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Dr Rahal - 3699 grafts - 7 month update

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  • Senior Member

You are right, there are a few areas that look like they have slightly weaker growth, but overall I think it looks great and your pictures increase my confidence in going to Rahal. If you compare your preop pictures to your current pictures, the difference is quite remarkable.

Also it is possible that you will have a slight improvement going forward. Possibly a little more density and increased diameter of the transplanted hairs.

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  • Regular Member

scottishguy, great to see your update! i understand your frustration with the slightly weaker corner areas of your hairline (my situation is similar - i'll be posting my 6-month pics in a couple of weeks time), BUT BUT BUT - looking at you dry pics - who would think that you've had anything done? or that you ever even NEEDED to? (forget us hair fanatics on here who obsessively examine our own and other people's hairlines - i mean in real life out there...)

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  • Regular Member

I think your hair is looking great. I see your areas of concern, but the benefits you've gained outweigh them entirely. Also, I think your hairline looks very natural. We all want perfectly symmetrical hairlines, but yours is very natural and not perfectly straight as if it were artificial. As far as product goes, would you recommend the Sammy product you use?

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Scot, you have come a tremendously long way since your pre op situation. You have had amazing growth in my opinion, especially considering you are still only currently at the 7 month stage. You will surely have further thickening and maturation. Your concerns however are genuine, and you do appear to have areas that are a more sparse than others. However I echo the sentiments of "Coligen" in that the positives far outweigh and negatives. Your looking great. Have you mentioned your concerns to Adrian?

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for the comments.


I've definitely come a long way from where I was before - basically there was no way I could comb my hair without it looking like a comb over. Now I think it looks pretty good, and I do really like the dry combed forward pics.


I'd prefer to not need to worry about my hair at all - spending time each day putting product in my hair is a bit of a drag.


I've not emailed Adrian yet - I'm 5000 miles away from them so there isn't much they can do. I'll wait for another month or two to see if there is any change.

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