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4700 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - 4 and a half month update

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Ok so 4 and a half months have gone by and a there is a little growth started but I am told there is a ton more to come. The redness is gone for the most part there is just a little left. Let me know what you think!

Edited by Mikeb921
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WOW! I haven't seen too many (if any) other diffuse thinners who want to go for this size of a session w/that much native hair. Im in a similar position as you and would like to go to Hasson for around the same amount, but have been reluctant because of transplanting w/in so much native hair...


i think 4k would leave you w/a mondo million dollar mop! I really hope you post your progress as I would love to see it. I just wish there were more diffuse thinners doing this...

great surgeon choice by the way.

do you have any other pics? Maybe some that show your *loss* more clearly?

Also, what is your age and have you been on meds for any significant amount of time?

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I think you should wait. If the picture acuratly describes your hairs loss it seems you still have a ton of coverage. 4000 seems much for you and w/ that many grafts it seems to me that transecting is a gaurantee. Like NG2GB says though you'll be able to mop up floors w/ your new do though and Im sure it would look amazing.

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Well I am 33 years old and I have been on propecia for about two years now. It has seemed to stop the the thinning. I have had a ton of concerns about getting this done but I am very confident that Dr Hasson will be able to work with in my existing hair with out transecting. I have been dealing with Mike in their Seattle office and he has been great. I was really concerned abou then not being able to do something with it and they assured me they would be able to thicken it up. They say I am a perfect catidate for what they do!

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Welcome to our forum community.


I'm glad to hear that you are on Propecia and that it helped stop your hair loss.


Based on your picture, some may conclude that you don't need a hair transplant. But given that your native hair seems strong and Propecia has stabilized your loss for some time, I don't see anything wrong with getting a hair transplant as long as you are aware of the benefits and potential risks. You will however, be in great hands and I'm sure you will have a great result.


Keep us posted.



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Since you are already scheduled, I guess advising you to wait wont change your mind.


I assume your age is over 25? On meds?


If younger, I would wait and get on the meds. You really do not look too bad - yet.


I would be concerned about dense packing where you have existing hair. You may lose or shock those native hairs out faster. That said, you are in good hands and I trust Dr Hasson knows all the risks in your case. Just plan for the long term.





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I have done a ton of research but I would still like to hear what you guys think about potential risks. They are telling me that I am a perfect canidate for what they do. A lot is going to be in my hairline. This picture doesnt show it but I do need some help there! Do you think there will be a lot of shock loss. And do you think they will be able to thicken things up or am I just wasting money?

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Only you can determine whether or not you feel hair transplant surgery is worth it for you.


There is a risk of "shock loss", but assuming that your native hair is thick and strong, only temporary shock loss should be a concern.


But there are risks with hair transplant surgery generally speaking that you should be familiar with. These general risks would apply no matter when you get surgery.


Mike, you will be in good hands and I believe you will achieve some excellent coverage and density given the amount of your existing native hair. In the event you lose more hair in the future, keep in mind that addiitional surgeries may be desired/needed.



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I just want to add that I don't think that everybody needs to wait until significant hair loss to get a hair transplant. Since medication has stabilized his loss and he is over 30, he does seem like a good candidate.


Besides, diffuse thinners are often the best candidates because in many cases, one can receive a "stand alone" hair transplant, which is quite rare.


Hair transplantation is about what CAN be accomplished verses what we WANT to accomplish.


Mike will be able to go beyond the illusion of hair density that most people would be satisfied with and if he wants to undergo surgery, at his age, level of loss, and the fact he is on medication, and considered available donor hair supply, then more power to him.


Now if he was in his early 20s, I'd suggest holding off.



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Hey Bill thanks for the input but I am curious as to what other risks you are reffering to other then shock loss? I am hoping I dont have to have one of these again for a very long time. I know there is always the chance that I will loose more hair but I am hoping that I have it stabalized.

