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Everything posted by agenteye

  1. I definitely agree with Spanker in thinking that the hairline you photoshopped would waste a lot of grafts and would look unnatural as you age later on down the line. Factor in the potential to have significant hair loss in the future, and then you are caught between a rock and a hard place!! But with that said, the photoshopped hairline looks good on you! =)
  2. Hahaha! That's hilarious Aaron! I must say I would have never seen this thread if it weren't for the recent bump....but your comment above seriously made me laugh out loud!!! Thanks for the ab workout tonight bud!!
  3. Subtle is good!! =) Nice job Dr. Mejia!! Thanks for sharing his result, looks great!
  4. Hi Jman!! I'm sure someone who has more knowledge on the whole "neograft" concept will chime in here, however I would be reluctant to head to any of these clinics that "specialize" in it....as that is all I see now in the advertisements in airplane magazines. The ad page is always sporting some young model that clearly has a very full head of thick hair (and always has) and has never been a transplant patient!! Of course the model looks great, and entices people to rush into a procedure without any research. You can bet the recommended/Coalition physicians on these forums would be practicing these procedures (and maybe they are) if they are indeed "cutting edge". The top physicians listed in these forums are the top in the entire industry, and you can bet they are ahead on all the latest research and technology. To me....I'll stick with the doctors here who continue to get accolades of all kinds from the members/patients of these forums, and will continue to see great results as evidenced from REAL before and after pictures posted by the clinic reps and patients directly! =)
  5. Yogeshg- Welcome to the forums! As a Norwood II, you aren't currently experiencing hair loss in your crown....and unfortunately, minoxidil appears to be only effective in the crown area. At least that is the area of your scalp where the drug is intended for use. The Finasteride however acts differently than Minoxidil, and seeks to actually block DHT from binding and miniaturizing the follicle. Thus, when using Finasteride, you should see a better result in it working to help stop the loss of hair from your hairline, in addition to other areas of your scalp! Does this make sense at all? I agree with what Jman said above. As long as you aren't experiencing any negative side effects, it is a good idea to stay on the regimen you are, as the fin should help minimize further loss. Just remember, the Minoxidil is going to give you better results in your crown! Best, Mike
  6. I think Dr. B generally performs really great work on the cases I have seen from him. Although he isn't a recommended/Coalition member on these forums, I'd personally feel pretty confident having a procedure done with him, if there weren't so many other great options that are more feasible geographically to me here!
  7. We are all paranoid that we are doing something wrong while we wait....but it is perfectly normal to be feeling that!! :-). I started shedding early also.....and while 3 weeks is probably an "average"....I have seen other cases where it started much earlier. If you are ever truly concerned, contact your physician for clarification....but from what I know about the process, everything looks great and you are right on track! Cheers buddy!!
  8. The follicular grafts should be well secure by 9 days post-op, and any shedding you're experiencing is just the hair (shaft) being shed as the graft enters the resting phase!! All very normal, and you'll most likely continue to shed hair if you still have 50% of your recently transplanted grafts. I just hit a month since my procedure, and have shed almost all of my transplant hairs! Chin up, exciting things to look forward to soon!!
  9. Hi Biz, I have seen a lot of quality results from Dr. Gabel also.....think you'll be in great hands! How many grafts are you personally hoping to achieve? Do you already have your procedure date scheduled, or just your consultation? Looking forward to hearing your impressions of Dr. Gabel after you meet him face to face.....I'm sure you'll be very pleased and have a very positive experience! Best, Mike
  10. Awesome buddy, fingers crossed for you here too!! Let us know how everything goes tomorrow.....or the next day....well, or whenever you recover a bit!! :cool: It would have been really cool to have your procedure done on 12/12/12 ya know....but since tomorrow isn't a Friday the 13th, should be a good day regardless!! Cheers my friend!
  11. No worries bud....no oil for me here! Maybe that's why I lost all my hair over the last decade, haha??!! I do use a conditioner a few times a week though (not since my surgery though, as I can't resume normal hair care until the one month mark this weekend), and it does seem to keep the follicles hydrated!
