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Acrobaz's HT journey - Dr Feller


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Things are progressingly slowly but surely each and every month. It looks like your scar in the one area may be a little wider, but it's concealed nicely by your hair. That's how my scar was in particular after my third procedure, with some improvements this time around.


I'm looking forward to seeing what your hair looks like in a few months.


Keep 'em coming!



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Hello all


I have updated my blog today with my 8-month photos. I'd welcome any comments. My own position, in short, is:


- It's a monumental improvement from where I was (I never lose sight of that)

- Thrilled with the look from the front, particularly the natural looking hairline

- Thrilled with the look from the left

- Hoping for a little more thickness on the top of the forelock

- Hoping for a lot more thickness on the right, which is still lagging behind

- The scar is a bit wider in places than ideally I would have liked

- and yet ... knowing there is still some way to go!


Oddly the right hand side is where, when I first started to thin, I lost hair first. I attach a cropped photo of me in 2003 - I'm thinning more on the right there than the left too. I wonder if it's connected?


I'm particularly interested in any styling suggestions people may have, in order to maximise the illusion of density. This is because I am beginning to wonder if the lack of density on the right is simply the way my hair happens to sit when unstyled. And I am rubbish at styling it.


I'll keep posting - probably at 10 months post-op next. My sincere thanks again to Dr Feller and his team.


17 Feb 09 - 3,200 FUs by strip surgery (Dr Feller)


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Acrobaz, thank you for the update. Yes, you are right - you have come a long way. Very nice. You were not so lucky with the scar and it seems to have widdened a bit. Are you concerned about this? Also, in my case, I find my hair looks best when combed back to get that layering effect. But I am bad at styling too - will be interesting to see the suggestions you receive cos I could use them too!


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I know I said next update at 10 months post-op, but I thought you might find this a worthwhile post.


I mostly upload pictures that show my hair as it appears outside under direct and quite bright sunlight. While that is an honest portrayal, it can mislead viewers as to the effect of the "illusion" of density when out of direct bright light (as I am for most of the time).


I have added a blog entry to my hair loss site today. The pictures shown under the heading "Direct comparison: pre-op and 8.5 months" were taken from almost exactly the same angle: but one was pre-op, while the other was taken today at 8.5 months' post-op. I had a haircut last week - a sort of textured crop - which gave my hair a bit more "shape".


I thought you might find the new pictures interesting. The difference is clear. It's great for me to see. This is actually my left side pictured; the camera on my laptop reverses the image.



17 Feb 09 - 3,200 FUs by strip surgery (Dr Feller)


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I have today updated my blog with my ten-month post-op pictures.


How am I feeling? The overwhelming sense that I have is that I did the right thing and that I am delighted with where I have got so far. There will probably be some further maturing and thickening to go, and that is all for the good. But the improvement from where I was before the operation is dramatic. I no longer wince at pictures of myself and I feel content when I am styling my hair. I have had an enormous range of positive comments, along the lines of looking young, fit, well etc - and sometimes just "whoa, cool hair". But the change has been so gradual that no-one has flat out asked me whether I have had a hair transplant. It helps of course that the new hairline is maturely positioned.


Until recently I was wearing my hair much longer, and there is no doubt that this helps me style it in a way that enhances the illusion of density. I had not appreciated before the HT (as much as I do now) how important a part styling plays in maintaining that illusion, although it's fairly obvious really.


In the most recent set of pictures, I have again had my hair cut fairly short, partly so that viewers/readers can compare like with like. I am not wearing any product. I have (as usual) aimed to take them in direct and quite harsh sunlight - although viewers/readers should bear in mind that much of my time is spent in lower lit conditions that enhance the illusion of density. These pics were taken in the evening sunlight. I won't pretend that I am not still hoping that the front right side catches up in density terms with the front left side. That said, I am not going to let something short of perfection detract me from feeling very happy indeed with my result so far.


I also want to take the opportunity to pay tribute to Dr Feller for his artistry (and giving me a spring in my step) and to Spex for his support, encouragement and constant reminders that it is a waiting game.


My next update will be at 12 months. I will try to incorporate some variety - longer hair, wet hair, different styles, etc. I think it's helpful for people to see the result both with and without amplification.


I am going "off grid" in a few days for about a month, but will try to deal with any queries/PMs on my return. Otherwise, best wishes to everyone for the festive season.




17 Feb 09 - 3,200 FUs by strip surgery (Dr Feller)


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The comparison at 8.5 months look great, but the pics are very dark.


The pics in the sun light show the reality of a hair transplant.I was expecting a little more density especially with this being round two.


There has been a definite improvement, and you seem happy and that is all that matters.

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Hello again folks.


Anouar - a comparison of my "top down" pics from pre-op to now appears to demonstrate that the areas where I was most bald before are still the areas where I lack density now - and, given the even distributions of the grafts over the frontal third, perhaps that is not surprising. However, equally I must acknowledge the possibility that I have been a poor grower on the right hand side.


Bandido - this is round one, not round two. I was hoping that round two might be a few years off yet! The 8.5 months comparison was deliberately done to show maximum illusion, while the majority of the blog pictures are in sunlight.


I am happy with where I am. It's not perfect but it's a massive improvement. I'll post some more pics at 12 months where I will try to demonstrate different styles. It's also hard for the pictures to show what I *see*, close up in the mirror. The hairs on the right seem thinner than on the left, and that makes me hope that there is still maturing and thickening to come.


Crucially, I did have realistic expectations about what round one would achieve. I also ought to say: I've been in contact with Dr Feller and he has been supportive and helpful throughout.


