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Hey guys--- I Need A Pep Talk

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Hi everybody---


It's Ceasar... I'm just hitting the three month mark exactly from 4400 grafts with Dr. Feller.


On a rational level, I absolutely know that I shouldn't be looking for anything yet. Unfortunately, I'm being a little bit neurotic at the moment.


I've read and reread Spex's post about the importance of patience, and it's well written and helpful... but it's still not an easy time right now. My sides have thinned out and contiunue to shed a lot... and it seems like it might be happening not only below the scar but above it as well. I don't know if it's shock loss, progression of my hair loss, or some combination.


I see maybe a few hairs here and there sprouting, but they are super fine vellous hairs that are barely visible. I look REALLY bad. When I look over the blog pics, I feel like I'm behind other people--even for this early stage.


If anyone can offer a few words of encouragement... I'd love it. Especially welcome are comments like: "at three months I looked like Yul Brenner... and now at one year, I just placed third in an Elvis lookalike contest!"


I used to read these boards and wonder why everyone got so impatient about growth..but now I'm understanding it better. For me, it's not so much the waiting as much as the fear I'll be that guy where it won't grow out. I've always been a patient person... but it's nerve racking... testing my patience quite a bit.


I'm going to go read Spex's post on patience again and try repeating the phrase "a watched kettle never boils." If anyone can give me a pep talk-- it would be so much appreciated.


All the best to everyone.

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  • Senior Member

Hi everybody---


It's Ceasar... I'm just hitting the three month mark exactly from 4400 grafts with Dr. Feller.


On a rational level, I absolutely know that I shouldn't be looking for anything yet. Unfortunately, I'm being a little bit neurotic at the moment.


I've read and reread Spex's post about the importance of patience, and it's well written and helpful... but it's still not an easy time right now. My sides have thinned out and contiunue to shed a lot... and it seems like it might be happening not only below the scar but above it as well. I don't know if it's shock loss, progression of my hair loss, or some combination.


I see maybe a few hairs here and there sprouting, but they are super fine vellous hairs that are barely visible. I look REALLY bad. When I look over the blog pics, I feel like I'm behind other people--even for this early stage.


If anyone can offer a few words of encouragement... I'd love it. Especially welcome are comments like: "at three months I looked like Yul Brenner... and now at one year, I just placed third in an Elvis lookalike contest!"


I used to read these boards and wonder why everyone got so impatient about growth..but now I'm understanding it better. For me, it's not so much the waiting as much as the fear I'll be that guy where it won't grow out. I've always been a patient person... but it's nerve racking... testing my patience quite a bit.


I'm going to go read Spex's post on patience again and try repeating the phrase "a watched kettle never boils." If anyone can give me a pep talk-- it would be so much appreciated.


All the best to everyone.

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I somewhat understand what youre going through - Im one month out from a 3000 graft procedure with Feller, and look like an idiot right now since the front was shaved down. Everyone ends up going through this and says it's worth the wait, and hey at least youre 2 months ahead of me!


Feller's posted enough stuff on here and so have his patients that show consistent great results, so at least you know you chose a good surgeon. Just a couple more months and youll be fine man. Everyone who goes to him seems to end up happy with their result, so just try to be patient and your growth will be there soon!

August 12, 2008 - 3100 grafts Dr. Feller


Check out my blog - http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=876

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Thanks for such a quick response Fender.



There is no question that I could not have picked a better doctor. Could just use some words of encouragement from others.


I saw your photos, and I think you're going to look great once you grow out. I'm finding three months much tougher than the one month mark. At the one month mark, I knew not to expect anything. Now I'm looking much more than I should be...

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A friend is one to whom you can pour out the contents of your heart, chaff and grain alike. Knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.


Ceasar Im your friend icon_smile.gif

Trust me your in the same position most are at when 4 months arrives .

Yeah you have those bastards that start growing at 3 months but for me it took 6 months to really start seeing anything.

What counts is that we are all usually at the finish line at the same time.

Some guys grow quick then it levels off drastically .Some guys have steady spurts for the whole 12 months.

The thing you have to remember is that you went to a very good doctor who has a track record that is nearly flawless.

Just stay out of the mirror as much as possible . It will drive you NUTS.

Oh and thats more then likely temporary shockloss around scar.

Give it about 6 months to return

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I just went back to look at your immediate post op pics - looks like some nice coverage with the 4500. Also with the native hair you do have that'll be a nice supplement. For now maybe just keep looking at the final results people have posted and realize in a matter of months that'll be you!

August 12, 2008 - 3100 grafts Dr. Feller


Check out my blog - http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=876

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Ceasar, I too am at the three month mark. During this time I am as bald as I have ever been. Just a couple weeks ago, some new hairs started sprouting. But you can't see anything from a few feet away, so it will be a while before any visual difference is noticeable.


