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Small talk during fue

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Hey guys,

i just had my fue ht completed and I’m nervous and excited at the same time.

I just have one question that’s been bugging me tonight. I’m naturally a chatty person and during both days of extractions I was chatting away with the tech doing the extractions. I kept asking if I was distracting her or not and she said no. Now I’m worried all my chatting may have not been the best idea to let them concentrate on not transecting or damaging my grafts!

What are your thoughts on this?

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No talking should have no direct impact on your results, as long as you chose a qualified clinic with technicians that are skilled and experienced, there should be no issue.

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Haha! I didn't shut up either, and based on the replies here, it seems we're in good company. The drugs definitely make you loopy, which often presents itself as chatty. 

I believe Spex was inquiring about you saying that a technician did the extractions, which is something that only the surgeon should be doing. Assuming you went somewhere credible, I imagine the surgeon was actually doing the extractions but a technician was there to receive the grafts as he extracted them and then transported them to be cleaned and counted. You care to elaborate? (Also keeping in mind that you were quite drugged up, so maybe you don't fully recall.) 

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I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

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I agree that if the tech was distracted to the point that possible transections would occur, she would have said something.

So I would not sweat it...if you went to a clinic that has a track record with proven FUE results, you should be fine...;)

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6 hours ago, pkipling said:

Haha! I didn't shut up either, and based on the replies here, it seems we're in good company. The drugs definitely make you loopy, which often presents itself as chatty. 

I believe Spex was inquiring about you saying that a technician did the extractions, which is something that only the surgeon should be doing. Assuming you went somewhere credible, I imagine the surgeon was actually doing the extractions but a technician was there to receive the grafts as he extracted them and then transported them to be cleaned and counted. You care to elaborate? (Also keeping in mind that you were quite drugged up, so maybe you don't fully recall.) 

Thanks for the response. I went with a clinic in Europe where the extractions are done by the techs. The implantation of the hair is handled by the doctor.

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