  12. I love seeing FUE results and how great the patient looks almost immediately post-op!! Haha, and at the same time, it makes me second-guess my decision to have gone the FUT route....as I realize I'll never be able to shave my head that short if I wanted to. But back to the un-selfish me....it really makes me feel good to see what a great result the gentleman above is going to have soon!! =) Very exciting for this patient, and for SMG for getting the new machine/punch! I can't wait to see more of these cases when the new (smaller) punch comes in!!
  13. Hi thecricketer, Again, no need to worry at all pal! Seeing thin hairs coming out is perfectly normal...and keep in mind, hair (even healthy hair) goes through growth stages and shedding. The important thing to remember throughout all of this, is to keep the treatment up consistently. As far as your question on "hair oil" goes, I am confused as to what you are asking here? Are you referring to a styling product such as a gel or a hairspray? I don't use any styling products as of now.....but am hoping my recent transplant gives me the hair I need to be able to start!! As far as any side effects with the fin/minox, I have had none. I have been on finasteride going on 4 years now, and Rogaine for at least 3.....maybe longer! So far so good....and side effects with these two drugs don't negatively affect the majority of their users!! It does happen though from time to time.... Keep us posted buddy!
  14. midnightio- Welcome to the forums! Congratulations on your decision to undergo your 3rd procedure with Dr. B!! From what I've seen of his results, you are in good hands!! 24 hours and counting huh?? That's exciting! 4000+ FUE is a HUGE SESSION!!! Does Dr. B know you want that many grafts done while you're there, and did he say there would be any limitations in doing so? Is that graft count do-able in a one day pass with his clinic, or do you have to go back over the course of a few days to break it up into more manageable stages? Also, do you have any photos of the state of your hair prior to your first two FUT procedures.....just so we know where you started from?!! I'll be sending good thoughts and vibes your way for your restoration with Dr. B tomorrow! I'm glad you found these forums to document your journey and to keep us all here posted along the way! You'll look like a new man when it's all over, so can't wait to see the end result! Just curious, whereabouts in the US are you from? Kind Regards, Mike
  15. Bill, I'm glad that you brought this to light, as I was concerned there was potentially some trolling going on here with someone pretending to be a patient just to smear a very ethical surgeons name in a negative way. Although at first I thought it was maybe an innocent mistake by a newbie poster, there are too many things that seem fishy about the post.....including that the "patient" isn't unhappy as of now, but wants to warn other patients before they spend tens of thousands of dollars to have a certain "experience" from the clinic. For someone who has no complaints because his grafts haven't even started growing....it sure does seem like there was an awfully big slam on the physician and the clinic. But it's hard for anyone who didn't see the original post to know exactly what I'm talking about here, as now it has been removed by the poster! For someone who wants to remain anonymous and potentially go back to the physician in question for a future procedure, there sure does seem to be a lot of ill thoughts early on in his recent procedure waiting game!! As a member of this forum, I'm glad you're "appearing to be the bad guy" Bill!! It is something I wanted to mention myself, and think both parties (the patient and the clinic) should have the right to defend themselves from poor results or unwarranted claims!! Since the clinic came forward to address the concern, it is only fair that the patient cooperates in return.....which clearly is not the case here!!
  16. Shame! Really nice catch Spex!! Absolutely ridiculous that unethical practices such as this continue to occur this day and age! These phonies need to be stuffed before they do harm to anyone!!! At the same time.....and on a somewhat bittersweet note.....what a compliment to H&W, T&D, and Dr. B!!!!! Goes to show you how highly regarded the work done at these clinics is if every fake clinic is chomping at the bits to exploit (previously listed clinics) result photos for false advertisement purposes! I definitely hope some of our forum members in the UK get involved to shed some negative publicity on this "clinic"!