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If Mike and Dr Hasson say that your a perfect candidate than you are a perfect candidate. They have been doing this a long time and are among the BEST. After TONS of research i've also decided to go w/ H&W, and i also have been dealing w/ Mike. Your in great hands

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mike, i trasplanted into an area similar to yours and shockloss has not been an issue. of course there is a risk, but worst case scenario even if you did lose some hair to shockloss the 4k grafts will compensate and give you very good coverage/density, so i don't see you ending up worse then you are now. the bigger risk of transplanting into native hair is transection, but with a top doc like hasson you're gonna be fine.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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The issue of hair transplant surgical risks simply doesn't come up enugh.


Every surgery has risks and it's important to be familiar with them.


The below list is not all inclusive however covers many of them. Keep in mind that some are very rare and minimized significantly in the right hands. I encourage any of our members to comment on this post and add additional risks or comment on any of the one's I've put together.


See below or hair transplant surgical risks.




There are always a number of risks associated with any type of surgery and it's important to be aware of not only the great benefit that hair transplantation can provide, but also the risks.


Below are some of the risks one may associate with hair transplant surgery.


"?? Scarring (minimal or significant - significant scarring is rare in the hands of a first-rate hair transplant doctor)

"?? Postoperative infection

"?? Excessive bleeding

"?? Delayed Healing

"?? Death of transplanted hair follicles

"?? Postoperative Hiccups (rare)

"?? Swelling of the forehead and face (common but temporary)

"?? Loss of feeling/numbness in the donor and recipient areas (mostly temporary)

"?? Temporary Shock loss (native and previously transplanted hairs could fall out due to surgical trauma but will re-grow)

"?? Permanent Shock loss (If existing hairs are transected due to surgery or if they were on their way out due to MPB)

"?? Pinkness or Redness of the skin around the recipient area

"?? Pitting/cobblestoning/ridging of the scalp (scalp deformation typically caused by older instrumentation or lack of proper care)



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why don't you post more pics, as you even stated that pic doesn't show the hair loss in your hair line?


I have spoken w/Jotronic regarding permanent shock loss as a result of transplanting within native hair, and they feel it is pretty much a non-issue. This is why they shave down your recipient area.


I have *never* seen anyone ending up w/less hair after their ht. All of the hair your moving is going to be PERMANENT and you will definitely have more hair and look better. I think your a prime candidate and are going to have excellent results. *real* density, no illusions...


BTW---how do you *know* the propecia has halted your loss?

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Well I guess I cant say for sure but I will say that about six months after starting to take it my individual hairs seemed thicker then they were and it stopped falling out so much. I still get some hairloss everyday but I figure its just normal to have some hair fall out everyday! Thanks for the info Bill I did know that all this stuff could happen but I figured if I picked the best surgeon it would minimize the chances of any of this happening!

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wA-Wa-WeE-wA!!! icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif

That is some *insane* growth!!!


I can see both sides of the argument, but *personally* I would move forward w/the hair augmentation. The hair one gains via the meds is temporary at best, where as after the augmentation one can rest assured the hair will remain and will alleviate all concerns of loss in that area in the future. A completely different proposition if you ask me...


Additionally, this will be your first go at the augmentation and as a result you've got your best shot at getting the max # of grafts. Do you *really* want to play it ultra conservative, only to have to go in the chair for another augmentation again in the near future? Why not have this area one and done -AND- enjoy that native hair to compliment the augmented hair (giving you EXTRA density) while it lasts?

just my two pesos...


It would be great to hear Jotronic chime in on this one seeing how it is one of their potential patients.....

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Mikeb921 -


You're going to get varying opinions. If you were younger and not on meds I'd say don't do it. However, you are 33, on meds, and will be going to the most skilled of surgeons.


Now, 4000 grafts is going to be a ton of grafts to fill in around your native hair, unless your lowering the hairline a tad and it's not all going in there. With Doc Hasson doing the cutting, i don't think follicle transsection is an issue, as for permanent shockloss of some of the native hair, you just never know but I'd say you'll be fine.


The bottom line is that it's your call. Personally, if I had your hair at that age, I may wait a little, but that's just me :-).......and it's your noggin' we're talking about.


Looks like you're doing your homework so just make a decision you can live with.


Best wishes,



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Mikeb - wow! 4700 grafts is a lot considering how much hair you had to start with. I can't wait to see the photos of where it was all placed. You were in great hands with H&W so rest up and grow well!


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

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