I can certainly empathize with you. It is hard to wait. Everyone says to forget about it until about 6-8 months. But it is not easy.


You picked a doctor with a great reputation so I have no doubt you'll get great results. A year from now we'll both look back and think it was all worth the wait.

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I remember 3 months clearly after my first, and even second surgery. I was full of doubt, especially after I experienced a ton of shock loss. I was always looking in the mirror and depressed with what I saw. My wife often heard me speak of my frustrations and worry that I spent a ton of money for virtually nothing. How much more worried was I that my second hair transplant around 3 months made me look worse than before my first hair transplant. Needless to say, I too was very discouraged and needed encouragement. Thankfully, the veteran members of this community before me, were a Godsend and offered their experience and words of encouragement.


I certainly feel for you but also know from experience that things WILL improve and not just a little, but significantly. I know how easy it is to expect that at 3 months, we'll see visibile signs of improvement. Some do, but most don't. Most have to wait a goo 9-12 months before really seeing the fruit of the doctor's labor (and our money!!!).


Rest assured my friend....your hair will grow in. But keep seeking support and encouragement from members of this community. You will certainly get it because many of us have BEEN there!


Best wishes,



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I had zilch for growth at month3, felt I had zilch for growth at month5; by month6 it was clear I had made big gains, and from then on I've developed into a very strong grower.


The point being -- you can't predict with precision how "fast" you'll grow, certaintly not at 3month...or 4....or even 5.....moreover, it is your end-result that is what you will carry with you for pretty much life!


Hang tight; keep us updated; try not too sweat your locks too much!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Hail ceasar !


to echo what others have said , buddy this is the worse time , some are lucky and start to grow quick , some arnt , like me .


do try to hang in there , growth will be very slow at first , speed up a bit at 5 months , then 8 month , it tends to growin phases


Please do try to hang in there , it will be worth it , i promise you



2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Dr Feller is a stud! You will have a great result! Stay away from the mirror until you do icon_smile.gif! Its always easier to cheer from the sidelines...than to be in the situation where your desperate for some results soon. But feel secure knowing that there are hundreds who've gone down this road before you! Grow well!

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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You guys are awesome. Thanks for the encouragement.


Bill-- I'm really happy that this forum exists, it's great to have a support network a person can turn to... it's definitely not an easy time right now. The stuff you wrote hit home a LOT. More than anything right now, I wish the sides of my head weren't so frighteningly thin... a bit scary.


Please Grow--- Yup... driving myself nuts alright with the mirror. Keep looking for stubble... I look at those guys with a full head of hair at like four months...as you put it: "lucky bastards." Thanks for the kind words friend.


Thana, Rich, Manza, Badger--- All of your posts were very helpful to me. I meant to comment on the pics Thana just put up this past week... to say that Thana has a "great transplant" would be a big insult. The photos just look like a guy with great hair--- period. If I passed you in the street, I'd be thinking how lucky you are never to have gone through the whole hair loss thing...Congrats man.


And Spex.... I'll continue to reread all of your posts. I think people talk an awful lot about witch hazel, aloe... Taking nothing away from those things... I really think the most important advice you give is the psychological kind... the part about putting the transplant behind you. It's been by far the hardest part for me.

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I'm not at a full 3 months yet but I understand. I'm at around 11 weeks so we are almost in the same boat. Hopefully we both get a pleasant surprise soon.


PS how can we "avoid mirrors"? Dont we use a mirror to put on our Rogaine? icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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I can tell I have new hairs grown in all over, but I know they will thicken. I'm at six months exactly today. I just returned from visiting an older couple, who are clients of mine. I haven't seen them in a year and I took him a cap with my company logo on it, as he's fairly old and in failing health. He said he had to wear a hat outside and I said, "So do I as my hair is so thin my head will get blistered." His wife said "your hair looks to be really thickening up compared to the last time we saw you....." I went on to say it usually darkens up right at the beginning of fall, etc. etc.


My point is, at about 5.5 months I can tell but it's so gradual those around me aren't noticing too much, I don't think.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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I just took a trip down memory lane. Looked at my pics from each month.


2 months -- Nothing visible. Didnt really expect much


3 months -- Maybe some new vells hairs and some of the native hair had started growing back.


4 months -- Very little to show. Starting to get anxious


5 months -- Feeling very much behind curve. Anxious. Anxious. Depressed.


6 months -- Scrappy thin hair, enough to lose the hat. When carefully styled did not look retarded, but see through, se through, allmost invisible. Starting to have serious doubts because I had heard you have 50% at 6 months and doubling what I had in my minds eye did not give me confidence.


