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Everything posted by Arrie

  1. Was it me or didn't you feel like your scalp used to "tingle" before when you left the shampoo on your scalp/hair? The "old" formula felt like it was at least doing something to my scalp, the new stuff has been different and I cant figure it out.... My fiance (which is a stylist), has been bringing up Nioxin... Thinking about giving it a try....
  2. Great to see the Doc is still at his thing... I am a previous pt of Dr. Shapiro and I must say u have nothing but great days ahead of you Mercer... Janna and the whole staff treat you as a genuine human being before ever thinking of you as a dollar sign.... Love them you guys at SMG bring joy to so many lives, you should be so proud of yourselves... Looks great Mercer
  3. Buddy dont let geography make your decision... If u listen to all the guys above they all have given u great i suggestions!!! If u decide to pick someone in your city cause u feel he/she is the best... then kudos... But if u pick a doc just cause they re close, then that might be a decision u may regret fro the rest of your life. Do your homework and dont rush into it... Your at the right place to gain all the info you need in your "LIFELONG" journey.. Thats right buddy, ur in for life once you do it... Take ur time do your homework and you will be fine
  4. PGP also had a good point about "not letting physicians push us around...." "If we did what good would this forum be..." I dont think were at that point obviously, but its nice to voice our opinion, as we do thanks to this site
  5. Hopee, start a thread of your own to get the most replies possible. Jewfro, Your in the toughest stage of hairloss, TRUST ME I WAS THERE, not as advanced but i was. Being young and told to hold off on an insecurity that can be "fixed" is a tough thing to do, trust me i know. I noticed at around 21-22 i was losing my hair and i waited as long as i can and got an ht at 25yo and 11 months...haha I know it sucks but u have an aggresive pattern of loss, take your time and do your research... You are so lucky to have found this site... a wealth of info here.... Edit.. OH YEAH GET ON MEDS TO HALT OR SLOW THE PROCESS... Dont expect miracles but they do work, trust me
  6. Great point Sparky, especially about post HT concern. I dont get it either, I know this doc is considered on of the elites, it may be passion for what he does, strives for excellence, or whatever. Doc its kool we know u do great work, cant please everybody End of the day.......as long as the pt is happy.... WHO CARES!?!?!
  7. Roots, Congrats on the procedure i hope u r happy as ever. Bosley is a crapshoot but I guess u got one of the good ones. You have to be the worst person at taking photos I think I have ever seen...LOL
  8. i just saw this episode and i must say i think it will dissappoint many on this forum. We have a great understanding on what causes and what doesnt cause hair loss. On the other hand it was interesting to see how others deal with their hairloss.
  9. Bill thats exactly who I'm talking about I think hes is doing some amazing work< I love it!!! I never like doing these "top" threads but i have become more and more impressed by this doc...
  10. 1 Shapiro 2 Hasson 3 Feller and on the rise Dr. Fundarini or something like that. He is really providing some quality work. Very nice I like!!!
  11. My personal drop off was due to me being ecstatic with my results and I just kind of "moved on" with my life. I was one of those guys that just completely stopped going online and started to go to parties and clubs again. It really stinks because many people always wonder how their HT turned out and sometimes we just never find out...
  12. La grange we all have read the crown takes longer sometimes, I think from the pics you are on the verge of the explosion stage. You can definitely see that crown getting smaller and smaller good for you...
  13. Good stuff good stuff soon you'll be furry
  14. I think there were a few bad ones not sure, use the find feature and just type in "PAI" you should get some results...
  15. Badger I had the same hair cut for years because of the receding/thinning hairline, so I guess I just got stuck in a mind frame that I would never look good in any other haircut. Little did I know once I evened out the length and had some growth it looked great. The first time I went out with a new haircut in months was on a first date with a hot girl.... Talk about nervous. Hang in there badger you'll be happier than a pig in you know what.
  16. Wantego I hate you.... Just kidding my friend I am damn envious of you HAIR COUNT. Hair is way more important than graft count. From the looks of it you got enough 1's for a nice soft hairline and an amazing amount of 2's and 3's to achieve a nice thick full head of hair. From the looks of your hair characteristics you are gonna have a wow result. Good for you man! Good luck
  17. If you stabilized it then you have a great shot of having a great result with 4k grafts. It would look really nice, good luck
  18. Guys I hate to say it but I would say the 3 month mark was the worst for me, and possibly even the 4 month mark. I believe the ugly duckling stage last for a good few months... Its only because for me month 3-4 I still had a "messed" up hair cut buzzed in the front and decent length in the rear. Honestly at 5 months I had and explosion of hair so I forgot quickly about the ugly duckling stage. The best part is taking pictures and monitoring your progress so you don't take your growth for granted. I had some serious growth at 3 months, but I just took my early bloom for granted. Be patient and like many have said try try to stay out of the mirror. You guys picked excellent surgeons so not to worry, good luck.
  19. NW5 I will hopefully be going to SMG in the next month or two so Janna and Dr. Shapiro can check everything over and at the same time Janna can take some pics. I have a 10.5 month update thread under "Arrie 10.5 months" Check it out if you can let me know what you think... I just have to stop being so lazy cause now I barely or actually never stress about my hair anymore its great, but I feel like an @$$hole for being one of "those guys" that get s his life back and stops updating his blog. When I was researching and I saw people do this with their blog it would piss me off. I'll update it I promise...
  20. Like PGP said warm towel to moisten the tissue should get the job done, good luck...
  21. NW5 you have one of the best results on this forum, X girlfriend eat your heart out, NICE!!!!!!
  22. Grea I have been a huge fan of Dr Ferdunini as soon as I saw his work online. I can't say I have seen any in real life, but that work looks ultra clean and refined!!! It looks great please keep us posted, I really love this doctors work
  23. Wantego I had an ingrown hair on my scar that became the size of a gigantic pimple. At first I didn't know what to do but by the time I figured a "game plan" the ingrown mass popped and I had puss all in my hair. I know its disgusting but I thought I would share my experience to let you know it is possible. It probably didn't help that I always wore a hat and used to sweat...
  24. I would agree with most, no concerns no worries no need. The one year follow up is a whole different thing....
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