your condition improves. Yep I am nearly 8 months now. One side is looking better than the other but still have a long way to go really. I ain't assessing my result till the 18 month. Like you said, lets just hope
  5. I got dried flakes near my hairline too! Thats when i ditched it. Looks like your current regime is working; stick to it. You just need to find what works for you. Yep niz is a problem if you OVER USE it. Stay safe mate. You don't want to be held back with your growth times after spending a few good bucks on your ht and all pain, time and suffering due to hair loss. Thats what i thought when i stopped niz
  6. If you look at Hrsp10 profile, he experienced a shed on nizoral which affected his hair. Plus he has dermatitis too
  7. Damn! Awesome hair, wish I could wear my hair like yours! Hate my flat top lol. Congrats mate
  8. Well there are different theories and approaches when using Nizoral. I myself had a small case of dermatitis. Dr Koray recommended Nizoral. Like I said, I used 4 times and then ditched it. My mild dermatitis went away too. The thing with dermatitis is usually its a long-term problem and its difficult to treat. Nizoral is effective but I advise to use it less often. Instead of 3 times a week, maybe you can use it once a week. After using Nizoral, if you pull your hairline/ hair back, do you have dried flakes on the roots of your hair? Does your scalp feel dry?
  9. Hiya mate. Nizoral can have a negative effect on transplanted hairs which are still growing. Most users have said nizoral thins transplanted hairs . Spex (the hair transplant guru) has also documented the effects nizoral has on new hairs. The fourth time i used it it really dried my scalp out and I stopped using it. My initial shedding began at the end of week 2. I had a gradual loss of hair. Most of it came in the shower. My shedding stopped by week 4. Regrowth started around month 3. The most visible change of appearance I experienced was in month 7. Even now each week its getting better. I have a feeling I am slow grower and will assess my result at the end of the 18 month. From there I will make decision whether I need a second round.
  10. I am on 7 months too and experiencing exactly the same. Don't worry about it, still many months of growth left yet.
  11. Thanks for support; like you said were all in this together. Doctor K told me by May I should have a visual improvement in the temple areas. Fingers crossed I do! If you need any advice let us know, were here to help
  12. Well, I am 1 week into my 7th month with Dr Koray. No way I had early growth. I still believe I have a number of grafts to break out the skin. My left side is coming along good; it is thickening and maturely nicely. The right side is still very see-through effect. Thats why its important to remember one should give it the full 18 months to assess the final result
  13. Month 4 and 5 will show a significant change. Thanks for the update. Hope your well and don't look in the mirror too often!
  14. Thanks pal. It was a nightmare waiting to grow back the hair from the short cut a few weeks ago! Lol. Things are looking well
  15. Clarification, Since 21 also advised me the dangers of using Nizoral and its effects on transplanted hairs.
  16. Denny, how are you! Its cool, hoping your enjoying your time in Brazil. I know how busy you are man. Yep, only 7 months and still a long way to go. Good to hear your hair is growing!
  17. Forget to mention, my fringe tends to grow side ways and curly, particularly the right side.
  18. Nearly 7 months! And its looking good so far. The left side is coming along nicely. Have seen a big improvement this month with the thickening of the hairs. I still suspect I have more grafts to pop out yet. The right side is still lagging behind and my mum said yesterday my hair is getting better but the right side seems slow. Still a massive improvement from pre-op. I can see new hairs which are white and colourless from both sides of the head, I think these should thicken up in the next few months. I am still taking fin and have had no side effects at all. The crown and vertex areas are looking good. I think I am growing hairs from these areas due to the fin as the past few years these areas were slightly thin. Good thing is; I used to lose like 30 hairs in the shower prior fin now its like 5-10! The issue with the dermatitis has been resolved. I used Nizoral 4 times. The redness has gone. But after the 4th time, it really dried my scalp and I noticed hard, dried flakes stuck on the roots of my hair. I remembered Scooters advice and Hrsp's trouble with Nizoral, so I ditched it. I am back on my normal shampoo and no more dried flakes. No point in using Nizoral if I don't suffer from dandruff; I think fin is enough! I have attached a variety of images and have highlighted the areas of concern which are from the right side of my head. This area had grafts implanted and they still haven't popped out yet. I still cannot spike my hair up as, naturally, even before my hair transplant I couldn't. It runs in the family; the fringe and frontal areas always lays flat, same with my brothers. I have tried using a blow-drier to spike the frontal and have used styling products but the fringe/frontal areas lays flat.
  19. Thanks Scooter and Since 21. I am aware of Hrsp10 issues with Nizoral. Dr K said use it only for 3 days in a week. I am sure my dermatitis is temporary as I didn't have dandruff or any other issues with my scalp before my transplant. I will contact Hrsp10 for advice. Thanks Since21 for pointing it out
  20. Its all good! Just gone 6 months and its coming along nicely. A little problem called dermatitis has hit me but i finally managed to find a solution. Really hoping for extra growth. Hope your well
  21. Scooter man! Damn looking for 3 months! Watch how each month will better.
  22. Just a quick update. The past 3 months, since my hair started to grow. My scalp has been feeling lumpy, looked slightly red and was tender to touch. I emailed Dr Koray and he replied back stating it properly is dermatitis. He recommended to used Nizoral shampoo. I brought the over-the counter bottle and used it. Just one application and my scalp is feeling good. Redness has decreased and have a "fresh" feeling around the scalp. Hopefully a few more applications the problem should be gone. A big thanks to Dr Koray and his knowledge...what a great man. To all those who might experience the same, try Nizoral
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