7 months -- Same as above. Maybe more than before, but scutinizing lack of growth, Uneven growth, some patches with more apparent hair. Anxious and depressed. Still havingdoubts.


8 months -- Hair quality is wirey and diesnt seem to be growing at same rate, need to cut it once every two weeks to keep it looking ok. Careful styling routine makes it look ok.


8.5 months. -- Looked at my before pics. Wow, something has happened. . .


9 months -- I really dont look bald anymore. Maybe this was a really good decision. Maybe there will be more to come!




I'd say that somewhere around 8.5 months it came together enough to look respectable, and then at 9 months, I'd say I realize that it was not a failure and made a significant improvement in my look.


I'm not sure if new hairs sprouted, but DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE THICKENING AND MATURATION of the new hair! A 20% increase in diameter represents a 50% increase in hair mass. So mild increases in hair diameter may not be visible to the naked eye, but overall will have a significant effect on your overall look. At some point everything comes together.


Months 3.5-8 are the hardest because you have an expectation based on what you see from some of the fast growers.

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Emperor--- I remember reading your posts right after my transplant and feeling pretty bummed out. I know that at 7 1/2 months you were not optimistic. I'm so happy that things have gotten better... it helps to give me faith. I'd love to see pics, but I understand if you're not into putting them up... I get the feeling we may have a similar amount of loss and a similar procedure in terms of grafts.


BEN! --- I saw your blog updates... you're going to have well over seven thousand grafts...lucky bastard. I looked at your three month photos and it looks a bit like where I'm at right now. Thanks for writing.


MikeN-- You must have been freaking out after that shockloss. Scary. Looking great now.


I'm so happy I posted this thread guys.

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There are still some elements of the procedure that I'm not thrilled about. I am pretty sure the expected outcome was oversold, and im pretty sure I dont have 100% yield in all areas. And there are some issues with the hairline design that will need to be fixed in a follow up.


Also, its quite clear that this is just an "illusion" of density and that hair will look almost invisible if combed the wrong way or in the wrong light. OTH, when combed and styled the right way, the hair looks respectable and I look much better than before.


So the bottom line is that I guess overall Im happy that I look better, I'm not 100% happy for various reasons. Part of being happy is the realization of what they mean by the "illusion" of density. Some guys seem to get actual density, but unless you are planted at an outrageous density or have very thick hair, you will get coverage that will either look very bad or very respectable depending on lighting, hairstyle, photograph quality, etc.


Good luck. Even thought they tell you about the doldrums, I think most patients have a right to be discouraged because its never really made clear what the final product is going to be. There is a crossover point where growth catches up and your expectations are reduced enough that you can feel happy about the procedure. Looking back at your before pics will put things in perspective.



Ceaser, I'd like to add that it is my opinion that most posters who post pics are proud of their HT decision and post pictures that cast the work in a positive light. I took some 9 month pics that from some angles might elicit a "wow" response, but from other angles really show what is meant by the "illusion of density". When I go back and look at other people's pics, even the home runs, this is obvious to me..


My point is that you have a long ride ahead of you and not to lose faith. You picked one of the best docs and you result will eventually come together.

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I know what I'm about to say is ironic, in light of the fact that I'm the one stressing at three months.. but is it possible that you'll be even happier at the one year mark?

It seems like there's a big change for you between 7 1/2 and 9 months, and you are much happier than you were just six weeks ago.

It seems like people really get big changes between 8-12 months. I've even seen people with big changes after a year.

If you don't mind me asking... what was your hairloss level, graft number, hair characteristics? And what part of your scalp was worked on?

Thanks for sharing all of this...

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Yes, my satisfaction is likely to improve as my result matures over the next few months. I'm not unhappy at this point, but I'm fully aware of what they mean by the "illusion of density". I did not know exactly what this meant until my results had grown out. The doctor used lateral slits to layer the hair forward. Laying on top of one another and growing forward, the hair can look like there is more there than there really is. If the hair is combed up or back, it becomes apparent how little hair there is.


I was a NW5-6 temple points still in-tact, 4500 grafts in the front 2/3rds. I have a smallish crown area that was not addressed.


I would like get a second procedure to slightly lower/broaden the hairline and smooth out some irregularity and connect better to the rim hair on the sides, also finish the crown. Certainly I would like more density, but im not sure that is possible with my other goals.







Originally posted by Ceasar08:


I know what I'm about to say is ironic, in light of the fact that I'm the one stressing at three months.. but is it possible that you'll be even happier at the one year mark?

It seems like there's a big change for you between 7 1/2 and 9 months, and you are much happier than you were just six weeks ago.

It seems like people really get big changes between 8-12 months. I've even seen people with big changes after a year.

If you don't mind me asking... what was your hairloss level, graft number, hair characteristics? And what part of your scalp was worked on?

Thanks for sharing all of this...

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