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Absolute Hair Clinic|DR Ratchathorn (Dr Bonus)|4000 Grafts|Dec 2023


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I’m an Asian male in my late 40s, currently residing in the Middle East, where I work as a professional. My recent endeavor has been a hair restoration journey with Absolute Clinic in Thailand, under the skilled care of Dr. Ratchathorn, also known as Dr. Bonus.

The purpose of sharing my experience through this patient review is twofold: firstly, to give back to this forum, which has been a guiding resource in my journey; and secondly, to aid fellow men who are grappling with similar hair issues. My aim is to shed light on the process and outcomes, in hopes that my journey may help others in making informed decisions.

In order to ensure this review is both informative and easy to navigate, I will organize it by topics. This structured approach will not only make the content more manageable but also allow readers to quickly find the information most pertinent to their concerns. 

The decision to pursue hair restoration was driven by a desire to not only enhance my appearance but also to instill a sense of pride in my partner. Appearance may not be everyting, but it will make me happy if I feel my presence with her in public make her proud and contented. I think you know what I mean......

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Background: From Skepticism to Decision

Like many, I was initially skeptical about hair restoration. The idea seemed riddled with scams, often propagated by salons offering miraculous results. My disbelief was further cemented by the lack of any personal connections who had successfully undergone such treatments. This all changed when I reconnected with an old friend, who, to my surprise, had a full head of hair compared to his balding state two decades ago. He was my first real-life testament to the success of hair transplants.

My journey towards hair restoration began about two months ago with extensive web research. I even reached out to two clinics in Turkey. The call agents there were helpful and provided detailed information and quotes. However, skepticism lingered due to the seemingly too-good-to-be-true costs, limited reviews, and potential language and cultural barriers, as I had never been to Turkey and didn't speak Turkish.

Discovering this forum was a pivotal moment. Reading about other patients' journeys infused me with confidence and a better understanding of the process. Two key aspects stood out:

  1. Technology: Learning about FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) techniques, both mature technologies with high success rates in hair restoration.
  2. Medical Advances: The availability of western medicine for hormone control, like Finasteride, and hair growth, such as Minoxidil, was enlightening. I had previously thought male hair loss was incurable.

Attached are the photos from October 2023, pre-operation, showcasing my hair condition. Note that I've always had a 'M' shaped hairline since birth, which over time evolved into a more pronounced "M". I also have naturally low-density, thin hair, but fortunately, have never suffered from severe conditions like dandruff or sudden hair loss. My hair thinning was a gradual process.





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Selection of Clinics and Doctor


My initial search led me to two clinics in Turkey, where I had interactions via WhatsApp. The agents were helpful and provided attractive quotes. However, the lack of substantial reviews, potential language barriers, and the absence of direct communication with the doctors made me hesitant to proceed.

India - Eugenix

Eugenix stood out with their strong marketing and responsive team. After expressing interest, I was quickly contacted by an agent, who introduced herself as a doctor. Our conversation was informative, but the varying surgery rates based on the doctor's seniority left me uncertain. The cost difference between junior and senior doctors, including named doctors and co-founders, was significant, making it challenging for me to decide.

Thailand - Absolute

My experience with Absolute Clinic began unexpectedly. I initially intended to reach out to Dr. Kongkiat but ended up conversing with Dr. Bonus via Line. Dr. Kongkiat, popular among foreigners, mostly handles WhatsApp, while Dr. Bonus, with a clientele primarily of Thais and Asians, manages Line communications. This difference in clientele might explain Dr. Bonus’s lower profile among international patients. However, her professionalism and friendly demeanor during our exchanges, including a video call, led me to choose her for my procedure. Dr. Kongkiat and Dr. Bonus, working as a team, further reassured me of their collaborative approach.

Thailand - Other Clinics

I also explored HairTrain (Dr. Patty) and HairSmith (Dr. Prima). Both clinics were well-organized, and communication with the doctors’ PAs was smooth. English proficiency was not an issue, and video consultations were available, though with a 1-2 week waiting period due to high demand.

Decision Point

I eventually chose a Thailand-based clinic for familiarity with the country. Between the three options, I selected Dr. Bonus at Absolute Clinic for several reasons:

  • Direct communication with the doctor increased my comfort and confidence.
  • The doctor’s credentials and experience were well-documented in various forums.
  • Availability aligned with my schedule, as I had a family trip to Thailand planned in early December.

