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Is this even legal?

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Hey quick question...

Is it actually legal in the USA for a hair transplant clinic to not have an actual surgeon on site do anything, and instead all the work is done by a tech?

My botch transplant was done by one tech who did the whole thing. There was no actual surgeon or doctor present, though there was a nurse practitioner there in the morning. I've since learned that this is highly anomalous. (I was an uninformed idiot at the time.)

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The individual taking professional responsibility for the HT needs only to have a valid medical degree and a license to practice medicine. It would seem whatever degree of hands-on involvement he or she chooses to take during the procedure is up to them, so I assume it would technically be legal to have techs perform all of the work, but certainly not very ethical for the person with the medical license not to perform any work at all. Hope someone can help clarify those specifics more and help you with your situation.

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Did they give any excuse like the doctor was ill? Does the clinic have a website with the staff listed and their medical training and credentials? There's probably going to be some legal/licensing variation depending on what state you had the work done in. Just did some quick searches on medical licensing and practice. I'd reach out to the state medical licensing board that you had the procedure performed in and tell them your story and concerns. Even some general google searches on the name of the doctor and the clinic, address of the clinic, see if you get any results for known instances of medical malpractice or scamming. Good luck and would be beneficial for others looking to get a hair transplant to give the details on the clinic and doctor so they know to avoid them.








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29 minutes ago, general-etwan said:

The individual taking professional responsibility for the HT needs only to have a valid medical degree and a license to practice medicine. It would seem whatever degree of hands-on involvement he or she chooses to take during the procedure is up to them, so I assume it would technically be legal to have techs perform all of the work, but certainly not very ethical for the person with the medical license not to perform any work at all. Hope someone can help clarify those specifics more and help you with your situation.

Ah OK that would be the nurse practitioner who was there for a while in the morning then. Should I out her here then? I'm pretty effing angry now that I've gotten over my own "but they were my friends!" silliness.

Oh and @ciaus there's already a whole thread on this bunch. It's the "say it ain't so" thread started by me in this subforum. 

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1 hour ago, Oxiborick said:

Hey quick question...

Is it actually legal in the USA for a hair transplant clinic to not have an actual surgeon on site do anything, and instead all the work is done by a tech?

My botch transplant was done by one tech who did the whole thing. There was no actual surgeon or doctor present, though there was a nurse practitioner there in the morning. I've since learned that this is highly anomalous. (I was an uninformed idiot at the time.)


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Who was the surgeon? You are protecting this bad doctor, and not innocent patients, by keeping the name a secret. 

Many non-elite docs do as little as they are legally required to do, and pass off everything else to the techs. 

During your surgery they will disappear and are likely to be doing other consults, browsing their stock portfolio, or chatting on the phone with friends and family. 

If this was your 1st HT, I cant blame you for being naive and thinking the doctor would be more involved or actually, truly care about your end result. 

Let this be a lesson going forward - always ask what the doctors involvement will be when deciding on your surgeon. 


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10 minutes ago, HappyMan2021 said:

Who was the surgeon? You are protecting this bad doctor, and not innocent patients, by keeping the name a secret. 

Many non-elite docs do as little as they are legally required to do, and pass off everything else to the techs. 

During your surgery they will disappear and are likely to be doing other consults, browsing their stock portfolio, or chatting on the phone with friends and family. 

If this was your 1st HT, I cant blame you for being naive and thinking the doctor would be more involved or actually, truly care about your end result. 

Let this be a lesson going forward - always ask what the doctors involvement will be when deciding on your surgeon. 


There's already a whole thread on this wherein I expose this crew. It's worth reading the whole thing as the story just gets weirder and weirder as it goes on.


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What state did you have the procedure? In California it is illegal for a technician to score skin. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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There may be different laws in place from state to state, but as Melvin mentioned, it's illegal for anyone except the surgeon to score the grafts/puncture the skin in California. I thought that was a law for the entire United States, but that may not be the case. 

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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1 hour ago, Oxiborick said:

There's already a whole thread on this wherein I expose this crew. It's worth reading the whole thing as the story just gets weirder and weirder as it goes on.

I read it but I'm still unsure the name of the actual doctor who performed surgery on you? I see the clinic was Regrow, but who was the actual doctor?

Big red flag having any surgery and not knowing the name of the surgeon. 

While I 100% emphasize with your situation and you didn't deserve this at all, I do have to say - even for a brand new hair transplant first timer - I am surprised you proceeded with such a shady clinic and not even knowing who would be performing the surgery. 

I think you should speak to a lawyer. Normally I would just say to move on, but this case seems extremely egregious since from what I can tell there is no proof an MD had any part of your surgery.

I don't have any evidence, but I'm guessing Colorado and most states would have similar laws to California. 

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Oh I didn't know they were shady. They seemed really nice and normal when I visited.

The tech that did the actual surgery was named Kate, I don't know her last name. She seemed really nice and professional. I had no inkling the work was even bad until a few days later when I posted some pictures to Reddit and even then I didn't believe it. Wasn't fully convinced until I posted here. I didn't know about McTyre until a couple days ago.

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USA like every Western country require by law that only an M.D can perform surgeries and anesthesia, it's illegal that a technician do it, technicians do the extractions and implanting since it's not surgical parts of the procedure.

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


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* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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10 hours ago, Doron Harati said:

USA like every Western country require by law that only an M.D can perform surgeries and anesthesia, it's illegal that a technician do it, technicians do the extractions and implanting since it's not surgical parts of the procedure.

The same person, a surgical tech, did the extractions, scoring, and implanting.

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