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9 MONTHS POST OP - Poor growth in some areas (Second procedure)


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Hi, right now I am 9 months post op. This is my second procedure, I had around 1200 grafts with FUE. I had my first procedure last year (1400 grafts). I wanted to fill area on the side of my forehead and add density.

So, at 9 months new grafts grow on the side of the forehead and on the right side of the hairline thick, but on the let side and in the middle of the hairline new grafts don't grow and there are gasps. ALSO, on the left side the first row of my previously transplanted hair are gone or became thinner. I thought that shock loss of transplanted hair is always reversible. Some of them grew back, but a lot did not. I am talking about thick, transplanted hair, there were bald area before first procedure.

I would like to here your opinion on my situation, please.























Edited by Nekk5
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I can see that front layer that does not transition well when you have your hairline showing. It makes a see through effect.


At 9 months that looks like it probably isnt going to get any better. Def review this with the doc that worked on you.


Im hoping things get better for you and you get some solution. I can relate and hoping all goes well.

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Hi, Sean. Thank you for the answer.

I really don't understand why new grafts didn't grow in that area (and old grafts are damaged in that area) when all grafts in other areas did grow.

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Who was your doctor? Your best option would be to head to a high end hairline doctor such as Feriduni, or Keser and Lupanzula who both do extractions and incisions themselves.


You should ask for a refund if possible, never a good idea to head back for a repair to a doctor that did a botch job the first time.


If it helps, your hair still looks very good and I don't think the average person would think any thing of it other than a little bit of "thinning hair".

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  • Senior Member
Hi, Sean. Thank you for the answer.

I really don't understand why new grafts didn't grow in that area (and old grafts are damaged in that area) when all grafts in other areas did grow.


It could be the placement and quality of grafts that were placed there. You were given information about groupings and grafts so it is confusing. It could be the type of anestesia used and how much. Many factors can cause it. But since your hair grew before, it probably isn't your physiology. Get this sorted with the surgeon and report back of what happened. It helps a lot of folks. Yield here isn't on point. Do you hve any outdoor shots in the sun?

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Looks to me that the hairline was dropped, not reenforced, judging from the mole at the hairline. Before, its below the hairline. After, is above the weak hairline.

Edited by Spanker

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Also, are you on finasteride? At your age, further loss could be to blame as well. As sometimes, young guys not on meds whonare balding can be fast balders.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Regular Member
Who was your doctor? Your best option would be to head to a high end hairline doctor such as Feriduni, or Keser and Lupanzula who both do extractions and incisions themselves.


You should ask for a refund if possible, never a good idea to head back for a repair to a doctor that did a botch job the first time.


If it helps, your hair still looks very good and I don't think the average person would think any thing of it other than a little bit of "thinning hair".

My doctor is from Serbia. She did a great job with my first procedure, but this time it is really bad.

This is good advice, I will think about that. I am also thinking about Dr. Maras. I really like his results.

When you look from distance hairline looks fine, but when you look closer it could be much better.

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  • Regular Member
It could be the placement and quality of grafts that were placed there. You were given information about groupings and grafts so it is confusing. It could be the type of anestesia used and how much. Many factors can cause it. But since your hair grew before, it probably isn't your physiology. Get this sorted with the surgeon and report back of what happened. It helps a lot of folks. Yield here isn't on point. Do you hve any outdoor shots in the sun?

Can you please tell me something more about that if the problem was with anesthesia? Because in that left area they gave me anesthesia more times than in other areas during procedure. I can clearly remember that. Yes, this is an outdoor shot.



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Looks to me that the hairline was dropped, not reenforced, judging from the mole at the hairline. Before, its below the hairline. After, is above the weak hairline.

Thanks for the answer. Yes, hairline was dropped, but also they put some extra grafts among old grafts which were thick and in that area old grafts were damaged. Some of then became very curly and I have straight hair.

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Can you please tell me something more about that if the problem was with anesthesia? Because in that left area they gave me anesthesia more times than in other areas during procedure. I can clearly remember that. Yes, this is an outdoor shot.




A little more information on anesthesia:

Hair Loss and Anesthesia - Chicago - Telogen Effluvium


I can see the concern in the outdoor shot, but one with sunlight may help see how people see it on a typical sunny day.


Did you bring up the concern to the surgeon? Any feedback?

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Hello, i believe from what you described regarding your previous transplanted hair not growing back this could be collateral damage, many hairs are permanently lost during the procedure if they are planted to close together they fight for the same blood supply and some aren't able to survive

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Going to be honest from that last photo you posted your problem looks very small, I don't think anyone would notice. It actually looks very good. Stay away from any but the best hairline doctors with proven track records such as Konior, Feriduni, Keser, Erdogan etc or risk making things worse.

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Hello, i believe from what you described regarding your previous transplanted hair not growing back this could be collateral damage, many hairs are permanently lost during the procedure if they are planted to close together they fight for the same blood supply and some aren't able to survive


Yes, I also think that it is the problem, but doctor swears they didn't do it which is not true I think.

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  • Regular Member
Going to be honest from that last photo you posted your problem looks very small, I don't think anyone would notice. It actually looks very good. Stay away from any but the best hairline doctors with proven track records such as Konior, Feriduni, Keser, Erdogan etc or risk making things worse.


Thank you, but it would look much better if second procedure was successful. I will think about which one to choose.

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A little more information on anesthesia:

Hair Loss and Anesthesia - Chicago - Telogen Effluvium


I can see the concern in the outdoor shot, but one with sunlight may help see how people see it on a typical sunny day.


Did you bring up the concern to the surgeon? Any feedback?


Thank you for info!


Well, doctor says that I must wait 15 months before she can tell what was the problem?


Do you also think that 15 months waiting is realistic when I do not see much progress and new growth since 7 month mark?

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Thank you for info!


Well, doctor says that I must wait 15 months before she can tell what was the problem?


Do you also think that 15 months waiting is realistic when I do not see much progress and new growth since 7 month mark?


Ok, hopefully this doc doesn't change this 15 month timeline. It is good it isn't a bullshit 18 month or 24 month timeline. I personally do not think there is a chance of 'new' and substantial growth after 8-9 months. Maybe a little hair maturing here and there.


Regardless some of these long timelines are such ridiculous wastes of time. I really hope this doc helps you at that 15 month mark. Since the doc agrees and recognizes a problem.


Remember, there are measures you can take via feds if you do not get a resolution. This includes state med boards and other venues. For other venues, you may need a list of some businesses online that may have shown something. Can direct you to how to proceed with multiple things later on if there is an issue.


For now, take care of yourself and all you can do is wait till the 15 month mark to see what miracle occurs. Good luck.

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