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Everything posted by Bucksred

  1. Hi, there were more than 3 things that frightened me lol. I've seen some great results on here from Dr Rahal. Firstly I'd say your still quite young for a hair transplant, your Dr might subscribe the correct meds, maybe the best place to start. With my ht and from reading many others there is a 3 month gap called the hair vets call the doldrums ( research it ) for those months it depends upon how sensitive your skin is, as to how quick you recover. I don't think people notice the change as it happens so slowly, vets like Spex and others warned me patience is the key, I'm nearly 2 months and could not agree more. We are talking about surgery. My opinions are my own, I'm not qualified. Kind regards, Bucks
  2. You never nudged me you were posting, looking great buddy. I will send you an e-mail kind regards Bucks
  3. micknick, its great you found this web site. Whatever you decide there is great support and empathy as others know how your feeling. On a separate issue the FUE and FUT both have risks of scars but under the correct surgeon the risks are less, correct me if I'm wrong, Spex, Dutch, bonkerstonker, chrisdav other s who know more than me?
  4. Hi, agree with Chrisdav, contact spex a hair vet on here. Kind regards, Bucks
  5. I had swelling around my eye on the 3rd day, I contacted my Dr and Spex (hair vet on here) and they said it would go down in the next few days. They were right, two days and I was back to normal. It was a little concerning, I know how you might feel. If your really worried contact your Dr. Happy growing Bucks
  6. I think that's correct, I'm sure Spex mentions it in his e-book, it helps the existing hair grow quicker, you can maybe hide the recepient area quicker, depending upon your ht
  7. Looks like your on track for a great result, your a top bloke. Happy growing. Bucks
  8. Hi, I'd follow your Dr's post op instructions, I'm sure you could quickly send an e-mail and they will reply, they have a great reputation on here. I also expect one of H/W consultants on here to reply, they are quite active. It would appear all Dr's have differing opinions about post care, it's important to follow your own Dr's instructions. My opinions are my own. Happy growing mate.
  9. Bonkerstoker, I know you wouldn't hold back. P.S Thanks for your reply the other week, your a top man
  10. I'm approaching 6 weeks post FUT to my front hairline and would say it's noticeable, unless you have hair to cover the recepient area. There are a lot of posts on this web site about the doldrums which I believe can last for three months, maybe read a few to give uou an idea, its obvious everyone is different. I feel self conscious but was aware of this before I had surgery, but was prepared to allow/ expect to keep a low profile for three months. In my opinion time off from work is critical, we are talking about surgery. The opinions are my own. Regards Bucks
  11. Two questions:- Why can't you just come out and say the Doctor and let them reply on here, surely that's the idea of This web site, is it or is not? ( I'm sure they will reply) It seems to me that your indicating you have a problem with this web site and some of the members, can you clarify? Sorry, I'm a new member and just interested and what to understand a bit more. Cheers.
  12. Not sure about FUE as I had FUT, most mine came out at about 4 weeks and I think upto about 6 weeks they can keep going, I'm approaching 5 weeks and still have a few growing but most are gone 75 percent aprox, hence what hair vets call ugly duckling stage/doldrums. This is my opinion I'm not qualified in any way. Happy growing to you Drew10
  13. Why don't you just edit your picture, like others who post on here? . 75-80 percent regain is fantastic, I would be thrilled, well done.
  14. As RC west suggests talk to Spex, is my advice, Cheers
  15. I would suggest talking to SPEX, he will be able to help you, well known on this site. This is a great place for information Cheers Bucks P.s this is a great web-site, the users and hair vets are awesome
  16. RCWest, When I was in Dr Lindsey's office waiting to fly back to the UK, I was reading a book from patients who had used him for plastic surgery, no surprise to read how pleased they were, some were even written by the spouses, as I always say "happy wife, happy life" Keep up the good work Dr Lindsey
  17. RCWest, When I was in Dr Lindsey's office waiting to fly back to the UK, I was reading a book from patients who had used him for plastic surgery, no surprise to read how pleased they were, some were even written by the spouses, as I always say "happy wife, happy life" Keep up the good work Dr Lindsey
  18. Dr Lindsey has a great sence of humour (not sure about his music taste, I suggested more 80's) CONGRATULATIONS
  19. I'm of the opinion the only way it works if you have your very, very short, as its meant to look like stubble.
  20. Your hairline is good, agree with others a ht would be a mistake for you.
  21. Buzz2, I hope you've checked back again with your Dr (again) and e-mailed a few more Picts, keep a careful eye on that scar and heal well my friend.
  22. I buzzed to a grade three all over two days before my op, then decided just to let it grow. Dr Lindsey is fantastic and the staff are really nice, they will look after you. Dr Lindsey is a fantastic
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