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Well, let's see your current pics and we can help you decide.

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it's NOT an easy decision to make. This is plastic surgery right above your eye brows which everyone will be able to see upon first meeting you for the REST of your life...

I have contemplated it for a while now. Once one takes this plunge, there is *no* turning back.

any suggestions/comments?...

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NG2GB. I've seen some great advise posted here by you on many threads. I also believe that you've asked for pictures from many posters in order to provide a clear and honest opinion. Why not post some of your own? Shit, crop the hell out of them, hide your ears, erase your face etc :-). Unless you've got some very distinctive birthmark, deformed head, horns or something you'll be completely anonymous.


I honestly think it depends on your individual situation. Are you destined to be NW7 with low donar density, thin hair etc? Then I'd say just shave it off and handle it (then again I've seen some excelent results where I would thought shave it). I think you have aquired as much knowledge as any of us. Now you just need the experience. I think you should track down an H&W patient who'll let you see some results first hand to help make that final decision. Maybe you can track this guy down. OC HW Patient His HT looks damn good and he's obviously not shy since all his pics are full face. Just don't go trying to move in on his ladies icon_smile.gif. If you feel you're a good candidate the JUST DO IT sooner than later. Seems like most every patient who's been a great candidate with the latest top Docs are usually ecstatic with their results. I too had a hard time making a final decision to do it. Now that it's done and I'm 3 months out I'm very happy I did. It's been much easier than expected. Of course I won't really know until my results grow in but I am excited about this summer.


Just think, once everythings grown in you can create some new awards for yourself. Best HT Moxy Mop, HT Faux Mop, HT Emu Mop, HT Mullet (aka business in the front, pary in the back), HT Ceasar cut Mop and I'm sure there's many more. Decisions, decisions. Good luck

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thanks! I pm-ed you also, so check it out. A TON of variables which I consider, make me in limbo of this whole ordeal. And, of course, these variables are in the equation for EVERYONE considering a ht.


Most notably:

donor characteristics: yeah, I could post pics, but in all honesty I would only trust a doc IN PERSON to evaluate my donor hair.

Some people get PHENOMENAL results with 'x' amount of grafts moved. Others look like dog shit. I just wonder how *I* will turn out.


I think possibly I have also made the *downtime* into some insurmountable ordeal which it might not be.

Some reasons for this: Im a diffused thinner, who will have to have grafts moved all over the top of my head. However, I still have a significant amount of native hair left which is not only NOT an unbearable of a hair situation for me at present, but further this means I will be taking a few steps backwards ( for at LEAST ) a few months before I move forward.

Then there is always the matter of moving my 'v' shaped hair line down to a rounded one. I imagine the *new* hair line will look obscure, thin, and like a thousand pubic hairs growing below my native hairs for possibly 10 months....

more input anyone?...

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ngtb let me ask you this question??? Who have you consulted with? I understand your weariness. I wanted an ht years ago around the age of 33 or 34 and now im 39 years old. I waited for technology and im sure glad that I waited as long as I did. If you dont want to post a pic,thats your right.


These guys on this site are cool guys and are looking out for everyones well being. I think if you ever did go ahead with an ht and never posted a pic of it. The guys would be happy that you gave it the old college try.You have reason for your case and you are very knowledgable from the posts I read from you. You are the funniest guy onthis site. I even had my wife read a few of your posts and she was dying laughing. You have a great personality and I hope one day you go for it!!! Have you talked to Dr Epstein at all? He is the type of guy who would tell straight out dont do it and shave your head. Thats why I went to him and to boot he is a God fearing man,which I found out through getting to know him as a person and my doc. He is conservative and he will not go for the kill. I hope you find your happiness in your hair one day.

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thanks. Rest assured, I think if I do go forward w/ a ht I will post pics, if for NO other reason than that of flyby's response so I can give myself a multitude of awards!!!



my consultations: I had an online consultation and phone convo w/ Jotronic from H&W (who else!!!).

In all honesty, the reason why I have NOT posted pics of my hair (and no offense to anyone here) is that my personal reservations for not going through a ht at this point are over a degree of such minutia detail regarding donor hair quality that I would NOT trust any one other than a live doctor in person to make a judgement call. Case in Point: my fundamental reservation is how *I* will turn out and this is based on my INDIVIDUAL donor hair characteristics. I wouldn't even trust a world class doc to judge my donor hair based SOLELY off of a picture. If/when I do an in person consultation w/a world class doc THEN I will probably feel much more reassured as he can point me to other cases of his clients who have what he considers to be similar characteristics as mine.