  17. Jayson, Welcome to the forums! Starting the meds is definitely a great decision, and if used consistently should really minimize further loss! When it does come time to needing a restoration later on down the road, you will be in much better shape!! The two most recent photos you posted look really good....and your loss isn't super obvious! As Spanker mentioned, you do have very favorable hair characteristics to work favorably for you when it does come time for you needing a transplant! Keep us posted buddy, you have come to the right place! Best, Mike
  18. Thecricketer, Welcome to the forums!! This is all very normal. I shed really bad the first two months I started the meds, and had a panic attack. I continued the treatments as advised however, and my hair grew back much stronger than before. Keep on with what you're doing now, and don't get discouraged by the (very normal) shed that is happening! Let us know when the shed and your regrowth begins to stabilize!! Best, Mike
  19. redemption- Welcome to the forums. Although it seems as you are getting "bad news", there is hope for you! The medications to halt and renew some of your hair loss work really well....and as David and Thehairupthere mentioned, future transplantation once you get your hair loss under control may still be an option. At only 21, you have a long time ahead of you to have options made available to treat your hair loss. There are a lot of promising treatments on the horizon as well, so don't get discouraged. These forums are a valuable source of information and support, so reach out to anyone here if you're ever feeling down or need advice! Keep us posted as to whether or not you meet up with a hair restoration physician to better assess your loss and future options. Best, Mike
  20. Barry, Congratulations on being this weeks "Patient of the Week". I have actually been following your progress throughout your journey. What a difference already, and all only 6 months out. Your 12 month mark is going to look even better....hard to believe! Keep posting photos....Dr. Path does great work, and I can't wait to see how this one turns out! Best, Mike
  21. Corvettester- Going through your photos from the very beginning to now, it's amazing at how far you've come! You must be ecstatic, your hair really looks great! It's especially nice to see such dramatic transformations with hair restoration are possible, as it gives those of us who are just starting out some hope! Thanks for sharing your most recent progress.....I look forward to keeping better tabs on you along the way! Best, Mike
  22. Secretasianman- I would agree with StaggerLee that if it's your first transplant and you are going the FUT route, the sooner you start the better!! I started 6 weeks before my procedure (I wasn't actually scheduled, I took an opening with a clinic somewhat last minute), and wish I would have started sooner. With that said however, the staff at the clinic said 6 weeks was more than MOST started, and I was still able to get 4700+ grafts in my first pass. If this is your 2nd (or more) procedure however (and it sounds like your question is geared towards when you can start laxity exercises after you've previously had a restoration surgery), I think you should consult your physician on when the best time to start again would be.....as there needs to be sufficient amount of healing time for your donor area. Starting the exercises too soon after a prior procedure may cause stretching of your scar, or delayed healing. Therefore, most reputable clinics will have you wait 8 months to a year in between the actual procedure anyway. Hope that answers your question a little better? Best, Mike
  23. Concealers like Toppik, Caboki, Dermatch and Nanogen are all very commonly used to mask thinning after a hair transplant. The important thing when resuming (or beginning) these products, is that you have allowed sufficient time for your donor and recipient areas to heal. Each physician has different recommendations on an acceptable amount of time, so I would follow YOUR surgeon's advice for post-operative care. If there is mention in your post-op packet that it is okay to use concealers once the scabs are gone, then I would certainly trust that your physician is comfortable in that recommendation. I just had my transplant 3 weeks ago, and my surgeon recommends I wait until one month post-op before using concealers. Although most people would say that's a really conservative amount of time, I'm going to follow my post-op packet, because it is unique to MY clinic! Jman, happy healing to you, and congrats on your recent procedure! Shabs, how do you like Caboki by the way? I just ordered my first bottle of Toppik this morning, and have never used concealers before in my hair......but a lot of people like Caboki and I almost ordered it instead! Curious as to your own thoughts on the product!
  24. Jman- Congrats on your hair restoration buddy! I'm glad you had such a great experience! You were in great hands at True and Dorin's clinic, so you can be certain you will see a nice result when your grafts mature over the next year. In the meantime, I know how tough it is not to look in the mirror.....but definitely try to relax and remember the order of events to come =) I am only one month post-op this weekend myself, and it is an excruciating wait to get to the growth phase, as right now I look worse than I did before my procedure. But I focus on one day at a time, and realize that I just need to keep my eye on the prize!! Watching your scalp shed the follicles is definitely depressing, but just remember that growth will be coming shortly after! I look forward to following your results. Keep us all posted, and welcome to the forums! Best, Mike
  25. Welcome to the forums goatz! Looks like very clean work, and right where you should be for 11 days post-op. Shedding of the follicle at this point is very normal, and after 9 days you can be pretty certain that the graft is secure! I think when your grafts start growing in, it will make a huge difference to your hairline, and you will be very pleased with the results. Who is the physician who did your restoration, and how was your experience overall? Keep us posted as you continue your journey over the next year. Looking forward to seeing how your case progresses and matures! Best, Mike
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