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Everything posted by Arrie

  1. lmp, Listen what you are feeling is not stupid in any way, trust me many of us if not all of us experienced what you are going through I'mm only 26 and I just got an ht, I was considering one at 20-21 also. Trust me hold off a few years like they said try to stabilize it first. Work out get into some hobbies you really love (sports, music, etc..) Don't be like many if you don't go out make it positive save your money for a possible future procedure, go to school and work your ass off and get ri ch, ok ok successful. WHAT YOU ARE FEELING IS NOT STUPID YOU ARE HUMAN. Take care of yourself...
  2. Shapiro hands down. Once again personal experience. But if your gut is telling you Alexander, you should go with the doc that suits YOU the best... Good luck
  3. Great vid funny as hell. Interesting way to view the fight on cancer to help the balding brethren, thats hilarious!!
  4. Damn it Smoothy, with all your posts I thought you might have something here. Whats going on with long time posters starting to push illegitimate crap!!! Smoothy if this is real and has worked for you than I am very happy from you but from what the link says via Dr. Carman it doesnt sound legite....
  5. With the euro being 1.5 times the U.S dollar and physicians offering discounts to cover your travelings costs, wont it be worth it to come to the states?!?!? If i did stay in europe I have seen some HDC results lately that are promising, but I wouldn't chance it and come to the states or even Canada. Good luck
  6. Vovlic, I am a pt from Dr. Ron Shapiro and I can only tell you from my experience. I personally believe Dr. Shapiro is the best Ht surgeon, especially for hair line reconstruction. I had virtually no hairline before Dr. Shapiro got a hold of me and now I'm happier than I have ever been. Post some pictures to asses whether you can get away with a smaller fue session, which Dr. Shapiro has begun doing. Dr. Alexander does some amazing work also so either way you'll have a nice result. I will be posting my one year pics in a thread next month. You can pm me anytime about my experience with Dr. Shapiro. This is my opinion and thats all I can offer you, it ultimately comes down to what doctor suits YOU best.
  7. Glad to hear your happy. 1400 free grafts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap thats like anywhere 3-5 grand you just saved and time, thats awesome post some pics..
  8. Ninja, I have only had one ht, but from reading from all the multiple ht posters they all say you usually have to wait an extra month or two to see results due to vascular compromise from your first procedure. Good luck
  9. UUUUhhhhmmm isn't that illegal?!?! Get those bastards... I could even tell the first example was the bobman! Thats funny
  10. Dr. Meija excellent point about starting to wear a hat BEFORE the procedure. I used to wear a hat time to time pre op, but after my surgery I was always sporting a hat, slowly introduce it into your style, also get a few different styles and colors of hats
  11. Saleen its good to hear that you are taking your time and keeping all options open. I'm gonna try to keep the cheer leading being a patient of Dr. Ron Shapiro. In all my experiences with all the doctors offices I have dealt in with my life, I NEVER have experienced pt care as SMG provides. I have said this in threads before they genuinely care for you as a person, I know it sounds cheesy. When you get on that emotional rollercoaster that may be one thing you may want to consider. Dr. Konior has had some nice examples here. I wish you the best of luck. You can PM me anytime with questions regarding my experience at SMG, take care.
  12. Mr. G don't take it personally but you need to do a lot more research...... A LOT!
  13. Why don't you just fly back with the staples? Is it against international travel laws? I flew with my staple (in the states) without a problem. If you can fly home with them and then do it yourself at home or share your secret with one person so they can take them out. There is alway the possibility of receiving dissolveable sutures, if the doctor thinks it would be just as good. I would say fly back if u can with staples and take em out in the comfort of your own home.
  14. Stay away from Bosley or MHR or any chain. Like Bill said check the coalition list a lot of good docs on this site. Dr. Feller just posted a procedure that he did a white male, but he had some serious curls though, and it looks great. Seriously travel if you have to. If your previous procedure is that bad Dr. Umar has been a hot topic here lately, and hes in California. Seriously though if you find a doc you like research research and travel travel. Good luck
  15. Informative great thread. Once again thank ylu Dr. Feller you are one of the VERY few I would ever let to touch my scalp Bald bull love the pic brings back a lot of memories.
  16. Never heard of it and I wouldn't bet on it sorry.
  17. Eman I couldn't agree more with your points. The techs and I believe even a doc said it was pretty much ok after the first day do almost anything kinda scary, but guys we aren't your average Joe pt, thank God. One thing I don't get if the doc wanted some real good publicity why didn't he do a mega session it just doesn't make sense, his procedure in total only lasted 6 hours. They probably had someone else lined up right after. I hope it turns out for him.
  18. Oh my God I almost died last night without this place nothing was on t.v or anything NBA final, inter-league baseball, Just kidding
  19. After I read this thread in the same day my sister told me about this episode cause she knew I had this done, anyways the procedure looked pretty sub par (# of grafts) but one thing we should get Bill to do is find the video of when he put the winter hat on that truly show what a lost/dislodged graft looks like, the oozing of the blood etc... See you learn something new everyday.
  20. Yeah no pressure just getting marked for a hit by the publisher I do have a blog created just not updated in a while. I know I know thats why I am back to help as many people to avoid all those infomercials and chain hack shops. We should send Vinny after the chains Pat, I got a guy who knows a guy. I promise I will have a one year update when I go to SMG I will have Janna set up a pictured thread. Want hairs good for you on bagging the hottie, doesn't it feel good to go out again and get those looks all over, NICE! Being on this note to quote the famous Peter Griffin: "What do you want me to do whack a guy...off a guy, whack off a guy, cause I can't I'm married!" I love that show...
  21. Thanks for the reply doc, am a big fan of your work. Being how busy you are with your professional life, how do you stay so active in this online community, kudos?.?. One more thing you don't have to answer, in your patient with the loss of his HT hair, since its a rare phenomenon did you charge the pt for the additional surgeries? Sorry one more and does this phenomenon with the transplanted hair usually happen from the donor hair on the sides or does that not matter? Once again you don't have to answer the $ question but I was just curious.
  22. Hair care, Consultations can be done via email+pics and a phone call. Its a great start with the two docs you started with. I got my HT at 25 now I'm 26, my 2 cents find a doc that suits your LONG TERM GOAL. Remember my friend chances are you'll need another one. Im in the same boat as you are, I know you wanna get an awesome dew and get your 20's back, and you will, but remember your source is finite. Consult with many docs and remember LONG TERM, you still will have a great deal satisfaction just do research and choose wisely, which you obviously are doing...
  23. Cant ever recommend ANY doctor when his/her ethics are at question, never. Does he have artistic talent, God yes, but still has horrible ethics, cant ever be trusted in my book
  24. Zhiangle and DDD, If I'm not mistaken your growth rate for a corrective or non-virgin scalp will be delayed by a month or two due to the vascular system being compromised. Many on this site experience this and months later they have those bushy little fellas start poking and pinching their way out of the scalp... No need to worry, like you said you went to a good doc be at ease.
  25. What was Dr. Fellers answer? I really hope this isn't the norm. Could it be possible the doctor who did this procedure went outside of the "safe zone"?? I hope what I paid for stays for life...
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