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Everything posted by agenteye

  1. I would agree that this is a very natural looking hairline, and when it is dry and styled it looks amazing. What a big difference considering where he came from that first photo where his hair is wet and you can see the pronounced temporal loss!!! How many grafts were used in this procedure, and was this an FUE case, or FUSS? Man, I'd be thrilled to be blessed with wavy/curly AND light colored hair. Makes a huge difference compared to us dark and straight hair guys....... Nice result, thank you for sharing!! Congrats to the patient and the doctor!!
  2. Well I should say not!! Congratulations again!! You came so far from those pre-op pictures, you must be ecstatic from your first procedure alone, and this will just be icing on the cake!! :cool:
  3. Looks really nice at 6 months Dr. Alexander. A little more density over the next year will really do this patient well. He's gotta be a happy camper! Thanks for sharing!
  4. WOW!! Looks great. That hairline turned out awesome!! This is an excellent result! Thanks for sharing!
  5. Postdoc- Awesome buddy, congratulations!! The works looks great as always from Dr. Hasson!!! That is going to make you very happy!!! Almost 7500 grafts total! WOW! Did you get a hair count for all those grafts? I'm curious as to know what the breakdown was. At any rate, your second procedure should just about wrap everything up for you!!! Can't wait to see the end result of this......
  6. I certainly think 21 is young for a hair transplant, and if it were me.....personally I'd wait. But again, I feel as every situation is unique, and it depends on the physician's recommendation. If the surgeon thinks that your loss has stabilized and that you aren't going to progress further, and that you are on medication (and committed to taking it indefinitely)....then I guess it would be up to them and you.......if you are comfortable with it. I think any ethical surgeon would be VERY conservative in their approach to operate on someone so young.....and I certainly wouldn't use any grafts in my crown if I were 21. But as I state again....I wouldn't want to personally have a procedure at 21, knowing what I do now about loss and the unpredictability of progressing rapidly and being stuck with not enough donor for subsequent procedures.
  7. I think that's a really reasonable approach. A lot of us focus on the hairline and the mid-scalp and save the crown for a future date. Can'tDecide on here had a large procedure with Dr. Rahal a few years back, and is doing his crown as a second pass next week. I had my procedure with Dr. Rahal, and split my 4700+ grafts into my hairline and temples (2900) and the rest (1800+) into my crown. I fully plan to go back for a second procedure next year just to finish everything up nicely! Congrats on your decision to have a transplant. You will be a very happy camper when it starts to grow, and do keep us posted along the way. Best, Mike
  8. Taco- Congrats on hitting 3 months. Appears to be going well, buddy! Growth will kick into high gear in no time now! How are you feeling? You think your hair is long in those photos? Wow, I wouldn't consider that long at all. I've practically got a 'Fro these days......
  9. Some people are very flexible with work schedules....and those people are rewarded with a discount! It's not typical for most, but nice for those who are lucky enough with a bit of freedom.....
  10. Hi Pcm- Welcome to the forums. As a note, it is always a good idea to start your own thread when you have a question or want to post photos/results. That way you don't take over someone else's thread! With that said, Dr. Cooley is a great hair restoration physician, and produces a lot of great results with satisfied patients. I don't think you'd go wrong with your decision to have your procedure done in his clinic. You can browse the forums and find several of his before and after results posted, with photos included. As far as needing an additional procedure, it is really tough to say what your state of loss is without seeing photos (even though you indicate you are a NW III). Also, are you on any medications to prevent further loss (Minoxidil/Propecia) and if so, how long have you been on them? Have you noticed your hair loss stabilize, or do you continue to see loss currently?? Some patients get the results they're looking for in one procedure, and others need several to get to that final result. Either way, you have some options available, and as a NW III should have plenty of donor to get a satisfactory result. Again, if you post your own thread again with this question, I'm sure a lot of others will chime in here and lend some suggestions/advice. Again, welcome to the forums, and congratulations on your decision to do something about your hair loss!! Best, Mike
  11. Where is the bleeding coming from exactly?! 4 days? I was told by my physician that if bleeding occured to contact the clinic. I would possibly consider doing that, just to see what your physician recommends. Probably nothing to worry about, but better safe than sorry!!