My main aim in this has always been to pay it forward for men (and women) thinking about having the procedure; I'm not fishing for "whoa dude" comments. Realistic pics and realistic commentary - it's what we all need. Please take what you will from it.




17 Feb 09 - 3,200 FUs by strip surgery (Dr Feller)


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You've certainly come a long way and I (along with countless others on this site) appreciate your thorough documentation.


In the most recent photos, it really does appear that your right side is lagging behind. Are there hairs that are still growing, or do you think the yield on the right side is perhaps not where it should be? Have you spoken to Dr. Feller about this and what were his thoughts?


I'm glad you're pleased, but I also hope that one side thickens up so that you will be *thrilled*!




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Thanks for taking and presenting new photos at 10 months. While it's a little thin on one side, you're a long way from where you were prior to surgery. Your new hair should also continue to grow and thicken up over the next couple of months. Worst case scenerio, you'll need maybe another small procedure which should really improve on the density you have.


All the Best,



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  • 2 months later...
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Hello everyone. I've updated my weblog (see link below) with my one-year post-op pictures. My hair is thicker and longer, which adds to the illusion of density - which is what we are all after! Any questions, please let me know. I remain happy with my result.


M&M - sorry for the delay in responding to your query. Dr Feller has remained supportive throughout and ready to answer my occasional questions. Quite rightly, he has adopted a steady "wait and see" approach but he accepts that I may need more work on the right side in due course. For my part, I never expected to get the hair I wanted in one pass and I have realistic expectations for when I should go for HT number 2. In my mind, I think it should be a few years off, when I have lost more natural hair on top and need more work there too.



17 Feb 09 - 3,200 FUs by strip surgery (Dr Feller)


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Originally posted by Acrobaz:

Hello everyone. I've updated my weblog (see link below) with my one-year post-op pictures. My hair is thicker and longer, which adds to the illusion of density - which is what we are all after! Any questions, please let me know. I remain happy with my result.


M&M - sorry for the delay in responding to your query. Dr Feller has remained supportive throughout and ready to answer my occasional questions. Quite rightly, he has adopted a steady "wait and see" approach but he accepts that I may need more work on the right side in due course. For my part, I never expected to get the hair I wanted in one pass and I have realistic expectations for when I should go for HT number 2. In my mind, I think it should be a few years off, when I have lost more natural hair on top and need more work there too.




Acrobaz, your right on target and looking even better than I was at this stage... everyone is different with there regrowth 'timing' but one thing which is the same is that even after a year... the hair then starts to become even more natural as it grows out and settles into its new home!! I am certain even 2 years after my 1st HT my hair quality is still becoming more and more natural until its undetectable between the native hair and the grafts.


I think you look awesome at this stage and I like how your thinking realistically as its not always 1 pass... its great to hear you have a mind set as it sounds spot on to me.. having a touch in is really the icing on the cake in most cases.


All the best and keep doing what your doing. I'm looking forward to seeing how things are going in the near future icon_smile.gif

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I wish I had scrolled up to look at your before pics more closely now... as you look really good! You must be over the moon with how natural and full your hair looks now! Congrats it already looks full and natural but there will still be even more thickening happening over the coming months... you look great icon_wink.gif

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Many thanks for the nice comments BadhairUK. You're absolutely right - the cosmetic difference at this stage comes from the maturing of the new hair. It's so much more natural than it was a few months ago and very hard to tell the difference between the original hair and the transplanted hair.


Today I did something that I have looked forward to since the operation a year ago: I went to see a proper gentleman's barber at a reputable salon for a proper cut and style. This guy is *the* men's barber in my home town and has been in business for over 30 years. I spoiled myself and paid extra bucks to see the man himself.


I wanted advice - for the first time in years! - about styling. I particularly wanted to avoid going down too short around the scar area, so I took a deep breathe and told him about the hair transplant. He was the first *new* person I've shared it with outside my immediate family. I do not exaggerate by saying that he was absolutely gobsmacked! He said he has seen some butchery over the years and that this was the best transplant he had ever seen. He said that he would probably have picked up traces of the scar when cutting at the back, but would not have noticed that the front third was almost all transplanted hair.


Thankfully (as it was a weekday afternoon) I was the only customer there - so he got his colleague along to have a look and they both admired Dr Feller's artistry. We talked about the op in detail (he says he is often asked questions about hair loss and various treatments) and he now wants me to email some names of top surgeons so he can put links about them onto an info section on his website! Being a good forum member, I shall not cheerlead for just one surgeon and shall give him various names.


All in all, today was a great day.

17 Feb 09 - 3,200 FUs by strip surgery (Dr Feller)


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Acrobaz, first off, WOW! What an amazing result for a relatively modest # of grafts!


Looking back at your 4 week post do you still believe that those were new hairs that sprouted so early? I ask because I'm at the 4 week mark now and believe (or at least I modestly hope) that I may be seeing early signs of growth too.


I started getting acne after only 2 weeks and I started spotting little, fine hairs popping up around 3 weeks. You can check out my 3 week pics to see what I mean. I know I've got a long, long way to go and all, but I'm just curious to hear the opinion of someone like yourself who seemed to experienced the same thing.


Thanks in advance.

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Hello all - I'm back for the first time in a while. I have updated my blog with new photos taken at 19 months post-op and some more recent commentary. My hair in these pictures is quite a bit shorter and certainly more groomed - I have brushed it for a change!


Best wishes

Edited by Acrobaz

17 Feb 09 - 3,200 FUs by strip surgery (Dr Feller)


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I checked out your pics. Congratulations! Your hair looks great. You've made quite a transformation.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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