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Is hair transplant a good solution for me?

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Hello Everyone!

In short, I'm 28 years old and my hair is very thin.

I'm debating whether a hair transplant is a good solution for me because my crown area is very thin and in the front I've started to break out.


I like to cut my hair short on the sides (0) so I can't get scars at all.

Another question, I want to do a laser on my body (chest, shoulders, back, neck) there is no problem with that, right? we don't take hair from these places right?


WhatsApp Image 2022-08-14 at 13.55.36.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-08-14 at 13.55.51.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-07-27 at 13.14.03.jpg

WhatsApp Image 2022-08-14 at 13.55.50.jpg

Edited by Playdad
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6 minutes ago, WhereIsMyMind said:

are you on hairloss meds? if so, which ones? that is crucial to your case.

I have been using Minoxidil for about 15 years,

 and I'm not ready to take Finasteride.

Edited by Playdad
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Well, you have textbook worst type of alopecia for a transplant, an anti-androgen is def needed to have good long-term results. You could try low dosages or even topical forms. You could also try oral minox which is known to work well for diffuse thinners.

You are balding in the whole NW6 area and most likely will keep progressing during next years, so the transplant would keep losing density. If they transplant you, they need to either kill existing follicles or plant them in between existing follicles that will fight for circulation.

You don't seem to have bad donor area but covering the whole NW6 area is not easy. I would strongly suggest you to research the implications of hairtransplant on diffusse, DUPA, medications to prevent it, etc.

TLDR: I don't think "hair transplant is the best solution" for you right now. But if that's the only option you are willing to take its still better than doing nothing.

Edited by WhereIsMyMind
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Hi @Playdad

This is Hala, working for @DrTBarghouthi

I tagged Dr Taleb so he could give you an advice regarding your case.


Kind regards,


Patient Adviser to Dr. Taleb Barghouthi - approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with us here  or via WhatsApp at +962778837839 (Jordan) or +962798378396 (Jordan). 

Social media Instagram & Facebook : vertexhair



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your donor is a little thinner than average i think... and you'd probably be NW6... so unless you just want the hairs to be for a decade or two... i guess it's not really a good solution since you don't take finas. if you take finas though, i'd say you're on a better position than me, as i'm still thinning even with the med.

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38 minutes ago, Playdad said:

I have been using Minoxidil for about 15 years,

 and I'm not ready to take Finasteride.


So if you're 28 now, doing the math, that means you started minoxidil when you were about 13?  Did you have any actual verified loss by doctors/adults at the time? We do occasionally get paranoid teenagers coming on here asking for help that have no real loss.

Anyway, minoxidil just makes your hair situation seem better by thickening the hairs and extending their growth cycles. DHT will continue to take out the vulnerable hairs regardless of how much minoxidil you take. The more you delay on making a decision about finasteride the less potential good its going to be able to do. 

Once you make that decision the doctor will have a better idea of how conservative to be with your donor hair for the long term. And if you do decide to take finasteride, give it 12-18 months to see how well it works BEFORE you do the hair transplant. You may be able to recover some hair, and strengthen your current hairs to reduce the chances of temporary or permanent shockloss from the surgery. 





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1 hour ago, Playdad said:

Another question, I want to do a laser on my body (chest, shoulders, back, neck) there is no problem with that, right? we don't take hair from these places right?


Actually hair can be taken from areas of the body like that. Some guys that have been battling hair loss for decades do end up resorting to body hair to help add density in their crown and mid scalp areas. As young as you still are, with this much loss, and on the fence about finasteride, you should be trying to hang on to every hair you got for the unknown road ahead.

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If you don't want scars, then don't get a hair transplant. It's literally part and parcel of the process. 

You can laser your hair on the body if you want but the chest hair and beard hair are usually the 2nd & 3rd (chest) sources for hair after the scalp. Depending on your hair loss, that's where they would usually use after the scalp. 

That said, i don't think you are educated enough on HTs and it's probably best for you to consider other options than a hair transplant if you aren't prepared for any scars at all. 

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8 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

If you don't want scars, then don't get a hair transplant. It's literally part and parcel of the process. 

Yea he has a military style graduation on the sides. If he's trying to go the full 20yrs in one of the US branches, he'll need to keep getting those sides shaved with zero guards.

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Without medication you will clearly progress to Norwood 6 or 7 at some point, the outline is apparent. 

If you get a transplant, you will probably have shock loss of your native miniaturized hair, which is still giving you "some" additional coverage so you would definitely have a less full result after a transplant if you lose those.

Like everyone said, you really need to get at least on topical finasteride, but oral 1mg is what I would recommend to you, and re-evaluate at least after 6 months and see if your hair has thickened. 

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I would just use fibers, vitamins, dermaroller  till the wheels fall off. Prolong not getting ht for as long as possible, cause if you going to NW6+ you will keep needing more hts. Better wait till very end & get it done then( granted your donor will be sufficient). By 40, you will get a better idea which part of donor is more dht resistant & safer to use.

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