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Everything posted by Slickers

  1. Holy shit that's a transformation. Well done and well done to her for turning her life around. Anyone that didnt know could easily mistake her before pics for being her own mother.
  2. Bill I tried to send you a PM but I couldnt add attachments so I just posted a thread. I went to the Share Pics/ Vid section/ HT Photos/ Men, Page 1. If you look at the results under the docs I mentioned, you'll see they're the same. Here try this, I've just looked again and it's still there. There are two results which appear under two diff docs... Hair Transplant Photos :: Happy for you to delete this thread. It's only a tech thing but I didnt know how else to show you what the problem was....
  3. Seems to be a malfunction in the HT photos section, a number of the same results have been attributed to different docs, Cohen and True, and Vogel and Mohebi.... see attached :eek:
  4. RaulB I see you're posting on Rod's threat. Why not update your own and post some pics of the scar and the growth so far if you want some opinions from the forum.
  5. Dublin, if all this FUT/ FUE stuff is confusing, and like many others now you're bored with the debate, just simplify it like this. Research as many hair restorations as you can with patients of similar level of baldness to you. Do not limit yourself to this website. As tremendous a resource as it is, Rob and Mickey are absolutely correct, there are many excellent surgeons / clinics that are not coalition doctors and that have results elsewhere. Shortlist those clinics that have dozens/ scores of clear, well documented, excellent results for your needs both by clinics and the patients themselves. Then conclude from the surgery involved what is right for you considering cost, no. of sessions etc. My opinion is that your shortlist will be predominantly FUT only clinics or clinics that do both but would recommend FUT in your case, that's if you're even a candidate. Best of luck.
  6. Meshkin does seem to have a philosophy or an approach even to cover a greater area with the grafts used. In many results he's posted, from what I can see, this has been to impressive effect. See the doc results section. Interesting to see an actual patient posting though. What are things looking like for you now, 3 months in? Can you post some pics?
  7. Yep, that's a lot of loss. Athena thanks for posting. And immediately post op pics? Be good to see the placement....
  8. Athena do you have any post op pics? It amazes me how almost every result from Dr Meskin looks like double the graft count. I'm surprised he doesn't get more recognition on here. This again is fantastic Edit: I should qualify that, I mean immed post op which shows the graft placement. The one shown I guess must be at least 7 days post op?
  9. A Nw5/6 to Nw2 say..... going for the illusion of a full head of hair over necessarily the density of some other results this is a hell of return for just 2.5k grafts. Add to that that this is only 5 months, even more impressive. Premier league of 'bang to bucks' ratio
  10. SamS you beat me to it, was thinking it was time for your update! Looking right on track.
  11. This is an amazing result that just keeps getting better
  12. I'm sorry but this doesn't qualify as a 'beautiful repair' until it's a final result. Right now it's just some intra/ post op pics.
  13. You wont notice anything at 3 months. You'll see some big changes over the next 6 though.
  14. Mickey I don't wish to get into the whole FUT/ FUE debate. Its been done to death over the years. I agree with a lot of what you have to say, about clinics not wishing to take risks that may tarnish their reputations etc and this can indeed inhibit progress. My point however is that the reason it's such a risk is that FUE is still not producing the wow results that FUT is in my opinion. Do you not think that if it was, more docs would have made the transition by now? And it's not like it's a new procedure, it's been around for a good few years and those clinics still refuted as 'world class' are the ones which predominantly do FUT. I don't think this is a coincidence. That Dr from Atlanta who shall remain nameless, Umar etc do produce some very good results but not in my view of the calibre or volume that the aforementioned clinics do. Who knows what the future holds. But here and now FUT, whatever its drawbacks, is still the gold standard in hair transplants and for that reason cannot be considered outdated or archaic. Chrisdav, I think it's a question of interpretation. I didnt take Rob's comments as anymore than being pleased with his result and perhaps a bit overzealous with recommending his clinic for that reason. Lots of people do that. I think we agree on a lot here, all I'm saying is that his result and the video do not in isolation scream hair mill. The dermatch ad is an obvious concern and there are plenty of questions to answer but like I said, let's hear/ see more first. Anyway spent enough of my Sunday debating hair issues. Peace out :cool:
  15. Mickey, Armani may not be the best example of FUE performed well but even back then, by sheers numbers he was able to exhibit a significant number of good to excellent results just be sheer volume. Probably more than some of the best FUE clinics you might point someone to now. The fact remains however that the best results still being achieved are with FUT. Without doubt. Pick a top clinic or doc, the very best....Rahal, H&W, Feller, Shapiro , Konior, they will all agree that FUT has a much higher hit rate, their results invariably demonstrate this, indeed two out of this list don't even offer FUE. Are they so entrenched in an outdated practice that they refuse to move on or do they just believe that better results are achieved through FUT?! I believe the latter. Yes there are a handful of excellent FUE clinics but even they are aware of its limitations. I consulted with Bisanga, someone who probably has the most documented FUE cases on the internet, two years after my HT with Armani and he refused to recommend FUE for me. He said it would only thin out my donor even more and that I would likely get a much better result with FUT.
  16. Chrisdav, it was only within the last year that I heard of Konior and I've been around the forums on and off for 7 years. Doesn't make his a 'mickeymouse clinic', couldn't be further from the truth in fact in Konior's case. Rob makes some good points, particularly when he says do not take this community as an exhaustive list of the best surgeons/ clinics out there. We know that there are many top quality surgeons out there that for one reason or another are not recommended on here, Lorenzo, Keser, Bisanga to name but a few. I should also point out that there are some recommended clinics on here that quite frankly I'd rather give myself a HT than let them touch my head. Whether Rob's clinic is an excellent clinic or not remains to be seen, the jury's still out. But I don't think a 'marketing video' should immediately invoke suspicion and an aspersion that they must be some kind of hair mill. If anything it's a useful insight into their procedure and in Rob's case they've certainly shown themselves capable of performing an excellent HT. Whether or not they do this consistently who knows but let's see more I say. He has however come out with some nonsense too I agree. His comments about Spex pushing FUT for personal reasons are over zealous at best, insulting and retarded at worst. And inferring that FUT is an outdated, archaic surgery is woefully naive and he should be rightly picked up on it. I listened to this nonsense back in 2007 when I went to Armani and the rest as they say is history. But I'm not sure his enthusiasm for his result, the fact that he got it at a good price amount to him trying to convince everyone that all their problems will be sorted by FUE and a visit to Turkey.
  17. What's the problem with a company putting together a marketing video showing their procedure?
  18. NHP looks like you can cut your hair nice and short, what grade can you go down to? How is the scar in general?
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