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How did you deal with going back to work?

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How did everyone deal with going back to work? how long did you take off? what was it like?

I work in an office setting so can’t wear a hat to work. What was your excuse for your appearance? More interested in FUT cases but FUE also welcomed since the recipient sites are all the same

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I've had 2 FUT surgeries and I took off/worked from home for at least 1 week afterwards

Like you I also work in an office setting and talked with my manager or HR to let them know that I would be needing to wear a hat due to a recent procedure. From there, they shouldn't ask too many questions due to legalities

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@hairlossPA I work in a open space office and took 10 days off.
When I returned to work on the 11th day I didn’t want to wear a hat because it sends the wrong message as a department manager and because I didn’t feel the need for it.

I noticed my colleagues and the CEO commenting on my new look and decided to explain to them all about my HT experience only to find the CEO is booking his surgery for this year and that nowadays a HT is something pretty ordinary.
Since then I have had 2 more colleagues that have come ask me for advise on where to go for a HT and others telling me  they wished they could also afford a HT.

Every person is different, I have always been someone that couldn’t care less about what other people think of me (so not the most popular kid in class) and have always been honest, supportive and friendly to those around me so I have no problem owning my decision of having a HT to my friends and colleagues. 

Edited by Portugal25
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FUT is easy unless you wear your hair short.  Took 2 weeks off and nobody noticed.  I was retired when I then had FUT so that was not a problem.

"Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More

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I have had patients who work in office setting and normally would not be able to wear hat. However, they spoke to appropriate person in charge and told them they were have some spots removed from scalp from dermatologist and was told to keep head covered for a week. Usually works especially if you don't want anyone knowing you had this procedure done. 

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