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Dr.keser , recommanded or not for a FUE ?!


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Dr. Keser is currently in the process of being prescreened and considered for recommendation. However, we too are waiting to see a number of additional examples of his work and I also have yet to talk to anyone at their clinic extensively to learn more about Dr. Keser's experience, technique, and hair transplant philosophy.


If you are interested in this physician, I do encourage you to do plenty of research, view as many examples of their work as possible, and consult with the physician.


Just keep in mind that FUE in general as a procedure is not for everyone and to date, many patients are still better candidates suited for FUT.


Best wishes,



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I'd co-sign with every single Bill mentioned above.


Personally, in an albeit short period of time with a small sample size, I've seen more impressive FUE work from Dr. Keser than the majority of strip-known docs who also perform FUE.


I would certainly feel *much* more secure in ever reccommending Dr. Keser, though, if they had already been thoroughly vetted and greenlighted by this community as a whole.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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thank you Bill and thana ,


i saw a lot of his results on different forums , and i was realy impressed...


please Bill , can you tell me what is your personnal opinion about Dr.keser's work ? and if the recommandation process will take a lot of time ?



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I like what I've seen posted on our forum so far, but I'd like to see more and speak to the clinic to learn about Dr. Keser's experience, technique, and philosophy before I draw any conclusions.


The prescreening process to be considered for potential recommendation can take some time. We like to make sure physicians collect and present enough photo examples on our community. We also like to learn all we can about a physician before even presenting him for potential recommendation.


Best wishes,



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I was actually following this thread, especially after i decided to go FUE. I sent so many emails to Dr. Keser at the email on his site, but never received an answer to get his opinion regarding my situation.


Also I suggest that his website looks a little lame maybe it should also be re-done too.

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  • 2 months later...
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Dr Keser posts some pretty amazing mega session-ish FUE results. Very high yields. However, I think it would be nice to get a better sampling of his work with some higher resolution pictures (no offense, but some of the 'after pictures' were self-shots by patients and hard to gauge). Where are you located OP? Would you be willing to travel to the states for FUE, because there are several coalition docs here doing world class FUE.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I too am very impressed with what I have seen from Dr. Keser, and that's why I wanted to know if there has been any further dialogue between HTN and his clinic.


He needs to present far more examples of his work and better quality photos, but I absolutely love the hairlines that he has posted so far. And, for 3 euros a graft including everything but the plane ticket, you can't beat his prices.

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A couple of months ago, I've invited Dr. Keser's clinic to present several examples of their work on the forum to be considered for potential recommendation. Since then, they've presented a number of impressive looking results. I still have a bit more to learn about Dr. Keser's experience, technique and hair transplant philosophy. Hopefully I'll be able to interview him later this month. I will certainly keep you all posted.


Thanks for your interest,



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Based on result photos posted here and other forums, his work is as good if not better than any other FUE doctor I've seen.


However he has been performing FUE for many years, yet there are only a small amount of results out there so it is difficult to form a stronger opinion about his work


It would be great if we could hear from patients of his directly concerning their experiences, maybe if he becomes recommended here that would become more of a possibility

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  • 2 weeks later...



While I appreciate that you trust our community's recommendations, you should never give anyone the power to make your decisions for you. We are indeed diligent in thoroughly prescreening surgeons however, I encourage you to carefully research and review physicians before making a decision.


All the Best,



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Have you thought about other surgeons on the site that currently offer FUE, such as Dr Feller?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Dear Members,


We will show more cases in future and give also more informations. Please feel free to comment our cases. Your feedback's are important for us.


Bill, you are always welcome to visit our clinic and learn more about our work and also about our philosophy.


Best Regards




Manager Derma-Plast

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I've been meaning to call you to learn more about Dr. Keser, his technique, experience and philosophy. Unfortunately, time keeps slipping away from me. Given the time difference, perhaps you could email me with some days and times next week that work for you and Dr. Keser. Note that I'm in Eastern Time (GMT-5:00).


I look forward to speaking with you and learning more about Dr. Keser in the coming weeks.


Best wishes,



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Hello to the whole community,


I'm french and this is my 1st message here. On our "national hair loss forum", there 's now a big discussion about Dc Keser.

I would like you to watch that video first :


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi9wiSRd_2s (nb:the music is really good!)


-example 3 of that video : is it possible for you to have such a high density with such few grafts ! (1800)...


Another video to talk about that:




Look at 0.19s and then at the end of the video...only 1500 to achieve that !


Same after 2nd procedure:




Really if it's true then this doctor is far ahead in terms of FUE results...compared with top docs it's really impressive...

The pb is that 6 month ago i have had never heard about him ! And i've been reading all us,french and others forums for 3 years now...and i found NO bad result after a lot of research


What do you think about that !?

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After seeing some pictures form Dr. Keser's work,

I was surprised that he will take many grafts from "non-safe" zones. Although there is debate to what is safe or not, I am talking about zones above a NW7.


I personally would not have any doctor move grafts in that area on me.


But if there are doctors that do body hair transplants and aren't recommended because of the questions about longer term effects/stability, I think likewise doctors that take grafts from aggressive areas also have to be questioned.

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I've emailed Dr. Keser earlier today asking about his availability so I can learn more about his practice. I've also asked him to take and present photos that demonstrate a typical day of surgery at his clinic. I think it's important that we not only view his results, but that we acquire a better understanding of his surgical procedure. After all, we want to be as thorough as possible in prescreening surgeons before potentially recommending them.


Regarding the safe zone - I do think there is some room for flexibility and adaptability depending on the patient. While some of the donor photos show FU grafts harvested above and below the universal safe zone, sometimes in order to obtain more grafts, a physician will migrate into areas still considered to be safe given a patient's hair loss pattern and family history of hair loss. I refer to this as the "custom" safe zone.


There are a few additional risks of removing hair from the custom safe zone however, as long as risks are minimal, a patient is fully informed of the risks, and consents to them, then I see nothing wrong with this. I included the part about risks being minimal because I think that some things are obviously not within the best interest of the patient. Thus, even if a patient consents to something not in their best interest, the physician(s) need to be held accountable. But most reputable physicians will take a patient's individual circumstances into consideration and sometimes deviate slightly from the norm in order to help a patient meet their goals, that is, if their physiology and characteristics call for it.


Best wishes,



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