Cost Considerations

While Absolute Clinic’s rates were above average, they were not the most expensive. The package included PRP, post-op care, and extended medication supply. I prefer not to disclose specific costs but encourage direct contact with clinics for quotes.





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Pre-Operative Consultation


Upon deciding to proceed with Absolute Clinic, a deposit of THB 20,000 was required to secure my appointment. This is a standard practice and seemed fair to me.

Pre-Operative Preparation

The clinic provided a straightforward 2-page list of dos and don'ts for pre-operative preparation. This information is quite standard and thus, I won't attach it here as it's likely similar across various clinics.

Face-to-Face Consultation (1-2 Hours)

Dr. Bonus led a thorough face-to-face consultation. Her friendly approach and detailed answers to all my questions reflected her extensive experience with hair restoration procedures.

  • Donor Area Assessment: A detailed examination revealed I had a good donor area, with the potential to extract 5500-6000 grafts. This meant I would still have reserves for a possible second session if needed. Being Asian, my beard area could provide only a few hundred grafts.

  • Recipient Area Planning (Front, Temple, and Crown): Dr. Bonus suggested implanting between 3500-4000 grafts. I requested to maximize this number, hoping to cover both the front and crown areas in one session.

  • Hairline Design: I chose to retain my natural ‘M’ shaped hairline but lowered it by about 1 cm and expanded it slightly at the sides.

Attached below is a photo from the pre-operative consultation, showing the hairline as marked by Dr. Bonus.








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Operation Day

Morning Preparations (08:30)

The day began with changing into patient attire and having my head shaved by a nurse. Dr. Bonus then redrew the hairline, refining it to ensure my satisfaction. A photo was taken post-shave, just before the procedure.

Start of Procedure (10:00)

The actual procedure commenced around 10:00 AM with the administration of anesthesia in various parts of the scalp. I rated the pain as mild, about 3 out of 10 on the pain scale.

Donor Hair Extraction (10:15 - 15:30)

This phase lasted about 5.5 hours and was the most challenging part for me, primarily due to the discomfort of lying face-down for an extended period. Despite no pain due to the anesthesia, the position made breathing somewhat difficult. I needed several breaks, partly to stay hydrated (which is important during anesthesia) and also to use the restroom.

During this time, a team of 6-8 nurses and assistants, led by the doctor, worked on the extraction. While I believe most of the extractions were performed by an experienced nurse, the doctor provided guidance throughout.

My graft breakdown was approximately:

  • 2500 grafts with 2 hairs each
  • 1000 grafts with 1 hair each
  • 500 grafts with 3 hairs each
  • Totaling 4000 grafts

The nurse noted that I had tough skin and was a 'bleeder', which made the process more time-consuming.

Break and Lunch (15:30 - 16:00)

A break for a late lunch was welcome, although my appetite was subdued due to the anesthesia. The food, particularly the Pad Thai, was quite tasty.

Slitting and Implanting (16:00 - 22:30)

Dr. Bonus personally handled the slitting process. While painless, the sound of the small knife cutting into the scalp was a unique sensation. Lying face-up, I was able to engage in light conversation with the doctor and nurses, which helped alleviate boredom.

It appeared that after Dr. Bonus prepared each section, the nurses began implanting the grafts. My impression was that while Dr. Bonus did all the slitting, the implanting was a shared task, with nurses handling a significant portion.

Conclusion and Aftercare (Last 30 Minutes)

The final half hour involved bandaging, a debrief from the doctor, dispensing medications, settling payments, and then heading home to rest.

Despite being awake for almost the entire procedure, I didn't feel overly tired, just slightly dizzy from the anesthesia. But I was able to walk and even climb up to the BTS (Bangkok's skytrain system) unassisted.

Overall Experience

Except for the discomfort during the donor extraction phase, the rest of the experience was comfortable and light-hearted, with some jokes and small talk. This relaxed atmosphere was just what I needed to stay calm and less anxious throughout the procedure.

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Dr. Ratchathorn seems to be an incredible value. I really like her hairlines. Thanks for sharing your review. Happy growing 🙏

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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Post-Operative Care: Days 1-4

Post-Operative Package

The package from Absolute Clinic included five days of post-operative care, but due to my travel schedule, I utilized four days. The care involved washing the wound, laser treatment (infrared related, not sure the exact details), changing ointments, and re-bandaging. Dr. Bonus personally attended to me on the first and last days for check-ups and consultations, while the intervening days were managed by the clinic's nurses.

