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Everything posted by Rawkerboi

  1. Mature Hairline looks age appropriate, please trust your doctor. How many Grafts your doctor has recommended?
  2. Results looks good but your Hair looks very frizzy, why not apply some serum?
  3. While having sex, if your partner accidentally touches your freshly implanted grafts then what? Its better to avoid sexual activity for at least 15days
  4. Go with Dr.Wong, coz he has world class experience in FUT and he is perfect to do mega session like yours. I am pretty sure there will be some cancellation and you will get your HT sooner.
  5. You are right on track and please remember You went to the best doctor so please be patient, 12 weeks is way too early to conclude anything.
  6. Thank you for updating. Well unfortunately it's not looking great. I mean with over 5k grafts I would expect some decent coverage but things are not looking good at the moment. Still four months left and I am keeping my finger crossed. It's unfortunate you had sides from Finasteride, things would have been bit different had you been on Finasteride. What's your next plan? Is Eugenix willing to provide you another HT? Please do discuss with them
  7. You are currently experiencing full blown ugly duckling phase. Your existing hair will recover in few months, I hope you are having Finasteride daily.
  8. This is really sad and poor results how I wish you had found this forum before jumping into HT especially in Turkey! So did you had in person consultation with your repair surgeon? How much donor grafts is available now?
  9. How come a hair loss as minimum as yours needed 5,000 grafts?? I just don't understand where Dr. Wong implanted those Grafts? What about existing hairs? Won't it get damage?
  10. Sorry to ask, but who charges flat $35K?
  11. Cobblestoning is not easy to correct I guess the only possible options are as follows. Second Hair Transplant: When new follicular units are planted again during another hair transplant, the damage can be healed as the new hair grows long enough. Micropigmentation: A micro-thin needle can minimize the scarring with the help of a special dye.
  12. Since you are from Nepal, I think Eugenix is pretty good option for repair. Unfortunately if you remove hair from the cobblestone area there are chances of getting scars. Please research carefully and explore your options. You can not afford another failure
  13. Thanks for the update! I hope you ok after the accident, sad you got a scar now on top of your head, hope it's not much visible after it's heal completely. As @Berba11 said, you need to stop buzzing your hair and let it grow for at-least six months. At the moment hair doesn't look great but you still have five more months so let's be hopeful. Are you in touch with Dr.Sethi? Best wishes!
  14. Interesting case, you got lucky with Hair Mill. Front looks nice. How many grafts were implanted on crown?
  15. Great doctor who has build a solid reputation in our forum. His presentation skills are the best. All his results are quite natural and the fact that he is completely involved in the procedure is a big thumbs up for me.
  16. Your Hair Transplant looks fine. As rest of the members said, hair transplant is the illusion of density. No matter what you can not get original density via Hair transplant. Some pictures which you have uploaded are taken in very harsh lighting conditions which obviously exposes the Hair Transplant. Frankly speaking you don't need a second Hair Transplant, there is no guarantee that after second HT you will be satisfied.
  17. Oh Man! was waiting for your seven month update but I guess need to wait
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