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Everything posted by Yaz89

  1. Nice try Dr Bloxham I am South asian with fair skin and thick black hair. The colour contrast between black hair and fair skin is always problematic. And I have said that already!
  2. Dr Bloxham. Thanks for the pics. But the patient hair cut is no where close to mine. No way at all. Mine is much shorter.
  3. You have seen plenty of FUT patients with fade cuts like yours but you never knew it because the entire scar was easily concealed in the remaining donor area you chose not to buzz. Your scars are plain to see to the naked eye- educated or uneducated. They are not subtle nor are they hard to pick up. If you shaved your entire donor area, which unethical FUE proponent claim patients can do, it would be even easier to see the scars and associated skin damage. Which, obviously, is why you chose to leave a large amount of uncut hair in your donor area. These visible scars that show in your buzzed area (which are outside the safe donor zone by the way) would not even be there if you had had a strip procedure. All the evidence would have been concealed in the very fade cut you chose to show in your photos. If the fade cut is how you like to wear your hair, and the very fade cut you are showing in these photos leaves more than enough hair to conceal a strip scar, why did you bother with FUE ??? Especially since the FUE option left you with MORE visible scar than an FUT would have ? And remember, now that we know your grafts were taken from outside the safe region at some point those hair, if they grew in the recipient area at all, are at a high risk of falling out. Doesn't this bother you? I do apologise but I have not. Not with the skin showing such as mine. I have seen grade 2's. I cannot call grade fades true fades as no skin is shown. The scars do not bother me. I have very dark hair as you can see and my skin tone is very fair. An very bad combination for hair transplants. Actually no hair is left uncut. It is faded meaning my stylist works through the whole donor area with different lengths. I have been on fin since 2013 and the general conception is that fin helps keep donor hair. There is no tool to look into future to see how ones donor will end; the same risk is for FUT. Thats why some doctors elect to fue into strip scars; which I find ironic. I have explained why in my previous post; FUT was not for me. You never know how an strip scar will turn out. All my grafts have grown. I am very sure of that. My chosen doctor is very skilled in growth percentages and in donor management. It doesn't bother. I can say the same where I seen pics of FUT strips taken from ear to ear resulting in the smiley strip.
  4. Thank you very much Dr Feller. I am extremely happy with my surgeries. It has been life changing. Regarding my pics, no I am not denying the FUE scars cannot be seen. As I explained to Blake, no one has noticed anything through the years. Of course an trained eye, like yourself would be able to. I state once again, I have not seen FUT results with shaved doners like mine. Please post some; for the benefit of this community
  5. I ain't no layman Dr Feller. You are absolutely correct mentioning how research is important. Myself, I researched both procedures. And FUT just wasn't compatible to my needs. The scar, especially the recovery from what I have read is time consuming and painstaking. I have an cochlear implant. And I remember when the incision was healing; it took many weeks for it to be completely heal and that nerve pain! I can only imagine how would an FUT incision be like. Would have been an thousand times worse
  6. Dr Feller and Dr Blake, I have always admired you guys but come on man, this is just too much. We have a saying in the UK which is OTT (over the top). Blake, not one person has clocked my donor and said "oh! What is this!". I been sporting this cut for many years even after my ht. Secondly, I haven't seen no FUT results cut short as mine. I believe the most I have seen are either grade 3-4. Gladly post some of your patients with donor's shaved like mine.
  7. As somone who has had nearly 5k grafts removed via FUE manual punch. No way I would have been able to cut my hair this short if I had gone via FUT. Photos showing grade 0 hair cut and with donor grown out. Notice the homogenization of the donor and with the hair grown out no sign of patchiness; I don't need to use any other fancy words to describe. FUE in the right hands is not scaremongering as biased clinics claim it to be.
  8. Hi guys. It has been nearly 4 years post op from 1st transplant and 13 months post op 2nd transplant. I haven't been on the forum for a while as hair loss doesn't bother me anymore. I have an great head of hair and I think I am set for many years to come. Have reduced fin to M-W-F the past 3 months. No change in hair quality or increase in hair loss. Still stable on the reduced dosage. Will be visitng asmed in the near future for official clinic photos.