That being said, it is a VERY difficult decision to make, and Im often quite surprised (shocked even) at the sheer quantity of guys on this forum who go forward w/ it with little to no research.


I have seen COUNTLESS posts from guys who didn't even begin to post on here until AFTER their ht, and MANY times their doc of choice wasn't even reccomended on here let ALONE discussed/reviewed.


I REALLY appreciate those of you who have responded as you all have had the balls to go through w/ this and have shared it w/ me.


And I would REALLY appreciate any additional input.

By the way, after reading this let me clarify it's NOT that I have poor or even unfavorable donor characteristics, it


that I have noticed patients who have an=amount of grafts moved and=hair loss and end up w/a

COMPLETELY un=result.

In addition, damn man! This is plastic surgery on the top of your HEAD!!! Everyone, EVERYONE can see it for the rest of your life and your STUCK w/it... That being said, I have NEVER seen a case of someone who went to H&W or Feller (who I consider both clinics WORLD class) and end up looking worse afterwards. But it is still a *big* ass deal to me...

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In my opinion, if you've got a good looking head (and keep yourself in great physical shape) a shaved head looks damn good. Just try and keep a little tan on it.


I think the way a guy with a shaved head dresses affects his appearance as well. As I've said before, I have a lot of investment professionals based out of NY, Boston, LA, Atlanta and Chicago who call on me who have shaved heads and look great! So, it can be done.


Now, my post is starting to make me feel a little funny (not ha ha funny, but queer funny - as John Boy and Billy would say) so I'm leaving it...... icon_eek.gif

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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I am in the same boat as you. To bald or not to... Researching for over 2-years and still not pulling the trigger. Work has got in the way, the downtime is way too long, what are people going to say/think, etc., etc.. All things that constantly go through my mind. What am I going to do about going to the gym or simply being active, what about not being able to be outdoors during Chicago's short but awesome summer, what about dodging my friends until presentable or wearing hats? What about when I am 80-years old and the grandson asks why you have that smiley face in the back of your head?


A HT is a huge undertaking and something you can never go back on. Once you have that scar, it is forever.


What if I go to a top doc and the hairline doesn't look natural...?


OK, you get the point. All of us who have not yet had a HT will question whether or not to do it to death. I think at some point most will either take the plunge or not. Or like in my case you get close to making an appointment after speaking with 10+ different patients, then ask yourself, "are you out of your mind for even thinking about this??"


I know, not helping with you making a decision. Welcome to my world...

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Yeah, it is a difficult decision to make. But, I enjoy and appreciate EVERYONE'S input. Thanks.


Eman--I recall seeing your pics recently, which Jotronic commented on correct? Aren't you in your early forties and Joe said your case was similar to Pushing40's, Evolution, and Prophets? Man, that right there would help nudge me a little bit because ALL of those guys got TREMENDOUS results. But it is still a difficult decision.

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I do agree with you on seeing guys take the plunge without doing there homework. Thats insane and then get a bad ht!! Pretty bad in my books!!! I would have to say shame on me!!! I looked for years on the internet for ht docs and did not like any of the ht pics until I found this site. I was a silent watcher for awhile and when I was ready to make the move I started posting questions to the guys!! I said to myself I will travel and no one thats good was in Boston. There is a doc on the coalition from Boston Dr. Leonard. What do you guys think of him? Just curious ?? I am a norwood 3 or a norwood 4, I think If I was a norwood 5 or 6 or 7, then the decision would of been alot harder and I would be in the same boat. I probobley would have been a shaved head for life like my step father. He looks great as a baldy!!!

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I myself totally understand your reluctance, it's not an easy decision to make. Sure you can contemplate it forever but to really commit is another thing. To actually decide to do it. So many variables to consider, and everyone has different concerns.


but further this means I will be taking a few steps backwards ( for at LEAST ) a few months before I move forward.


This is something that every cosmetic surgery patient has to deal with. It just the nature of it. Not to diminish it, but that is the very least of my worries. I'm sitting here looking pretty scary at the moment with 2 lengths of a buzz cut and a pink ring around my hairline but I care not, because I know it will get better with time. Hello my beloved baseball cap.


I haven't read all of your posts on this forum but I think I understand your concerns pretty good. I'm thinking you need to have some actual live consultants like you said to have "a" or several several doctors look at you and discuss everything. You haven't yet actually seen a doctor and it is just the thing you need to do. I bet after just one real consultation you would feel better. Maybe go to Dr. Reed in La Jolla just for the consult? He is in the coalition and would probably be very honest with you. I say probably only because I don't know much about him but he is trusted by this forum.


Your smart on this. You have all the info already. I think a live consult or two is just what you need at this time in helping you get over this hump. Maybe you will decide it's not for you, but maybe not.


