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Mick from Farjo

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Mick from Farjo

  1. 6493FU’s. Advanced Alopecia. Temporal points. Injertocapilar.com 33-Years-old patient on treatment with finasteride at the time of consultation. Poor donor site, no surgical candidate, but weadvise to switch to Dutasteride as his last option. After 6 months he had very good recovery mainly of the donor area. So we considered a conservative repair in two phases: 1st surgery (9 months after): 3101 graft (2.08 hair/graft; 6454-hairs; hair texture 48 microns, 0.75 mm punch). Second surgery 10 months later: 2501 graft (2.30 hair/graft; 5758 hairs; 0.75 mm punch). 5 Months after the second procedure we decided to repair the temporary points, in order toclose the forehead and finish framing the face: 891 grafts (1809 hairs; 2.03 hairs/graft, 0.7-0.8 mm punch). Dr. Jose Lorenzo
  2. 1562 FU's. Hair Transplant by FUE Technique. Beard Restoration. 42-year-old patient, without medical treatment that requests a rebuild of his sideburns and increase the density of the beard on his cheeks. He likes to wear a closed beard and solve the firewalls he has in his sideburns. We did a 451graft procedure with BHT from the neck to mimic the thickness and quality of hair. Happy with the result the patient requests us to increase the diameter of the sideburns and the density of beard as well as fix a small frontline recession (aged 42). We performed a second procedure of 1111 units (800 scalp: 2139 hairs; 2.46 hairs/graft and 242 BHT from the neck- most singles-). Dr. Jos? Lorenzo. www.injertocapilar.com. Madrid. Spain. Dr. Jose Lorenzo. www.injertocapilar.com. Madrid. Spain.
  3. 7077 FU’s. Hair Transplant by FUE Technique. Advance Alopecia. White hair. Injertocapilar.com. 48-Year-old patient has never carried out medical treatment. Short donor area, but with good density and texture (55 to 63 microns). We decided to carry out a reconstruction in two phases: 1st procedure, 2751 FU's (5587 hairs; 2.08 hairs/graft; 0.8-0.85 mm punch); 2ndprocedure a year after: 2525FU's (5156 hairs; 2.04 hairs/graft; 0.9 mm punch). Very good recovery of the donor area so we decided to make a third procedure to increase general density: 1801 FU's (4309 hairs; 2.39 hairs/graft; 0.9 mm punch). Dr. Jose Lorenzo. www.injertocapilar. Madrid. Spain
  4. This patient is in his 30's and stable on meds. The sequence of pictures shows his journey from the outset to full development. He is delighted with the result and has since had treatment to boost the back area of the scalp. Mick
  5. Patient in his 30's on meds and interested in boosting front. The follow up pics are not clinic shots and new ones will be added when he returns for his 12 month update. Mick
  6. Mickey, Lets have a chat on Skype and you can give me your ideas for this to happen. E mail me please at mick@farjo.com and we can arrange. Mick
  7. This patient is in his early 50's with pretty extensive loss as well as below average donor hair. This is a two stage process and the first step took place several months ago. We will be extending the work back on the scalp next year. Mick
  8. Mickey, Good to know you are out and about and enjoying life. The account got hacked but everything will be back up and running shortly. Mick
  9. Choclateover, He has a lot of experience with all hair types but feel free to give me a call and we can discuss further. Mick
  10. Choclateover, Here is a link from our website regarding Dr Williams. Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Surgery & Clinic | UK | Farjo Future HT doc, In the New year I will post some of Dr Williams cases. They are certainly impressive! Mick
  11. Stinger, No it was a mistake. I cant even remember how I did it which in itself was odd. I will put them back up again. Thanks for pointing it out. Mick
  12. This patient is in his 30's and was concerned with frontal thinning.I have added him because he will be revisiting shortly and I will add his updated pictures along with a film. He reports that things look great and he is very happy with the outcome. Mick
  13. This patient has stable loss but was irritated by his frontal thinning. A smaller session was needed and he is happy with the outcome so far. Mick
  14. Stinger, About the same again will be left and will still leave the donor in good shape. Mick
  15. I thought it would be good to add a recent video from Dr Lorenzo. This patient underwent two procedures. I will add the hair breakdown to the summary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bheQQ3kSA-8 Mick
  16. Wednesday 4th December Dr Lorenzo will be holding free consultations on this day in our Manchester clinic. This will be an opportunity for those wishing to become more acquainted with FUE, the opportunity to see one of the finest FUE practitioners in the field. Please e mail me at mick@farjo.com to arrange a slot or feel free to call the office directly. Mick
  17. This is Dr Lorenzo's first U.K patient who will be visiting shortly for his first check up. He is in his 30's and has stabilised his loss with meds over the last two years. He is very realistic with his aims and will be updating us throughout his journey. Mick
  18. Stinger, I understand and appreciate your comments. The good news for J was that his hair count and hair quality were above average. He will have further treatment but for now the idea is for him to sit back and enjoy the journey. Mick
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