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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. I've attached a pre-op picture and a post-op picture I took. I'm going to take this thread's advice and seek out some FUE consultations.
  2. I've attached a few pictures that I took over this past weekend, including the donor area. Thanks again for the replies.
  3. Long time lurker here needing some advice regarding a 2nd FUE HT. My HT background is as follows: 2500 FUE in September 2012. After receiving what was described from the clinic as a "conservative hair line" and after years of patience my expectations were never met. The hairline is poor and the graphs never came in well, leaving a ratty and unnatural look. So before I buzz my hair away and the $ spent I thought it would be prudent to debate giving it another go. I confident that at worst I'm a NW4-5A, as my dad and his brothers (the bald side of the family) are NW4s. My first concern is that 2500 graphs are already gone from my donor area... I'm wondering if it is worth it and if it makes sense to move another 1500 to fix my hairline? I feel like 4000 graphs for the hairline is overkill and hurting me long-term. Second concern: transplanting over and in the area of my previous HT will cause shock loss correct? Am I fighting a losing battle by moving graphs into the same area and damaging the few previous graphs that stuck? Any advice is appreciated, as well as recommendations for good NA FUE Docs.
  4. Greetings All, I'm 23, I started rapidly losing my hair about a year and a half ago...blah blah... I'm 99% sure i have MPB (my dad's side has a lot of baldies). However, ever since my hair started falling out I have had an insane itch on my scalp. I've tried everything, from switching shampoos/conditions multiple times, using T-gel/other dry scalp shampoos, not using shampoos, etc. I used Rogaine for 6 months, but have been off it for close to a year now. I have even been to 2 dermatologists, who were no help whatsoever (one didn't even look at my scalp). So I'm wondering if this itch is normal for people who are balding. Also, relevant to the itchiness: whenever my head is itchy is when my hair falls out. Though so far my hair loss isn't blotchy and still looks like MPB. Thanks in advance for reading and commenting on my situation.
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