  12. Matt- Your hair honestly looks SO INCREDIBLE! In a way, I hate you.....because you just kicked my "hair greed" up another 10 notches.....and now I want more! What a phenomenal look for you.....doesn't look like you ever suffered from hair loss! Enjoy buddy, you deserve it! =) Best, Mike
  13. I certainly understand your thought logic here, Fue.....yet one would assume that the majority of the very well-renown clinics bat somewhat close to 1000 when they have a money-back guarantee/replacement plan from poorly yielded results. I'm curious to know what percentage of procedures don't take.....and how many are due to odd biology/physiology and poor after-care practice. I'm sure in some cases, it's error from the clinic as well.......
  14. That honestly doesn't surprise me. I haven't had my hair cut short enough to find my scar in a long time, but when I comb through it really slowly, I can't seem to find mine either......and it's only been 8 months for me.......
  15. Alexiodg Your hair looks awesome buddy! I also saw a great deal of shock-loss around my scar (not nearly as bad as you), and it just finally grew back in at 8 months-post op. That's a bummer....but give it some time to make a come back. Obviously the rest of your head looks outstanding for 6 months.....you're a fast grower like I was. What a huge difference the restoration made for you, so congratulations. Have you expressed your concern to Dr. Rahal's office at all with the shockloss?
  16. If your clinic told you that they wouldn't use doubles and then they did....I would certainly bring up your dissatisfaction with them. I agree that there are clearly some doubles in that. Your hairline is still a bit thin. Were you planning on having any more restorative work done, and if so.....why not leave those grafts alone until singles are placed in there to blend everything together. Once your hairline is recreated with a more dense recipient area....you won't be able to even notice. Right now, they stick out like a sore-thumb just because of your current coverage. Let us know what the clinic says. It's really not as bad as you think it is, but I would be frustrated if I made a request and my clinic hadn't honored it!! Best, Mike
  17. Nice result Dr. Path. These grafts did well to restore this patients hairline, and getting the crown finished next month should help to round out the already nice work. I'm sure the patient is thrilled. Thank you for sharing this result with the forum.
  18. MTL- I will check with Dr. Rahal's clinic to get a better idea for last minute pricing on replacement procedures. I think 40% is more than double what a standard clinic does for taking a last minute spot......but I'll find out more information and PM you with more details. All discounts help considerably.....and Dr. Rahal has a great travel incentive for anyone traveling from outside of Ottawa to have the procedure done. I'll be in touch as soon as I know more. Best, Mike
  19. Looks great so far Fue.....keep that soon to be new head of hair sober and away from the ice! That's a great way to do it MTL. If you have a flexible schedule, you can save a lot of money by taking a cancellation. It's certainly worth it if time allows......
  20. The donor area looks really clean, Fue!! You have a pretty decent scar from before it looks like?! If I'm not being too nosy, what happened there? I have some similar scarring on the top of my head. I was attacked by a cat when I was a baby and it got seriously infected......hope your scar is from something a bit "cooler" than mine!! Good to have hair that can cover it up.
  21. John- Welcome to the Hair Transplant Network. Congratulations on your recent procedure with Dr. Pong. I'm glad your experience at his clinic was a positive one. Looking forward to your continued updates along the way. These forums are a great source for information and support, so reach out to anyone throughout your journey if you ever need advice or encouragement. In the meantime, get some rest......and safe travels back home! Best, Mike
  22. I don't think your ugly duckling phase is going to be nearly as bad as it was the first time around. I personally think my crown work reacted better to the transplant (wasn't as pink nearly as long)......the only thing that's not going to be fun is waiting longer for the hair to grow. For me, it came up as the same time as the rest of my transplanted areas in the front, but it grew much slower and is still slower to mature. But with your massive procedure the first time around, coupled with the fact that you're not going to need another procedure for A LONG TIME (probably ever), I think this time around should prove to be much easier. Excited for you.... My birthday is 10 days before Christmas.......and it always flies by!!!!! =)
  23. SeizingFate- Congratulations on your hair restoration. It looks REALLY nice so far, and will continue to improve past a year........From what I keep hearing, some of the biggest changes occur between months 8-11 in terms of density, so we'll have something to look forward to there (I am only 8 months post-op myself). Looking forward to seeing your next update. Those grafts made a huge, very positive difference for you. Best, Mike
  24. Did Dr. Bhatti say how many grafts he's planning on using this time, or how many you have left in your donor? It's so odd that it didn't grow in the mid-scalp......it definitely seemed to make a positive/nice difference for you everywhere else. Hope your second procedure goes off better for you buddy. Your big day is coming up. Keep us all posted! =) Best, Mike
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