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Everything posted by Bucksred

  1. Could never style it. Kept looking in mirrors? I was driving myself crazy.
  2. I felt the same as you brother, I feel Your anxiety but relax. I put a cross through the social Callander for a couple of months and through myself in to getting fit for summer. I'm two months post my op, just send me an e-mail and I will get back to you, Take care, relax Troman
  3. You might feel okay in a week, but how ya look is another thing. Maybe some can wear a hat. Grade 1 on some blokes looks great, did not suit me, but when I was losing my hair I get getting shorter cuts. I took pictures of my hair and sent them to Dr Lindsey by e-mail, whilst i researched further, he is straight talking and told me I'd look worse before I looked better, I flew from the UK to Washington and back. The options are my own. Bucks
  4. Hi mate, sorry did not answer all your questions, i'm 2 months post my FUT transplant, I will gladly help you if I can. This is a great web site the vets will help, don't panic. It sounds like you have had some shock loss and that can be normal and hopefully depending upon the strength of your hair should grow back. Was your surgeon part of the coalition?
  5. Spex is just his user name on this site, he's a hair vet on here, or google Spex. Know how your feeling, as do others here my friend.
  6. There you go, Dutch will help you.
  7. Hi, I buzzed to grade 3 before op FUT and then just let it grow. Must admit I was very tempted to take the clippers to it, but glad I stuck it out., looked awful for 6 weeks. I just posted my 2 month pictures (you can find it on todays posts 2 months-Dr Lindsey) there is post op picts and on 1 month Picts on my profile. Get max time off work.
  8. Buzz2 my friend-thanks for the feedback, wishing you the best and speedy growth Fakeplstctrees- Thx for taking the time to send that reply. Appears buzz2, you and I are all in the same time frame, give or take a week or so. I'm using the time I have to focus on getting the fitness up, going on some long runs, I bring my dog with me, it's never had so much exercise. I'm aiming to get ready for the summer, new hair, body, wardrobe etc. Dr Lindsey gave me the idea, informing me of all his running and sports. Cheers again chaps
  9. Trojan, I would get in touch with SPEX on here. Good luck mate, nobody looks at your hair as much as you may think, understand how you must feel, but I view it like a bad hair cut it takes 3 months to grow back. Cheers
  10. This question comes up quite a few times and for very good reasons. I don't think there is a correct answer, it depends upon the skin tone, if your native hair can cover the recepient area. How fast your hair grows, the number of grafts, where they are etc etc. I think around 6 to 8 weeks I felt back to normal, after FUT). I would research the doldroms on this web site for some further ideas. I would take/plan your max holiday be taken from work. Nobody is interested or notices your hair, partner/wife will do. This is justk my opinion
  11. The above was in reply to you being worried about FUT (on page 1) Did not notice the other pages, ooooppss sorry. In reply, I hope the results are good for you.
  12. I had FUT strip, didn't feel a thing. The injections are the worst part. I think it looks brutal. Regards Bucks
  13. Hi duaa, welcome to the forum mate. I'm sure some of the hair vets and others will answer your questions or tap in Spex, Bill (active hair vets) he will be able to help you. Bucks
  14. Dr Rahal and patients post some fantastic results, you will be the same, it's the waiting game and patience that's hard, happy growing.
  15. Thanks Chrisdav for the reply mate.
  16. Cheers boys, you know 2 months is hard. Thanks for the reply's, don't like being back where I started, but was made well aware this would be the case. I will try not wish time away, THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENTS it does help
  17. Hi Everyone, Well it's two months and 'yes it's been hard. I would say there is nothing much to report, more transplanted hairs have flown the nest since month one. I'm left with a few strands here and there. I'm back to where I started, maybe slightly worse. Where my transplanted hairs were placed I'm trying to comb over with the existing hair-it's uneven. The redness has gone down a little, just as Dr Lindsey said it would. Now I'm hoping it's just the waiting game, feel free to comment. Thanks Bucks
  18. JustOne, I know how your feeling my friend, I'm reaching the two month milestone on Friday. I believe thanks to Spex we chose a fantastic Doctor. Until a few more months caps on. Bucks
  19. Hi Blake, thanks for your reply. I've already commented on on my thoughts to Bills blog regarding Dr Panine on page 1. I note I've been promoted to hair 'veteran real hair club member' but as I'm not quite two months post my own op, don't consider myself a veteran (more a jnr), I communicate with more experienced members like Bill to get answers myself, I'm in the duldroms for at least another month or more. I suppose the point I'm making/suggesting the more experienced hair vets, at least 12 months post op, would be far more knowledgeable to comment, than me. P.S don't want to steer away from Dr Panine's work, it looks great. I respect Bill and the hardcore vets otherwise I'd have never left Blighty to fly to have an op in the USA. Bucks
  20. Bill, I don't think I'm experienced enough to know who's good and bad, maybe the reccommendations should be for the hardcore vets, or members who've experienced more than two procedures? Also should all the Dr's be visited by Pat in person? Again just a suggestion or thought. Regards, Bucks
  21. Don't know much about this Doctor, the results posted on this blog are life changing. Nice work Doctor, shame your in the UK. on another note:- Is anyone else surprised, that in the UK we only have 1 Dr recommended (correct if I'm wrong?)
  22. Hi Albion71, thanks for the up-date, your at a stage 4 months wherevyouncan enjoy the growth and change, Happy growing, Bucks
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