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What have you sacrificed for a HT?

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Well for me, I suppose I sacrificed getting the next new car so I could get my hair transplants. I've explained this before in other thread regarding my own personal outlook on this, but since it's relevant here I'll explain my logic.


The average American pays $30,000 every 5 years on a new car. I figured if I could keep my car 10 years, I wouldn't be spending any additional money than the average American. Of course, I had only spent $17,000 on a slighly used car and kept it 9 years, so it worked out even better.


Of course, having 4 procedures, I paid approximately $30,000 for my new head of hair. As a result, I've had to juggle money around in home equity loans, credit cards, and reduce my personal savings by paying for one of the procedures with cash. At this point, all of my procedures are completely paid off and I feel much better about the way I look and am more confident. I'd say it was the best $30,000 I've ever spent.


Of course, not everyone is going ot have to spend as much as I did since not everyone will need 9600 grafts transplanted.


Best wishes,



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Bill, I can definitely relate! I sacrificed getting a new car as well and future payments for graduate school. I paid a lot of money for my one hair transplant and if everything pans out like I hope, it will be well worth the money. I haven't told too many people about my HT, but the one's who know are supportive and they knew how I felt about my hair loss. I also distanced myself from friends that know nothing about my HT...we have more of a "phone relationship" now. This was really tough at first but I figured it would only be for the first few months after my HT. I contemplated whether or not I truly wanted a hair transplant for about a year. My advice to anyone who is debating whether or not to go through the HT process is don't rush into it; take your time, do your research, know what you'll be sacrificing and once you made a decision, do more research.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Good post. I am about to sacrifice buying a new car (it would be the first car of my life) as well as postpone starting my part-time graduate course this fall, for my 2nd HT , hopefully with Dr. Rahal. Tch...life sucks sometimes.

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My firstborn.




Sorry, couldn't resist. In seriousness, lot's of dough and mental energy.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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My first HT I actually used part of my student loan to pay for the procedure - living allowance. The second, all cash. So my savings took a big hit - 10 thousand.


Although, some or most might find it strange, my biggest sacrafice is my body(temple). For some reason I find a scalpel going across my flesh a violation of some kind. Especially if its voluntary.


A good result is my award though, and its worth it.

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my procedure is in may but i am pondering over this question


i mean, all of us here prob would not ve regretted spending every bit of the money if the procedure went really well. m i safe to assume i m speakin on behalf of most of us?


how abt the anxiety? from the decision to go under the knife, the actual procedure, the waiting, agony if things will turn out well, the social shut down for a mth or so etc... i reckon this is wat i feel i will be sacrificing...

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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Originally posted by wb280:

my procedure is in may but i am pondering over this question


i mean, all of us here prob would not ve regretted spending every bit of the money if the procedure went really well. m i safe to assume i m speakin on behalf of most of us?


how abt the anxiety? from the decision to go under the knife, the actual procedure, the waiting, agony if things will turn out well, the social shut down for a mth or so etc... i reckon this is wat i feel i will be sacrificing...


I hear you WB,


Pulling out that much money for a HT feels like a punch in the stomach, however if it is something you desire then I think you should go for it. TO YOUTHFULNESS!!!

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hi there bleach. u r spot on. feels like a punch in the stomach. that kind with the KO effect icon_smile.gif


but i reckon that if everything turns out well, most, if not all, of us here would not remembered that punch icon_smile.gif


wish me luck dudes, even when its only feb now, i m beginning to worry...

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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WB...i would say the social shut down is probably the hardest part of the whole sacrificing process, depending on how close you are with your friends. Every day I ask myself if I made the right decision or not because I could have used all of that money towards graduate school next fall. However, I had full trust in the doctor that I chose and I believe that I truly did make the right choice. Good luck with your decision making.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Originally posted by Fingers Crossed:

WB...i would say the social shut down is probably the hardest part of the whole sacrificing process, depending on how close you are with your friends. Every day I ask myself if I made the right decision or not because I could have used all of that money towards graduate school next fall. However, I had full trust in the doctor that I chose and I believe that I truly did make the right choice. Good luck with your decision making.





