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2000 grafts unshaved FUE at Advanced Hair Clinic, Athens


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They said based on my pics mine's gonna run a 2-day session and require 4500-5000 grafts.. I'm looking at about 6500 Euros. This sounds fair seeing as my crown thinning area is somewhat large. I'm hoping that even with this many grafts I can still catch a flight out on the 3rd day and not be in too much pain. I've done the strip (FUT) before which was a fair amount of pain in the back of my head... I hope this hurts less!


On your flight back did you wear a bandana or hat? Any trouble at security?


Ah fair enough if you’re doing it over two days. I didn’t check in a bag so has to go through security with liquid for my scalp but they gave me a letter to show them and I got through fine. I wore a cap myself on their advise and wear it loose and you’ll be fine.


I can only speak for me but the FUE was pretty painless. The process is painless and after I found it pretty fine. No swelling, no real discomfort just the odd small feeling of pins and needles but it was very minor.


I’ll definitely keep the monthly updates going to help you in your decision. If I get good density I’ll be back to them myself this year to finish the job :)

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Thanks a lot for your insight man. Yes post later pics when your density is really coming in. I'm all but certain to go ahead and make a reservation with them. My only thing is, I hope they can shave just what is necessary because I don't want my strip scar to show.



Thanks again

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They just let me know that in order to get maximum density, in my case they will have to shave the entire donor area.. BUT they also said they will be able to pretty much conceal the scar by adding some grafts to it on day 2. I'm getting like 2 procedures in 1! Yeah once I get it done I'll update here- probably a few months out from now..

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They did try and convince me to get maximum density that I'd need to shave it but I said no, so it is optional but to be honest next time I'm going shaved to get more area done and full density. I've got used to wearing a cap, which helps :)


Maybe start wearing a cap for a while before you go so it doesn't look like you're hiding something when you do!

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Got a small haircut yesterday and just thought I’d share this picture. Think now can see a lot of hairs coming through after 5 a bit months, which I’m happy about. Might get decent density which I’d be really happy with given I went totally unshaved.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Another one just taken there. I'm happy enough, just probably like most I'm impatient for to see better results. There's lot of hairs there that don't seem to be growing quick enough, you can see them there. If they grow I can see decent coverage.


I'll admit I wish I just went for the shaved option and got more done. Next one to do the back I'm gonna go shaved to get as much done as possible. People have got used to me in a cap so I'll get away with it :)


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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Lookin good Patrick. I remember the full regrowth on my first procedure took like 12-15 months. I'm all set to get my next one done in 6 weeks at Advanced Hair Clinic. As far as minoxidil goes, they told me I could use up until the day before the procedure- if you were on minoxidil, did they tell you something similar? I know there's many different opinions and forums on this, but I'm planning to stop one week before, since this seems to be the norm now.. although my first procedure the doctor advised 2 weeks. I just think one day before is not soon enough.



But I'm totally stoked for my procedure with them!!

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Lookin good Patrick. I remember the full regrowth on my first procedure took like 12-15 months. I'm all set to get my next one done in 6 weeks at Advanced Hair Clinic. As far as minoxidil goes, they told me I could use up until the day before the procedure- if you were on minoxidil, did they tell you something similar? I know there's many different opinions and forums on this, but I'm planning to stop one week before, since this seems to be the norm now.. although my first procedure the doctor advised 2 weeks. I just think one day before is not soon enough.



But I'm totally stoked for my procedure with them!!


Hi Ted, I never used minoxidil before the procedure but they did recommend using it and said to wait a week, not sure there would be much issue with it the day before tbh.


Attached some pictures there from today after the morning shower, seems to be making progress.




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  • 2 weeks later...
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At 8 months now. Not sure if I'm happy or not. Unsure if I'm going to get the density I want and my donor doesn't look great.


Unshaven FUE sucks and so do random clinics no one has heard of like the one you went to.

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Unshaven FUE sucks and so do random clinics no one has heard of like the one you went to.


I suppose time will tell, the next 4-6 months are vital. I think though as I’ve got in the habit of wearing a cap, I’m just going to do a shaved all over one next, you get more done and better density etc.

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I'm going to be brutally honest and say that you get what you pay for. I could tell from

the beginning this was going to be a jank result. Trying to save money by going with a low-cost, unproven clinic is going to ultimately cost you more in repairs and additional sessions.

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