These are just my opinions, so take it the wrong way. I'm not as good on forums as some. I think it's just the nature of the medium. It's only text.

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thanks. I completely agree w/your estimation of my situation. An in person consultation would probably REALLY help push me over the edge, *whichever* edge that be; to bald or not to bald...

On a side not though, I would like to say one thing regarding plastic surgery in general as opposed to ht's: if a woman is getting a breast implant, the results are immediate. We have to wait 12-18 MONTHS for the results to fully mature + it is DIRECTLY above our eyes, in full view of EVERYONE we encounter. Not hidden underneath a shirt and braw. Nonetheless, there are other circumstances (i.e.. nose job and such) where they will have to *hide* for a while; but still NO OTHER procedure, to my knowledge, takes a full 12-18 months to come into fruition...

I actually only live about 5 min. from Reeds office. But, if Im going to have a consultation I would really only want it to be w/a doc Im ACTUALLY considering having the procedure with.


Hasson is really the only doc I want to go to. Somehow the idea of scheduling an appointment and having my first and ONLY live consultation w/him the morning prior to my procedure does not sound sexy to me. I know most if not *all* approach it this way; but given the natural apprehension and anxiety one would be facing the DAY before your procedure; I feel it wouldn't really be enough time to absorb what he suggests and contemplate everything RIGHT before my surgery.


I was thinking, if/when I do follow through w/it to arrive at H&W's office maybe 3 days prior to my procedure for the consultation. This would give me some time to think everything through. I don't know. That is what Im thinking...

Thanks Everyone for Your Thoughts/Input.

I just wonder how some of you really felt *ready* to take the plunge. It's no minor deal to say the least.

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Its a very hard decision but with todays techniques and doctors skills, it will give you confidence when you decide.


HT is really out of the dark ages in most places. Too bad there are things going on around the world that are destroying guys heads with plugs.


You know Hasson and Wong turn out results that are top notch.


I will disagree with you about the 12-18 month result. You will likely see a major improvement by 6 months, some docs claim it is Ok to go return for another round in 8 months. Yes you would improve further from months 8-12 or more, but remember some of that improvement is not huge growth, it may be the softening of the hairs and blending in.


Meantimme, no one will know that you had a surgery. My point is he down time is only a few weeks IMO. Then you go back to looking like you were before, then in a few months you get a gradual change as the hairs grow in.


Good point about boob jobs, not much down time. Quick result, and the boobs don't fall off and need to be redone like our hair! icon_redface.gif


Just don't get a boob job before your HT. icon_eek.gif


btw, I just put up some of my recent pics.





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I will disagree with you about the 12-18 month result. You will likely see a major improvement by 6 months, some docs claim it is Ok to go return for another round in 8 months.


I just want to add my thoughts to the above statement as I agree but not entirely.


Though about 80-90% of the transplanted hair may have started to grow by 6 months in the average patient, a typical patient is only at 60% in terms of maturation. Remember that the hairs start to grow as thin, fine, and colorless and hairs that start to grow don't typically add to the final result until it starts to thicken and mature.


This is why many physicians will perform another surgery by about 8 months or so however, the final result isn't until later.



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That's exactly right- my choice of the donor area is based upon several criteria: the density of the area, the minimization of scarring (in general those scars that are a bit higher like where yours is located heal with the narrowest scar), and the risk of future hair loss in the back of the head.


Your donor density was around 95 fu/cm.


Total graft distribution:


1 hair: 828


2 hair: 1715


3 hair: 378


4 hair: 42




Total: 2953




Jeffrey S. Epstein, MD, FACS


Miami and NYC









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I am actually in my low 30's and have not posted pics for everyone to see. I have, however, posted pics in PM's for several forum members to comment on, sent pics and had consults with both docs at H&W, Shapiro, and Rahal.


I agree that an in person consult would definitely help. However, three days before would probably just make you a nervous wreck. If Hasson is your doc of choice, take a long weekend and fly up there with your wife/girlfriend for a consult then make a short vacation out of it. No stress about an upcoming surgery and you have plenty of time to decide what you want to do.


Just a thought.



My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Man my ears were burning and I sat and thought, why are my ears are burning, must be someone talking bad about me and sure enough I go on to the forum and found this link icon_mad.gif


Hahaha just kidding dudes,

NG2GB, theres no rush in HT, most guys dont take the plunge till their early 40s and up.

What you got is time, time to make a wise decision on HT or not.


I'm worry because there are a lot of factors to consider, medical reasons, money, doctor skills, etc.


Until my worries are met then will I go under the custom blade of a surgeon.

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