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Everything posted by Yaz89

  1. Excellent write up! Mirrors my own experience with Dr K. I agree with the fact Dr K has invested heavily in his people. They have years of experience, knowledge and the skill. Dr K only performed stage 2 on me and still my result is excellent. For potential patients, you are in safe hands.
  2. Hi Matt, firstly I apologise for my late reply. If I be honest with you, I do not feel family history of hair loss will determine whether you will end up bald or not. I believe everyone is different and if we have the baldness gene or not. Best thing if you do notice hair loss, as you say you have, is start taking finasteride or apply regaine foam. Personally, I wouldn't recommend regaine as once you stop using it, any hair which has grown will be lost forever. Before my hair transplant, my mid-scalp and crown were really weak. I started to take finasteride which Dr Koray recommended. Like you I was scared of the side-effects. Believe it or not, I have experienced no sides at all. My crown and mid scalp is much thicker, darker, filled in. I had a bald spot in the crown and every month it is getting thicker and new hairs are filling in. I have been taking finasteride for nearly 9 months in conjunction with my transplant. Finasteride has to be taken forever in order to maintain the hairs or when one believes its has lost its effectiveness. Finasteride acts by blocking DHT which causes hair loss in the first place. If finasteride is stopped, all hairs grown and all the hairs maintained by finasteride will be gradually lost. Finasteride is not a permanent solution to halt hair loss, it mainly slows it down. Let me give you a example. Prior my transplant and finasteride usage, if I tried pulling some hairs from my head, I would see 10 or 15 hairs coming off. Even having a shower or combing my hair, I would lose a lot of hairs. Now I hardly lose any hairs whilst showering, combing or trying deliberately to pull my hairs out. You think your hair loss has stopped. The problem is we never know when it starts or ends. Trust me I know about that. Going to the doctor will hardly help unless you do have a condition which is causing your hair loss. I been there and done it. I had blood tests, iron count, and other pointless tests which all came clear. No doctor with good ethics will perform surgery on you at the young age of 21. Be vary of clinics who promise you false hopes. I take it as your hair line is still intact but you have not hairs at the temples. That's means your maturing as a man. Are you a NW1? If so, it shouldn't be really bothering you at this point of life. My opinion would be get on finasteride, maintain and possibly grow of what you have now, and enjoy your life. Many would agree on this statement. Were here to help.
  3. It is most likely due to you begin a new member. Carry on leaving comments in other threads until you can reply back to me or contact the moderators to give you access
  4. I know buddy! Trust me in a few weeks time it will much thicker and better.
  5. How you getting on buddy? Hope the growth is coming along. Would be good to see a update
  6. That is looking slick my friend! Its getting better month by month! I hope you are happy and well
  7. Thank you Slevin! Yes, I am very happy indeed! My new hair has knocked years off my face. I look 16 again lol
  8. Looking really good! You look so much younger Denny. That hair line is awesome. Growth has began. Plus you had 4000 grafts and it will improve every month
  9. These pics were taken about 3 weeks ago using my brothers 10 megapixel camera. The lightning is a bit harsh. By comparing these 7 months 1 week pics to todays 8 month update you can see a big improvement
  10. Thanks Redchilli007! I am definitely hoping for more as I still can see smaller hairs which will definitely thicken. I still have some black stubble which I think are new hairs trying to push out. Both sides are on track and the right side is definilty catching up. Its normal for one side to grow faster than the other; not really worried now Yep I am looking much younger than my age ( I am 25). The hair line is very close to the one I had when I was 18 so a big shout to Dr K! From the age of 21 when my hair started to fall and to this point of life; I am really happy and others around me have noticed. Thank you for the kind words my friend. I have tried using a hair straightener but cant seem to use it the right way lol. I cant manage to get the hair under the plate plus I find the heat a bit too strong. After showering I use a hair dryer on the cold setting which usually helps but once the hair line gets to a certain length its hard to control the curls. Hopefully that should sort it self out in a few months time
  11. You be just fine. Stay away from mirrors! I know its difficult but you need to stop looking at the hair. Eg last month my right side you could see a fair amount of scalp and last night my brother said that gap is getting thicker. Trust me things will move forward for you my friend
  12. Thank you! It feels good to wake up in the mornings and having that messed up look! Missed that mate!
  13. Thanks Hairshopeing! My friends say I look 15 again! A big thanks to Dr Erdogan; he changed my life
  14. 8 month update. This month has really been good. Have noticed a lot of thickening of the hairs. Right side is catching up with the left; still a bit weak but much better since month 7. Have noticed new growth in the crown due to the fin. Previously there were was a small bald patch and I can see small hairs coming through. Only down side is that the transplanted hairs in the hair line grow curly once they get some length and I have to cut them a tad bit shorter to straighten them. Cant tell from the pics as I cut them straight a few nights ago. Finally have my self-confidence back and these days my hair is not bothering me any more. Still have a few months to go and really hoping for more growth.
  15. Its all in your head. You have to be prepared mentality for this journey. The real journey begins after your transplant. Many guys here including myself envy your hair and wish we were in the same position as you; hair wise. Your photos show excellent density with no sign of hair loss. Well thats what i think. Hair will look thin when buzzed. If you look at my pre op photos and when I was in the ugly duckling phrase, I had really thin hair in the crown and mid scalp. But hey it grow back just like it was before my transplant. I am nearly 8 months and still have many months left of growth, the maturation and thickening of the hairs. Any shock loss grow back. From reading this thread, seems like your hair line was lowered. If that is the case, I don't feel you have any shock loss in the crown and temples. Be patience, enjoy life and in a few months you will look awesome.
  16. Wow! Looking excellent at the 4 month mark! Big change from the last few weeks. Happy for ya Scott
  17. I don't see the point of trimming the transplanted hairs as they going to shed anyway! Usually by month 4 you should see some growth but it won't be a massive change of appearance.
  18. Ugly duckling phrase usually begins after week 4. If you barely had any hair at front then yes it will be noticeable. Reminds me of my transplant. I had the whole frontal and mid scalp done. And i looked like a proper arse for 2 months! Take a look at my thread to get a idea of what i am talking about
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