Pain Management

Surprisingly, I experienced no significant pain. The first night post-operation, I slept soundly, likely aided by the residual effects of the anesthesia and Valium. Even after ceasing Valium and the anesthesia wearing off, I felt some sensitivity when my head touched the pillow or during manual contact, but it was not painful.

Sleeping Quality

My sleep quality remained good during the four days of post-operative care. This might be attributed to my generally easygoing nature when it comes to sleep.

Medication Regimen

The medication prescribed included:

  • Antibiotics for five days to prevent infection.
  • Anti-swelling medication for five days to reduce inflammation.
  • Minoxidil (2.5mg daily) to promote hair growth.
  • Finasteride (1.25mg daily) to inhibit further hair loss. Note: Prior to the operation, I had never taken any hair-related medication.

Impressions of Dr. Bonus

Throughout my interactions, Dr. Bonus exuded confidence and professionalism, greatly enhancing my comfort level. Her dedication is evident not just in her clinical work but also in her academic pursuits, as she teaches at Chulalongkorn University, one of Thailand's premier institutions. Additionally, she plays an active role in providing master courses to other doctors in the country. Dr. Bonus's approachability and pride in her work make her an excellent recommendation for anyone considering hair transplantation.

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8 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:

Dr. Ratchathorn seems to be an incredible value. I really like her hairlines. Thanks for sharing your review. Happy growing 🙏

Thank you Melvin, been reading your posts and learnt a lot from you. Your pass-down knowledge and sharing is amazing. And thanks for the best wishes.

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31 minutes ago, Jackdaniels said:

Happy growing. Looks like a good plan. So DR Ratchathorn works in the same clinic with dr laorwong ? And what’s his price ?

As far as I know yes, they work in the same clinic. From what I know both - at least as of a few months back - are charging the same 80baht per graft. 

It's on the higher end compared to other Thai clinics, but internationally that's an amazing deal considering both have been putting out absolutely amazing results.

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1 hour ago, Jackdaniels said:

Happy growing. Looks like a good plan. So DR Ratchathorn works in the same clinic with dr laorwong ? And what’s his price ?

Yes they work in the same clinic. And help each other out during the surgery…. 

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On 12/9/2023 at 7:59 AM, romeo_gent said:

Yes they work in the same clinic. And help each other out during the surgery…. 

^This. Dr. Ratchathorn is Dr. Laorwongs partner. They’re both involved, and responsible for so many of the excellent results. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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On 12/9/2023 at 5:59 PM, romeo_gent said:

Yes they work in the same clinic. And help each other out during the surgery…. 

Oh i see. That’s nice. So every doctor doing a different part of the surgery ? In your hair transplant dr laorwong was involved as well ? And if yes which part did he do ?

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1 hour ago, ZanderZander said:

Thanks for your awesome write-up!
So useful for other people now researching.

I wish you the best in your results!

Question: Did you ever consider Dr. Pathonvanich at DHT clinic? Just curious why you did not. 

Hi, I consulted Dr Pathonvanich too. I feel comfortable with him. He looks more senior than Dr Bonus by age and experience. The reason I didn't go with him is that his rate (being more senior) is significantly higher than Dr Bonus. I think, with the limited clinics I consulted, his rate is at the far end of the scale (within thailand).

It stretch beyond my comfortable budget.

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45 minutes ago, Jackdaniels said:

Oh i see. That’s nice. So every doctor doing a different part of the surgery ? In your hair transplant dr laorwong was involved as well ? And if yes which part did he do ?

In my case, Dr Laowong came in at 1 point to check on the progress but didn't stay long nor doing any actual work himself.

What I meant by 'helping each other' is that being the partners of the clinics, they check/help out each other's surgery, when and as necessary. I remember the day-2 when I go back for post-ops treatment, I heard the nurse mention that Dr Laorwang had a surgery >5000 graft that lasted until 1am the night before... In those cases for instance, Dr Bonus will help out or vice versa.

- surgery is incharged by the doctor that you have chosen.

- the partner doctor, as needed, may come to check/help out. But, not everytime.


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