When my hair loss started in 2006 I became very distant with my friends, I was not social at all. (I was 22) I really didnt research hair transplantation till about 6 months after losing my hair, i figured that a transplant would cost ATLEAST 25k, luckily for us it is not that much. Social wise is where you take the biggest hit imo, more than money etc.. And when your recluse and have trouble living your life, I think hair transplantation becomes a good option. I am consulting with Mattj who is a consultant for Dr. Rahal and I am hoping to book a date in october or november, a big weight I feel has been lifted off of my shoulders

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My HT last Nov. the sacrifice was almost 20 grand, 2 weeks vacation time, becoming a hermit when I'm not at work and wearing a hat every single day at work. But since I went to H&W I'm still pretty confident that it is all going to be worth it.


Now the first HT with Buccholz at Bosley's house of butchering was a much bigger sacrifice. Even though I only spent about 2 grand on that one, just living with plugs for 20+ years (even though much of that time they were hidden well because my hair loss was slow) and worrying about getting it fixed and if people could see it and how it affects your social life was a much bigger sacrifice.


I remember my ex-wife saying why don't you just get it fixed but the stressful thing was that until I met a H&W patient I had not seen one decent HT. Every consult I went to I would leave shaking my head at how fairly obvious even their star patient's HTs looked. (Bosley though had shown me people that had never had an HT and said they were actual patients) So for 22 years I had no hope that anything other than removing the plugs would work.


So in hindsight I WAS the actual sacrifice and Bosley had sacrificed me for money icon_smile.gif

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I haven't gone through with the procedure yet (awaiting consultation with a Coalition Doc), but will be sacrificing part of my down payment for an apartment.


But I completely relate with phil. The greater sacrifice of not going through with the HT yet is a more active social life. I've become a hermit and can't wait to have my confidence back. I also will be giving up two weeks of work to recover.

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I have also become a hermit, I mean all i do is play xbox, go to class, and work. I mean thats it, friday and saturday nights I sleep, watch tv or play xbox. I avoid social situations and it sucks. Do you just stay indoors all day? Its what I do, especially at work I tend to keep to myself and not have conversations with anyone

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hi guys, it seems that i was right. Most of us here would concur that the social shut down more of a sacrifice than monetary issues... I am pretty close to my friends and colleagues and i m in the finance industry so i need to attend loads of meetings etc. Here's the rub. If i was not in the industry and rather in some manufacturing, i prob would not ve bothered abt going under the knife. Thing is i am in the finance circle so image becomes a major concern. All in all, i have made my decision and i will stick to it.

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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Phil, I second that! I hate windy days with a passion because it would mess up my 1 and a half hours of work trying to cover my thinning; plus with the Toppik I used it would go all over the place, regardless if you use hair spray or not. I'm looking forward to swimming once again, and walking around outside not having to worry about what my hair will look.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson


WB good luck with everything!

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Yes, both of my parents were shocked when I told them about my plans on getting a HT. My mom seemed a bit concerned; I told her about H&W and I was going to travel to Vancouver to get it done. She took it upon herself to research...she said "Who is this Hasson & Wong? I never even heard of these guys. Why would you travel that far when there's a Bosely about 30 minutes away?" Haha! I see my parents about twice a week and they are already use to seeing me with a shaved head and a scar running across the back of my head. Bleach, don't let your parent talk you out of it!


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I know man! I guess they are just old fashioned squares! Haha, My dad thinks spending thousands on a ht is absolutely crazy, he is about a norwood 4, he really doesnt care what he looks like. Fingers, ITS TIME TO HAVE OUR MOMENT!!!!!! Enough with this loss of confidence to baldness!!!!

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I hear ya man...do what YOU want to do; it's your life and if baldness bothers you or if it affects your social life, then it's time to do something about it. My dad is a norwood 5 and wears a hair peice so he really has no room to talk haha.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I know man, my HT with Dr. Rahal is so far away, I just need a little bit more money and Ill be set, 2k away surgery date in september. Your HT is going to look awesome man! Thats a lot of work!...


16 inch, I know man I know, its a ton of money but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. If its affecting you that much, look at other areas in your life you can make sacrifices. Perhaps its driving a car as Bill said for 10-13 years, maybe its saving money on food for 10 years. Instead of going to eat steak, stay home and make eggs or tacos or something.

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