  9. Thanks for the encouragement guys. Just short of 11 months next week. Will do an update in April when its the 12 months mark. Can't believe how restored my head is!
  10. What you on about? Most of his patients are Turkish and Italian. I had 2 surgeries with him. First time 2400 and second for 2490. People say he quotes high number. He has state of the art tools to assess the donor and the hair required to give an acceptable result. Plus I'm asian!
  11. It is Wibbles. I know what you are thinking...7 months for that poster maturation of the hairs wasn't complete.
  12. All is well brother, you? Yeah, only recently he hit my radar; a few months ago. He be worth researching. The internet has really developed to be an excellent source. I can remember the days surgeons were being recommended to me via mouth.
  13. There is also Dr Zekeriya Kul of Istanbul, Turkey who does all the surgery himself. From extraction to implantation. He uses the stick and place method. I seen some videos of his work in youtube demonstrating this technique; very impressive. His work can also be found in the Italian forum. There are plenty of excellent surgeons scattered through the world. Researching can be quite difficult finding these kind of surgeons but they are out there
  14. ForeverBlue, I know how you feel. I believe me and HTsoon both have been in your shoes. I was 20 myself and was an NW4 by 24. I know how it feels living our peak years in worrieness and depression. The guys have given you good advice. NO ONE can predict what NW you will end up. I researched 3 years before having my first transplant and I was also vary of using preventive meds. I started on fin just after having my first transplant. And it has greatly helped in strengthening and keeping my existing hair. But I also know it won't last forever. The meds are merely slowing down my genetic and final balding pattern. I rather slow it down than lose it within a few years. Please heed what the guys are telling you. Right now your donor is unstable and you could lose the transplanted hair resulting in disappointment and unwanted scarring which could have been avoided. I have attached a pic of myself before I had my transplant so you know you ain't alone. We know how it feels
  15. Hey mate, sure I do it now for ya. The density is quite high in my hair line and mid scalp. When I do comb it forward, the hair reaches near my eyebrows. But its very curly due to my hair characteristics. If you look at my old thread, you will find pics with my hair combed forward. I stopped sporting the frontal comb over as my new hair line has opened up plenty of new styling options.
  16. Hmm I might see him again. I do miss Dr Erdogan. He has done a lot to help me turn my life around. Not sure if you know but I am deaf and have had suffered with depression. The Asmed family is great. I miss them as well; I was "homesick" for a week when I returned home. I was thinking more of becoming an patient coordinator. I would love to move to Turkey if I had the chance. Wouldn't mind repping, its just the time issue regarding my job
  17. Deb, all looks well. The pain in the donor area will subside. The nerves are healing. All in good time. I see the bruising is also improving. You are on track. Use a bit more force on the scabs and you should be scab free by day 10 and be able to enjoy the implanted hairs for four weeks before they shed! I was scab free by day 10 and I started to shed the new hairs after week 4.
  18. Another pic in brighter light. Right after an shower and drying. No hair product used
  19. Hey Deb. Congrats on your surgery! The work looks great! I am jealous they used KEEP on you. Now I wish I had my second surgery now lol. I am sure you will have a great result Hehehe, a lot of Asmed patients quote my first transplant. Back in 2013, I was one of the first to document my journey with them on this forum. That time he had just passed his recommendation here and there were hardly Asmed threads. I'm glad it helped. I even asked him for job last time when I was there! I'm still open to the idea if he is willing.
  20. Hey Hrsp, thanks for the kind words my friend! Yep, it was you and others who supported me through my first journey. The propecia shedding hit during the sixth month mark and I can remember your reassuring posts. Once again thanks. The wow factor has returned! I have countless options of styling and no longer feel trapped in that frontal comb over I had been sporting for many years. The first image you posted; can you believe I spend my early adulthood years like that? From 21 to 24! I have about 6k left in the donor bank...but that's it. I am done with hair transplants. It really has been an emotional journey throughout the years. I'm 30 soon and its time to live. Good guess! The hair line is 5.5cm. I have measured it down to the eyebrows. Fingers crossed for more growth; even I know it ain't over yet.
  21. Thanks. It has been a journey with its up's and downs. Hair transplants can be mentality tough. You be in good with Asmed
  22. Some more pics taken in normal room lighting. Sorry for the dirty mirror!
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